Becoming More Suspicious At Hara

Next Generation(Close Friends or True Love? #3)

It was already the next day, the girls arrived at practice and it felt awkward since it was only the four of them now.

"Morning." Minwoo said sadly.

"Hey..." ________ sighed sadly.

________ looked out the door and she spotted Hara and her friends walking by.

"I'll be right back." _______ said as she walked out of the room.

________ was trying to be sneaky until she saw Hara stopped.

"Unnie, what are we even going to do about those girls?" Jessica asked.

"Don't worry! Besides, there's some guards there. And those guys better be good at guarding them. I feel like they don't seem to be trusted." Hara said.

________ made a surprise look as she listened to the conversation.

"Yeah, but one of them is going to find out soon. I'm not sure...what's going to happen. If one of them finds out, then who knows what might happen between us." Hani said worriedly.

"There not going to find out trust me." Hara said.

"You know, this might be all your fault! You're letting us do the wrong thing!" Haneul said.

"So! Don't you guys want to get what you always wanted?" Hara asked.

"Even though I want to be married to Minwoo-oppa, I just kind of have feeling it too much." Jessica said.

"They won't even find out...besides, those girls are just dumb." Un Hae said as she crossed her arms.

"So it is them..." ________ said surprised.

Yong Jae then started to get suspicious, like someone is watching them.

"Unnie..." Yong Jae said worriedly.

"I know...I'm starting to become suspicious as well." Hara mumbled.

I have to tell them right away. They have the right to know! _______ thought to herself.

Just as when she was about to get up, someone grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her back.

"You're not getting away with this!" Hara said.

"Hey! Let go of me! I knew all along it was you!" _______ said angrily.

"Why can't you just stay still you little brat!" Un Hae said.

"What's your problem?!" Haneul asked.

"Quick! You guys need to hold her down!" Hara said.

"...Youngmin!" _______ screamed.

Youngmin heard something until he started to hear _______'s voice.

"Did you guys hear something?" Minwoo asked.

They didn't hear me... _______ thought surprised.

"Guys...wait..." ________ said.

"How can we even hold this girl down!" Jessica said.

"What do you need now?" Soohyun asked.

"Finally hold her down quickly! She's acting like a child!" Hara said.

"Haven't you try keeping shut?" Kevin asked.

"No...she's loud!" Un Hae said.

________ was struggling but, she could escape quickly. She then made a worried look.

I have to more time! _______ thought to herself.

Soohyun made a sad look but, then he grab _______ and started to carry her.

"Soohyun! Let go of me!" _______ shouted.

"Alright, let go!" Hara said.

Back with the others, they made a worried look.

"Ok, I'm starting to get worried. Why isn't she coming back?" _______ asked.

"We need to find her." Youngmin suggested.

"Soohyun! Aren't you even listening?!" _______ asked.

"You forgot that they are on our side!" Jessica said.

"Youngmin!!" ________ screamed.

Everyone heard it and Soohyun cover .

"I'm sorry...but this is one way." Kevin said sadly.

The rest heard it quickly and they finally arrived.

"________!" Youngmin shouted.

________ looked up and she made a surprise look.

"Hey! Let go of our dongsaeng!" Minwoo said.

"Minwoo!" _______ called out.

Soohyun throw her in and then he got in. Hara quickly got in, and she dropped a necklace.

"Unnie! Go!" Hani said.

Hara  quickly stepped on the gas and they drove off quickly. Youngmin was too late and he made a surprise look.

"Youngmin..." Donghyun said.

"Are you ok?" _______ asked.

Youngmin made a sad look and he sighed.

"Didn't you just see that?! They just took her?! Why would they even do that?! Now she's the one that has been kidnapped!" Youngmin shouted.

"Youngmin, it's going to be alright." _______ said sadly.

Youngmin sighed and then he spotted a necklace on the ground.

"Now...I feel like the problem has gotten even more worst." ________ said sadly.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 85: kwangmin color yellow!
I love blue!! I am a Youngmin bias!! Hehehee
kwangminshypika #3
Yay! I'm finally done. ♥ I'm was happy when they all got back together. (:
Ani! Babo! It's too late! You're going to make me start all over again!!! -_-'
I want two kids Zero & Ichiru~!!!!!!!!!! xD
Haha, yes...and yea! You're the only one that has 2 kids. Since little kids love you. Keke XD
Wait... WHAT!!!! Two kids O_o. awww u named them the way i would of named my kids keke...
Haha, yes. And she acts like you. Haha wow umma.
Yes my beautiful daughter scarlett x) aha i had a kid with HyunSeong YEAH!!!!
Aigoo, unnie. :P