Chapter Seven

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter 7

"This isn't the way to school." Tiffany turn around and look at Yoong after seeing him turn right to a different street.

"We need to pick Jessica up...Duh."

"Oh, she haven't tell anything huh. You don't need to be her taxi driver anymore you know. She have a handsome personal bodyguard already."


"WHAT?" Yoong turn around and scream at Tiffany not believing what she just said.

"Yah! It's the red light!!" She quickly turn his head to face the road and panic after seeing Yoong still not pressing on the break when the light turn red...

"Wait wait, what personal bodyguard?? Who??"

"Personal bodyguard..The bodyguard that follow her 24/7. And remember the guy in the hospital, it's him.."

"Andwae!! I will have less excuses to see Jessica now..." Yoong pout and hit the driving wheel slightly..."I want to confess to her on Valentine Day now."

"You want to what?? Tomorrow??" Tiffany look at him weirdly and shake her head.."Finally you come up with a good idea...Aww, it will be so cute..A confession on Valentine's day.." She smile and pat him on the shoulder.




*kaw kaw kaw* Taeng is driving Jessica to school now, and the atmosphere in here is really awkward...Nobody talked or look at each other.

"How...old are you?" Jessica suddenly turn around and ask him.

"Me?...I'm 21." He reply back still driving.

"'re older than me by one year...It's weird hearing you call me Miss Jessica."

"It's part of the manners I have to follow..."

"Why don't you just call me Jessica.."

"I'll try.." He turn around and smile..."Hmm..tomorrow is Valentines, anything fun?" Taeng suddenly ask a awkward question and secretly hit himself in his mind for blurting such weird question.

"Huh? No...Just staying home like every year.." She pout and fidgit her hands after Taeng made her feel lonely just thinking about tomorrow.

"No? not doing anything for you?" He ask her another weird question, making Jessica look at him.

"Eh? Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend...If you're talking about the person who follow me to the hospital before, he's not my boyfriend..haha." She laugh after seeing that Taeng thought she was Yoong's girlfriend..."How...about you?"

"Oh..I thought he was...For me...same, just staying home.."

"Yay! Hi-5." Jessica smile brightly and reach over to hi-5 Taeng...Somehow they seem to got closer and the relationship right here doesn't seem like boss and bodyguard at all...



"I love this song." Jessica exclaim after spotting one of her favorite song on the radio...

"Really? This song is really good!" He smile and turn the volume louder.

And so as they share each other informations and opinions, through out the whole car session, Jessica and Taeng has somewhat gotten to known each other...This is the beginning of their....hehe.




"Jessica!" Yoong wave out after seeing Jessica approaching him...but he then frown after seeing "her bodyguard" beside her and they are even drinking coffee from his shop.

"Hello." Taeng politely bow to YoonFany and greet them as he was teached before.

"Hi." Tiffany show off her eyesmile once again and greet him back.



"Jessica...please sit next to me." Yoong secretly praying to himself as they find a spot to sit down in the classroom. But the outcome wasn't what he wanted, The seating order was Taeng, Jessica, Tiffany, and then Yoong...A few time, he will glance over to see how Jessica is doing..then glare at



"No more led??" Jessica shake her pencil trying to get the led out but nothing came out...

"You can use mine. I'll get another one." Taeng point to his pencil after seeing Jessica struggle trying to get led out of hers...Tiffany on the side watching Taeng and can't help but admire how gentleman he is. "Here-"

"This one-" At the same time, they both grab the pencil laying on the table..when this happen, their hands touched somehow sending an electric feeling to their body

"Sorry." Taeng quickly pull his hand back and look away...

*Thump thump thump* Someone heart is beating faster and faster at this moment..."What's wrong with me??" Jessica said and shake her head.

"Jessica...Jessica...Cucumber!!" Yoong call out from the side making Jessica surprised...He was just getting her attention and wanting to interrupt whatever they were doing over there.

"Yah! Stop calling me with that ugly green thing." She reply back and threw an eraser over at Yoong, landing it straight in his face.

"Hehe..Thank you for the eraser." He's still happy that Jessica answered him back even though she threw something at his face...

"Yoong is a weirdo." Jessica reach over and whisper into Tiffany, who is sitting between Jessica and Yoong.

"I know." Tiffany whisper back and chuckle.

And so the whole class session went quite smooth, nothing big happen either...And so did their day...Taeng follow Jessica wherever she goes, and Yoong seem annoyed by that...hahah..Someone is jealous.




_Next Day_

"I knew it...should I go?" Jessica frown while looking at her phone screen.

Let meet at the central park in the afternoon at about 9:00am. You better come or else I'll bring cucumbers to your house. P/S: Don't bring your bodyguard...>.<≈ It was a text message from Yoong, he had plan to confess his feelings to her today.

"I should bring Taeng with me.." She said to herself and call someone on the phone..



"He...llo?" The person reply back in a sleepy voice.

"Where are you?" She was calling Taeng checking where he was.

"Next to your room...sleeping." He reply slowly and quietly.

"Yah, how can a bodyguard still be sleeping! Hurry and wake up, we need to go somewhere.."

"Where?...I'm sleeping though." Because of not fully awake, Taeng totally forgot who he is talking to, that's explain why he is replying so casually.



"Am I seriously waking a bodyguard up?!?" Jessica had went over to Taeng's room wanting to wake him up.."His sleeping is so c-...What's wrong with you Jessica!!" She shake her head from all the thought about how cute her bodyguard sleep and quickly went over to wake him up. "Wake up!!" She approach him and shake him repeatedly.

"Huh?..why?" He reply back lazily, face still burried in his pillow.

"You're getting fired!!" Jessica yell in his ear loudly so that he can wake up.

"What? I'm losing my job-" He quickly turn around and open his eyes wide...At that moment, their face was about 3 inches from each other..and the whole eye contact thing went on again...*Thump, thump, thump* Someone heart is beating wildly for no reason..

"Oh god!" Taeng quickly grab his pillow and cover his face with it, creating a wall between their face now..haha.

"Um...I need to you down stair 30 minutes later..." Jessica stutter while saying her last words before quickly walking away to outside...not wanting to stay in the awkward atmosphere anymore.

"Did my eyes turn back normal??" After Jessica left, Taeng grab his phone and check his eyes, making sure that it wasn't red anymore.




"She's coming, she's not coming, she's coming..." There was a tall skinny person sitting in the park with a bunch of pink and red decoration next to him...There were balloons hanging everywhere, from the bench to the trees...And also a dozen of roses bouquet...The person was Yoong.

"Ahem! Jessica, today is Valentines Day...Aish! No no..." He stood up and look at the tree, acting out what he will said before the real Jessica gets here..."Hehe, you look pretty...ah! Not that one...Um...For you." He said and held out the bouquet to the fake Jessica, the tree..."I don't have a Valentines Date...Do you want to be my Valentines?...Nevermind! Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He smile after agreeing with the last script and happily fix his bow waiting for Jessica to get here.



"Oh, somebody want to propose to you...I'll stay here...Have fun." As Taeng and Jessica arrived at the location, Taeng spotted a bunch of balloons close by and infer that he shouldn't be a third wheeler.

"No...come..." She grab his hand and quickly drag him along with's just been 2 and a half days since they known each other, and yet the two already went through many heart attack moments, this time, it was Taeng however. "But...I don't want to get beaten up for interrupting a couple on V-day.."



" did she bring her bodyguard!!!" Yoong frown and frantically jump up and down not knowing what to do now since they are not the only two here.

"Hello Yoong!" Jessica approach him and pretend like she didn't see the surroundings.

"I guess..I'll walk around the park. Annyeong-" Taeng wave quickly and try to zoom out of this pink atmosphere as soon as possible.

"Yah." She pull him back and frown..."So Yoong, why do want me to come out here? Ohh..who is this for?" Jessica smile and went around looking at the balloons floating in the air.

"I-It's...for...that girl that I told you...Why isn't she coming??" Yoong made up an excuse and look at his phone pretending to see the time..."So, is this okay? I told you to come out here to help and check me making sure I'm doing an okay job."

"'s cute...I'm sure she will like it." Jessica reply back and fix Yoong's crooked bow on his next...Jessica was normal about this small action, but Yoong is screaming loudly inside him. "If there isn't anything else, I'll leave so that I won't interrupt you guys later...hehe."

"Uh..." Yoong hesitate, not wanting to say goodbye to Jessica...his plans has totally failed..."Ann..yeong." He wave at her slowly, wanting to take as much time up as possible.

"Good luck! Yoongie fighting!!" Jessica said and left, not forgetting to do a cheer at the end.



"Wasn't that all for you?" Taeng quickly catch up and look at Jessica blankly.

"You won't understand." She said and pout.



" plans failed...what now.." Yoong sat down on one of the bench and threw the bouquet with roses to the ground even kicking it with his foot....tsk tsk...Poor Yoong...



What will Yoong do now? Why did Jessica just walk away? Do Jessica...know...that....Will Yoong succeed??

Coming Soon ^___^


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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!