Chapter Five

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Five

"Where are you? I can't find you in the hospital." Yul was calling him when he was in the elevator.

"I was at the president's office..Where are you?" Taeng reply back calmly while approaching his apartment room.

"Behind you." Yul said and tap Taeng on the shoulder..."Why were you at the president's office? What happened?"

"He offer a job, to be a bodyguard. Are you interest in it, I'll offer it over to you haha." He took out the small card and show it to Yul.

"Nah, I'm fine. My dad would kill me if I choose to become a bodyguard over a hundreds of other jobs." Yul shake his head and head inside straight to the couch.

"You're cool, why don't you just obey him and look over his company?"

"I don't want to. I'm not ready yet, I still want to have free time and other fun stuffs eh?"

"Haha, you still need to date girls don't ya? Tsk tsk...I wonder where's umma.." Taeng sneer at his friend and went over to the kitchen to find his mom.

"It's somewhat a good reason. Yah, remember one of the girl yesterday? I have the same class as her...Her name is Tiffany." Yul smile brightly while flipping through the text messages he have been talking with Tiffany.

"New target again? Aigoo Kwon Yul, Kwon Yul, why are hitting on innocent girls? Don't tell me this will be another love game." Taeng look out to the where Yul is at while taking a sip out of the water bottle.

"No, haha...We're just friends. If I would have play with her, then I wouldn't lie to her saying I'm just a normal guy eh? I should have said I'm the son of the Kwon's family...Anyway, where's auntie?" He quickly got up and walk to where Taeng was and look around for Taeng's mom, since she always here at this time.

"I guess I need to go to the woods...look." Taeng show Yul the yellow sticky note that was paste on the fridge and they start reading it.

I went to your uncle house earlier, because your uncle has called in wanting to meet us. He want to talk to you about something, so hurry and come. -Your umma≈

"Want me to take you?"

"Nah, I'll drive. Save your car so you can drive your girlfriends, haha. But, aren't you going to the coffee shop?" Taeng put on his leather jacket and check the mails before leaving.

"Maybe...if I'm not lazy...Alright go, your uncle is probably waiting." They walk outside and lock the door behind them.

"Oh, I'll see you later then." They pat each other on the shoulder and went their seperate way.




*Knock knock* After arriving at the cabin, Taeng knock on the door waiting for someone to open it.

"Who's there?" Someone call out from inside.


"Taeng who??"

"Yah, just open the door."

"Arraso arraso, gosh, I need to verify before I let you in hyung. Got to be part of the wolves pack to go in, haha." A tall skinny guy open the door and smile brightly greeting his cousin.

"Sehun, where's uncle?" Taeng finally went in and walk around to find his uncle.

"Appa is in the back. And auntie is in the kitchen with my umma." Sehun said and point to the backyard.

"Oh ok." Taeng nod and went to the backyard quickly.."Hey mom, hey auntie!" He wave to them while passing by the kitchen brightly.



"Uncle." After seeing his uncle sitting in the back porch, Taeng went over and bow to him politely. His uncle was like his 2nd dad after his own dad died. He really care for Taeng and and in return, Taeng has always respected and obey him really well.

"Kiddo! You're here, sit down and we will talk."
"Why did you want to see me?" Taeng sat down infront of him and look at him blankly.

"I have some things I want to discuss with you. It's relating to your father."

"My father?"

"Yes your father. It's already 7 years already. You have already grown up enough to handle what I want you to do now. I still remember clearly, it was...-"

Quick flashback

"Grrr! You need to be this agressive." Taeng and his dad are in the forest joking around, and his dad is teaching him on how to be a wolf.

"Grr!!" Little Taeng was only 14 at that time, his cute little growl make his dad can't stop laughing.

"Ani, it should be like this.." He said and quickly transform into his wolf appearance, a big and strong wolf..."Look..GRRR!!" He breathe in and let out a big growl, even Taeng was amazed by his dad.

"Appa so cool!"

*Bang!* A gun shot suddenly went off nearby causing the two to freak out...



"I just heard a growl. There's a wolf nearby...I need to find it." A man with a big gun quietly said while looking around the place...There were a bunch of black suit guys behind him also. "I don't like wolves."



*BANG BANG!* "Appa...gun." Taeng look around but see there was nobody.

"Go hide. I'll scare them away." After saying, his dad slowly walk around to find the one with the gun, still in his wolf appearance, thinking that it will scare them away.

"Appa.." Taeng follow him from far away, making sure that his appa is still in his sight.



"Who??" After hearing the shuffling leaves sound, the man was more conscious and held tight onto his gun..."Got you.." He spotted a dark shadow near one of the bushes and smirk.



"Humans...not good...Gotta leave quickly." Taeng's dad said and slowly crawl from bushes to bushes trying to run away.



"Taeng, what are you doing here?" After seeing Taeng blending himself in behind the tree, his uncle went up to him and tap him on the shoulder..."Where's your dad?"

"He's coming!" Taeng yell out quietly with joy after seeing his father quickly approach him by the tree.

*BANG!* The gun shot went off again, and this time, Taeng's dad was standing there looking down at his chest. *BANG! BANG!* Two more went off, making him suddenly kneel down..

"APPA!! HYUNGNIM!" Both Taeng and his uncle yell out seeing their dad/brother falling down to tthe ground with three bullets in his body.."Appa!!" Taeng try to run over to where his dad was, but his uncle quickly pull him back and told him to be quiet...They quickly retreated and hid in the bushes watching as a bunch of people approach Taeng's dad.



"This is the weirdest wolf I ever see..But bad luck for you that you are a wolf. You guys have to pay back all the bad things you guys have did..." The man put his hands in his pocket and look down to the figure lying on the ground...His biggest enemy was wolves...Why? Because, when he was small, the wolves had taken his whole family's lives, he was the only that had escaped out of the chase...Turning into an orphan from there, he had told himself that wolves should not exist...And his hatred for them can never be said as little.."Let's go." He signal to the black suit guys and they quickly left.



"Ap–pa.." Taeng kneel down infront of his dad and started to cry."APPA!! Wake up!! You said that wolves need to be strong!! You need to be strong!! Appa!!~~huhu.." He shake the dead body trying to "wake" his dad..but there was no response at all.


"Appa.." A tear quickly escape from Taeng's eye as he was reminded back to his dad.

"It's alright kid...I know who he is.."


"He is...Jung Joonwon, the president of South Korea."

"WHAT?" Taeng look at his uncle weirdly, not believing that the person he just met earlier killed his dad.

"I didn't want to believe it either...But it's the truth...This would also be very hard to get revenge..."

"The president...kill my dad?" Taeng then remember back to meeting the president, thinking that he looks like a nice guy and everyone admire to be their president...



"Arraso...I know what to do now.."

"Don't get crazy yet Taeng..."

"I'm not..I won't harm him yet...Don't worry...I just need to think right now..." Taeng stood up and fix his clothes after sitting for a long time..."I'll leave, uncle." He bow and left politely.




That night, Taeng is still up looking at the small card the president had gave him...and thinking about his dad.

"Appa...Don't worry, I promise I won't give up.." He said and smile slightly staring into the card..



What will Taeng do now?? Coming Soon~
End Chap 5 ^__^



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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!