chapter Twenty One

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Twenty One

"How have you been?" Yul tap on Taeng's shoulder and whisper quietly as the prof is teaching.

"Good...Great." Taeng reply back wth a happy smile on his face..."But, it happened last night."

"Your wolf day?...Where did you hide? What happened?"

"I was in the president's house...It went away quickly...hehe." He remember back to Jessica's kiss and chuckle.

"How? Dude, you are totally crazy when it come to that day. I remember you tore down the whole room in my house." Yul frown and shake his head at Taeng.

"Just...something change.." Since it was a secret between him and Jessica only, they promised to not tell anyone.

"You're really weird lately...Especially after you moved in there to become a bodyguard..."



"Yul oppa!" A girl voice suddenly came from behind as YulTae walk outside the class waiting for Jessica and Tiffany.

"Hyemi?...You go to this school?? I thought you went to the US??" Yul look around first before talking to the girl with a surprise expression.

"Hehe, well, I did went to the US. But I had moved back to Seoul a week ago. I found out that you are currently going to this school, so I sign up in wanting to meet you again. Hi Taeng oppa!" The girl, Hyemi, said while smiling brightly to Yul then glancing over and waving to Taeng. Which Taeng wave back at her cooly. She is actually Yul......ex girlfriend....Duh dun dun dun!! They broke up 2 years ago when she have to move away, but then again, Yul didn't have any feelings for her...Just a little tiny tiny bit. So he was surprise to see her here..


"I miss you so much Yul ah." Hyemi suddenly hug Yul tightly, leaving Taeng and Yul puzzle and surprise at her action...Especially Yul, he didn't want Tiffany to think wrong if she was here right now.

"Ah..I don't think we should do this.." He try to push her away gently but she woudn't move.


*STOMP STOMP STOMP* The sound of a dinosaur walking suddenly appear out of no where....just wasn't a dinosaur or anything...It was just the sound of someone's high heels clicking loudly as they walk...It got even louder as the person was getting more angry..."Bye Jessi. I'll text you later when I have time. I don't want to stay here any longer. SOMETHING IS ANNOYING MY EYES." Tiffany said, pressing down the last sentence, word by word before walking away with her loud stomping again.

"What? Yah~ Aish...I'll talk to you later." He quickly push Hyemi away and frown before running off outside to catch Tiffany. 

"Yul....Taeng oppa, where is Yul going?" Hyemi turn around and talk to Taeng with an aegyo voice and an innocent look. Even Jessica feel annoyed by the look she gave Taeng and is slowly heating up inside...hahaha.

"Oh...With...his girlfriend...You shouldn't wait for him...You might want to come back and find him later next week or something..." Taeng reply back slowly and scratch his head trying to find an excuse to help Yul.

"Oh...Okay. Thanks oppa!" She smile and pat Taeng on the shoulder. "We should hang out someday. I miss hanging out with Yul and you....Well, I guess I'll be going. Bye oppa! Tell Yul I say bye." Hyemi wave to Taeng happily before walking away...Jessica is standing beside looking at the two of them coldly with her hands folded.

"No. I won't let you hang out with her, arraso?" She pout and drag Taeng outside.

"I never said I was...Someone is jealous...haha." He chuckle and look around, purposely glancing over to Jessica.

"Huh? I'm not jealous. Why should I be." She pretend to wander around and walk away acting like she's normal.

"Haha.." Taeng just smile at the cute Jessica and catch up to her.



"Hey, listen." Yul grab Tiffany's wrist and turn her around.

"Fine, I'm listening. What do you want to said?" She fold her hands and look at him coldly.

"Look. What you just saw isn't how it is. I have nothing with-"

"Isn't how it is? So you're calling me blind? I can see clearly with my two own eyes even plus Jessi's two eyes, that equal four eyes...I saw you and some random girl hugging. You call that nothing? So what exactly IS SOMETHING in your dictionary, Mr.player?"

"What? I told you I have nothing with her! She was my ex 2 years ago. But, I don't have any feelings for her right now. I'm actually telling you all this because I like you."

"Yeah right...Ex? You guys still seem close to each other huh? Even hugging and talking happily. How cute. I guess I'm just another toy for you that will get dump after awhile like her..haha." Tiffany let out a fake mocking laugh and look away.

"Hey, she's just my ex. Why are talking like this? But anyway, the only girl I like now is-"

"Don't go with all those cheesy thing. I think I expected too much from a player-"

"WILL YOU STOP WITH THE PLAYER THING? Don't bring everything to a conclusion just because I used to be a player. I told you to listen. Stop being stubborn will you?" Yul suddenly loose control and went off on Tiffany...He never really have a true relationship, that's why he can never know how to handle girls when it come to argueing.

"You're calling me stubborn? You're even yelling? Wow...I see Kwon Yul. Arraso, I won't bother you anymore. You can live your normal party life like you used to, know one will lock you up or anymore. Let just pretend nothing happen between us." After saying, Tiffany quickly walk away to her car, and got inside shutting the door loudly. "I'm seriously going crazy...I have too much hope about changing you...I was wrong..." She close her eyes and told the chauffer to turn on music as they drove away, leaving Yul there alone.


"AISH SERIOUSLY!" Yul kick the trashcan near by violently, causing everyone attention to be on him.




"Yah, when are you going to class? It's like 30 minutes waiting here in the parking lot already. I don't have all day you know." Yoong took out his phone to check the time and frown while looking over at Krystal who is sitting comfortably and texting in his car.

"Soon...My class start at 11am...30 more minutes sir."


"Hey, would this be a good idea, I need your help." He suddenly leaning over after zoning out a while and tap Krystal on the shoulder.

"Huh?" She look up from her phone over to Yoong...Their face was not that close, it was far away, but Yoong suddenly went "lost" while looking at Krystal. "Hello?" Krystal wave her hand infront of his face trying to get his attention after seeing Yoong zoned out. "I know I'm pretty, but you're making me shy...HAHA.." Krystal pretend to be shy and blink a few time at Yoong before covering her face.."I have alot of guys proposing to me though, I guess you need to get in line." She pretend to act agrogrant and flip her hair.

"What are you doing Yoong?" Yoong shake his head a few time and move slightly away..."You wish. I'm not getting in your guys' line. Anyway, back to what I was saying...Will you help me drag Jessica to the city mall center tomorrow night? I wanted to do something that will make Jessica like me again...hehe."

"I...don't know. I think she won't go...Why are you asking me? I'm not the one liking her! Do it yourself." She poke Yoong on the forehead slightly and furrow her eyebrows.

"Why? You're the only person I have hope in."

"No. Too bad, I don't have hope in you...Ask someone else...Why don't you go ask Tiffany unnie?"

"Uh...good idea. I should go ask Miyoung later. Oh, but I have some ideas, should I go with the-"

"I don't know. I have to go to class. Figure it out yourself. Annyeong." She wave and smile to him slightly before turning "cold" again and walk out of Yoong's car.

"Eh? It's barely 10:40...she said she have class at 11:00 though...Weird.." Yoong look over the clock and shake his head not knowing why Krystal went away and not helping him.



"Ah molla(I don't know)...molla...Why is it..." Krystal sigh as she walk slowly and looking up into the sky...



Hyemi arrival suddenly cause YulTi's relationship to be unstable and break apart? What will happen now? Will the two ever get back together? How will Yul deal with the girl? Will Yoong succeed in his plan? Will Jessica go? Why is Krystal suddenly leaving and not helping Yoong? Do Krystal have a secret? Muahahha..

End Chap :)



P/s: I been updating slowly because I have school works and too much dying over SNSD's comeback xDD But anyway...yeah, I will update asap whenever I get a chance :) Thank you to all my readers ^^

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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!