Chapter Sixteen

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Sixteen

"What are you doing?" It was already afternoon and yet Taeng has nothing to do since Jessica is still sleeping, so he decided to call his best friend, Yul.

"Getting ready to go on a date." Yul reply back.

"Date? Who's the unfortunate girl?"

"What do you mean unforunate...But, she's...Tiffany. The president daughter's best friend...Your boss' best friend...haha."

"What?? What she accepted you??" Taeng couldn't believe that Yul is onto another girl, especially when it's Tiffany.

"No...not yet.."

"What is it for this time? Who was the person that create the bet??"
"Eh? you know-"

"I've been with you since we were in elementary school, for god sake." Taeng was angry at Yul for not listening to him and keep on joking around with someone's love...As much as Taeng nag Yul about finding a serious relationship..Yul just see everything as a game.

"I just got annoyed at them at that time...It was during the Valentine's Party...I spotted some of the guys I kind of know..they were at the party also...We were talking and talking, then one of them pointed to Tiffany and was like, my new target. I didn't want someone like her to fall in their hands...They are just a bunch of dirty weirdo...And so, I told them that she's mine, back off...And the bet begin from there." Yul slightly sigh after telling everything honestly to his best friend.

"Haizz..I give up...Have fun then..Annyeong." Taeng shake his head and hang up after Yul say bye.

"Oh my god, you scared me." He grab his chest and let out a sigh after seeing Jessica suddenly standing in the door way. "When did you come here?"

"Just right after you hang up your phone...Who are you calling? Your girlfriend?" She laugh and fold her hands approaching Taeng slowly.

"Uh. My girlfriend." He smile pretending to be happy looking at something on his phone. As he said that, Jessica's smile slightly disappear and coldly look at him...Was Jessica jealous? haha.

"You...have a girlfriend?" She ask him curiously then look away pretending that she didn't really care.

"Yes. I love her and she love me too. But too bad, we don't know each other...hahaha." After realizing what Taeng mean...Jessica chuckle a bit but then turn back to being cold, and threw a pillow into his face then walk away.

"What was that for?" He frown watching Jessica walking away quickly..

"Jung Jessica...Why would you even ask him that?" She fan herself and walk downstair to get a glass of water..."Oh, Krystal." She bump into the little Jung who barely just woke up.


"Gomowoh Krystal. I heard that you were drunk yesterday...and Yoong took you home.." Jessica smile and pat her sister on the head.

"Uhm, my $150." Krystal held out her hand and gave Jessica a mischievous smile.

"What? You said it was $100."
"I spent my whole evening with Yoong! You know how hard it was...I even drank soju...My mouth now still seem weird." She touch her lips and frown, having no clue what happen last night with Yoong.

"Arraso arraso...I'll leave it in your room..." Jessica said and walk back upstairs....It was a boring afternoon, now she even got robbed by Krystal...She suddenly wanted to go somewhere outside.



"My head hurt...and why is it flashing like a broken car light....." Taeng was looking into his phone screen and notice his eyes sometime turning red then turning back to normal..."Is that day..getting closer again?"

"What's flashing like a car light?" Jessica pop out of nowhere next to him again, causing Taeng to freak out.

"Uh...the car outside the street." He scratch his head and approach the windown, looking down to the street.

"Car? I don't see any cars outside."

"Too late. It left...already...ehehe."

"Yah, get ready. I want to go somewhere." She smile at Taeng cutely...causing him to feel like fainting right at the spot...


"Hello? Earth to you." Jessica wave her hand infront of him after seeing the person infront dazing.

"O–oh..." He nod quickly and walk away, trying to hide his slight pink face.





"This is the best restaurant in Seoul, for me. Their beef is realy jjang!" After pulling out the chair for Tiffany, they both sat down and look at the menu..

"Everything look so delicious.." Tiffany show her eyesmile as she look up to Yul...He suddenly feel like his heart is beating faster...This was the first time his heart ever beated this fast...Will this relationship turn out to be serious?...keke

"Hehe...You beau..ti..ful." He stare at her and blurt out what truly on his mind.

"Ah, thank you." She laugh at the babo Yul and look down to the menu...



"You have something on your mouth." While they were eating, Yul notice something near Tiffany's mouth and point to it from afar.

"Oh god, where?...Is it gone?.." She try to wipe it with the napkin but it's still there.

"Right here." Yul quickly lean over and wipe the thing away for her...His cute action made Tiffany want to fall for him more...But is still not sure if she should...knowing that Yul is a player type...





Back to our lovely couple...Jessica wanted to go to the movie and Taeng has no choice but to follow wherever she goes.

"Just for right now...You'll be my friend, arraso?" She glance over and ask Taeng while they walk inside the theatre.

"Huh? I'm your bodyguard though..."

"Bodyguard and friend...Just go buy the tickets!" Changing the awkward subject, she smack him on the back and walk ahead to the waiting line..

"Seem more like a servant.." Taeng scratch his head and follow behind Jessica.



They finally agreed on a movie(Jessica did, Taeng has no saying, lol.) and after getting the popcorns and drinks, they went to the right room getting ready to watch the movie.



"Woah, so cool." Jessica quietly whisper to Taeng and point to the main guy in the movie..."His eyes are y..haha.." She laugh fangirling about the guy eyes..."Omo, it turn cool."

"I witness this everyday...why do I need to see it more...aigoo." They were watching some romantic, supernatural movie...and the main character in there happen to have the same fate with Taeng...both are werewolves.



"She left him because her dad opposed to their sad.." After awhile, Jessica held onto Taeng's shirt and started to cry...haha...Getting to emotional on every scenes.

"What if you were her? Haha...And you like a werewolf.."

"I wouldn't care....Even if he's an alien like Do Min-joon, or some weird monster..If I love him I will not leave him..." She said and grab a few popcorn from the box then stare back at the screen...Will she know that she is currently sitting next to one...haha...And everything they just said...will eventually them.

"Cool." Taeng nod and went back to watching the movie.




"The movie was so good~" Jessica jump up and down like a kid after they left when the movie ended. "Oh..isn't that Tiffany...and the guy...your friend?" She look at the two people at the food counter and notice it was Tiffany.

"I guess.." Jessica and Taeng observe as YulTi talk to each other happily and walk to the opposite way. Seem like they didn't see TaengSic, they two keep on walking like normal to their room number.

"Tell your friend to be careful...My friend can be quite a player at love game..." Taeng said and put his hands in his pocket.

"Oh...then if you are his friend...You must be a player also." 

"What? No! I haven't dated anyone in my life..."

"Liar...Guys are all liars...Tsk tsk..." Jessica laugh and walk ahead of Taeng, pretending to stay away from him.




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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!