Chapter Twenty Nine

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Twenty Nine

"Yes appa?" Tiffany open the door slowly to her dad's office and walk inside.

"Miyoung-ah! My little pink princess. I have something to talk to you." Tiffany's dad gave her a big hug and smile as they both sit down on the couch.

"Appa, don't call me with that old name...But, why did you called me over here? I thought you were busy and totally forgot about me." Tiffany whine to her dad and pout cutely.

"Aye, how can I forget about my little girl? I promised your umma that I will always take care and protect our little daughter forever." He smile but then quickly want to change the subject as he sees Tiffany starting to tears up after mentioning about her mom..."Anyway, you're all grown up now...I realize it's time for me to...introduces you to many new people."

"What do you mean?...Don't tell me you're setting me up on blind dates?"

"Hmm...Similar like that. But I want you to meet this guy. He's the son of a close friend in my business industry. We decided that since you guys are about the same age, we want to introduce both to each other. Isn't that a good thing?"

"No...I don't like blind dates appa...I want to naturally find someone I likes....So far, there's none..." Tiffany let out a big sigh after thinking back about Yul, but quickly get rid of him in her head.

"Aww...Don't worry, maybe you will like him. The kid is a good kid with lots of manners. I had seen him once, and he's quite handsome also. Why don't you give it a try tonight?"

"Tonight?...I guess I can try."



"Oohh it's the amusement park....Wait, Lotte World?!?! Why are we going here?!?" Krystal turn around and look at Yoong weirdly as they enter the lane to go into the amusement park.

"Uh...Stress-relieve...I guess I need time to...get rid of Jessica. And this is the only way, you need to help me."

"If you really want to get rid of unnie, why don't you go she a psychologist? I'm not in that major, for you information."

"Why do you have to be so mean? Can't you be nice for once?"

"I'm not mean. Just to you."

"Why me?" Yoong frown and went outside after parking his car.

"B-because...I just hate you." Krystal replay back and look away..."Because you only think and talk about Jessica unnie...EVERYTIME!"

"Lets be good friends for today and set aside the hate arraso? Okay, lets go kiddo." He smile brightly and put his arm around Krystal's shoulder like they are close siblings or friends. This make Krystal confused and nervous as his actions always reminded her of what happen that night...

"I-I'm not your friend. Don't pretend to be close." She remove his hand and walk ahead.


"Kyaa~ That big bear is so cute!" Krystal stop infront of a small stand where they hang a big, cute and fluffy bear that you have to play and win in order to get it. It was shooting the target with a small small dart, the main target was really small and far away...Nobody had ever win the bear..."Too bad, it's so hard. Annyeong bear~" She wave to the bear cutely and was about to walk away when Yoong pull her back.

"Wanna bet? I bet I can make that target." Yoong brag proudly and point to the target.

"Sheeshh..Arraso, I bet you won't for $100. Even if you try til night, you won't make it."

"I'll prove you wrong...hehe." He smile and hand the guy a $20, buying about 50 darts at once.



...30 minutes later...

"AISH! Why does it keep on going on the outside!" Yoong jump up and down with frustration as his 40th darts didn't make the target.

"Give up already. I told you will loose. My money?" Krystal look at him with a bored expression as she is standing next to him for 30 minutes watching Yoong....failed.


"The last one. Hurry up, I'm still waiting for my money."

"Aish...I lost to you....Oh well." With a hopeless face, Yoong then throw the last dart randomly over to target and expect it to miss....

*DING! DING! DING!* The light went on and the sound of succeeding had shock both Yoong and Krystal.

"Heol, I did it? I did it!!! Yah~ I win!" He turn around and jump happily while Krystal's eyes is wide open and covering , not believing that Yoong, success.

"Congratulations, you are the first winner of the bear. Your girlfriend is so lucky to have such a great boyfriend like you! This will be a cute gift for her." The guy handed Yoong the big bear that almost his size, and smile while looking over at Krystal, who is still shock and is even more shock when he said she was Yoong's girlfriend.

"Ah...I'm not her boyfriend. We're just friends. But, thanks for the prize."


"Here." Yoong hand over the bear to Krystal as they walk around the amusement park. "Told you, I'll prove you wrong...Haha!"

"Whatever. Why are you giving me this? I'm not going to hold it for you."

"Here. Since you said you liked it. I don't want to have a big white bear floating in my bed every night."

"When did you became so nice? I'm not falling for you trick." Thinking he was just kidding, Krystal push back the bear and walk away.

"I'm always nice. Fine, I'll be nice and hold it for you, since it's heavy. But, it's yours." He catch up to her and hold onto the bear behind his back, like he is piggybacking the someone.

"Hmm...Gomowoh." Krystal turn around and smile to Yoong cutely, thanking him for the cute bear....Somehow, her smile suddenly made Yoong's heart beats weirdly.



"Let's go on this." They stop in front of the giant ferris wheel and Yoong point to it.

"Noo~ It's high and scary."

"Haha, alright, we're going on this." Without letting her saying anything more, Yoong drag the poor Krystal to one of carriage and went inside.

"I thought you were nice, but...I still hate you." Krystal fold her hand and sit down far away from Yoong.


"Yah~ Soojung-ah, look down, it's so cool!" Yoong eyes wide open, happily looking down and seeing the whole amusement park at a glance...As for Krystal, she is holding on like her life depend on it and close her eyes, since she was afraid of height. "Look. It's really cool!"

"No~ Stop telling me to look." She punch him slightly while still closing her eyes.

"You're so boring. There's nothing scary about this. Open your eyes and look, if you fall, I will fall with you, arraso?" After hearing Yoong nag, Krystal slowly peak down at the sight but quickly close her eyes again...She decide to stay shut forever til they get down when Yoong suddenly hold her hands and demand her to open her eyes.

"Now open your eyes and look down. Gosh, you're such a scaredy cat." This is the first time Krystal had open her eyes in such high places and actually look down to view the sight...It was beautiful and nice. It wasn't scary at all, Krystal feels safe like this...because Yoong is holding her hand.



And so, the two kids went to as many rides as possible before the night start to rise. They slowly get more comfortable with each other but yet more awkward by the feelings they are having inside them...


"Hey, thanks for today." Yoong smile awkwardly and put his hands in his pocket as they stand outside to talk after arriving back at Krystal's house.

"Thanks for the bear. I didn't think I would enjoyed today..." She smile back at him and they were both silence for a while...

"Yoong." Krystal call out causing Yoong to look up, as he did, she slowly place two fingers slightly on her lips, then over to his lips...It was sort of like a kiss? An innocent and indirectly kiss...To Yoong, it was a unexpected and surprised action from Krystal.

"Annyeong." She look down shyly and walk inside her house quickly as possible. Leaving Yoong outside, blankly and puzzled by what Krystal had did.

"What was that?" His heart start to beat faster and out of rhythm...

"LET ME OUT!!!" Taeng keep on screaming til his throat went dry as there was no response to his screaming either. "Jessica...I miss you.."



"Hmm...where's appa? I need to ask him clearly about Taeng.." Jessica walk around the house to find her dad as she was still confused about Taeng..."Maybe...he's in the basement?" Without thinking, she quickly went down to the basement to find him....Neither did Jessica know, she is getting closer to where Taeng is...

"Appa?.." She saw two figures standing near a room and approach them in thinking it was her dad and Mr.Im...But she found out it was just two guards standing there and guarding a suspicious room...

"What is this?" She ask them, making them surprised that Jessica came down here.

"Uh...M-M-Miss Jessica...Why did you came down here?" They stutter and try to tell her to go away, as it was an order that she can not know Taeng is in the room.

"I was looking for my appa. But then I saw you two here. So, why are you guarding this room?"

"Uh...W—We don't know...We were just told to guard."


"Yes, you should go back. There is nothing fun down here..."

"Isn't that Jessica's voice? Jessica?? Jessica??!?!" Taeng eyes wide open after hearing slightly the conversation from outside and find the girl voice was familiar. "Jessica!!"

"Taeng? I just heard Taeng's voice.."

"Let me see Jessica!!!"

"That's Taeng...Yah! Why is he in there?! Open the door." Jessica look at the guard angrily and fold her hands.

"Uh...What? We don't know who are you talking about? And we can't open the door..."

"I'm Miss Jessica, and you're not following my order? Open it."


"No but, open it. How dare you be rude to me...I told you to quickly open it...."


End! Hehehe..What will happen next will be reveal soon. Muahaha :)

Hope you enjoy the chapter ^o^

P/s: TAENGSIC IS BACK!! Woohoo!!

Okay I'm done. :D


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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!