Chapter Twenty Two

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Twenty Two


"Get out." As Tiffany heard the door to her room creek slowly, she quickly throw a pillow at the direction shooing whoever it is away.

"Woah, someone's angry." Yoong catch the flying pillow and walk inside.

"Go away Yoong. I'm not in the mood to talk or help you with your love life." She said before covering the blanket over her head.

"Why? Who upsetted our pink monster?" Knowing that his friend is having problems, Yoong grab a chair to sit next to Tiffany's bed and talk to her.

"That stupid dark walking stick. I hate you. I hate you." Tiffany mumble quietly and frown inside the blanket about Yul.

"Who's the dark kid?" Maybe her mumbling wasn't that quiet and Yoong had overheard it...haha.

"That dumb guy in the coffee shop!" She shot right up and look at Yoong angrily, not because she was angry at Yoong...just that thinking about Yul make her angry at everything.

"Jessica's bodyguard?"

"No! His best friend...Sheesh...They both are probably the same....Grr..." Because of being too angry at Yul, Tiffany assume that everyone who play with Yul are the same kind as him...But Taeng was the whole opposite. "Yoong, if you were a girl, would you ever date a player?"

"Me?...No. Don't ever trust those people...If they're once a player, they will always be a player...But why you ask?"

"I thought he could be changed. He promised that he will....But, I saw him hugging another girl this morning, supposely his ex...I became so sad..." Tiffany pout and blink her eyes a few time trying not to let any tears escape.

"Ayee...Don't be sad. He's a player, he's not worth to make you cry. Look, there are alot of other guys out there way more better than him. I know some really great guys that I can introduce to you...Haha, now where's the normal bubbly Miyoung?? Don't be sad because of that guy." Yoong try to cheer Tiffany up and poke her trying to make her laugh.

"You're right Yoong. I shouldn't be sad because of him. There are alot of player I've seen before, he's just one of them. I'll just see that this never happened."

"See, put him aside. You don't need a player like him...Woohoo..Smile!"




"Taengoo-ah, isn't today beautiful?" They sat on the swing side by side and look at the sky around them.

"Uh. Like you...haha." Taeng turn around and laugh after saying his cheesy line.

"Stop being cheesy...I thought wolves are serious creature..." Jessica smile back cutely and lean her head onto Taeng's shoulder.

"I don't really know...I used to be serious...haha." It was true, Taeng used to be a serious and kind of cold guy who doesn't really care about getting a girlfriend. But after meeting Jessica, he somehow change.

"Used to? What happen now?" Jessica look up at him curiously.

"Ever since I met you." He smile and stare into her eyes...thump...thump...thump...Jessica look down trying to not be shy as Taeng slowly leaning in getting ready to kiss her...1...2...3...



*Buk* Out of nowhere Jessica suddenly push Taeng away strongly causing him to fall down onto the grass...Poor Taeng.

"Appa..." Taeng saw Jessica bowing slighty turn around, noticing the president is approaching them with Mr.Im.

"Sir." He quickly stood up and do a 90 degree bow to the president.

"Oh, I didn't know you two are out here. Jessica, why did you make your bodyguard sit on the grass?" The president look at them blankly then glance over to Mr.Im slightly.

"Huh?...Oh....Because he's a bodyguard, he can't sit next to me on the bench. So I told him to sit on the ground..hehe.."

"It's okay, sir. Hehe." Taeng went on with their act and pretend to be happy sitting on the grass.

"Oh, alright. I won't bother you guys anymore...haha." The president let out a slight laugh and walk away.

"Goodbye sir."



"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" After the president left, Jessica quickly went over kneel down beside Taeng to check on him.

"No. My back still hurt...huhu." Taeng try to tease Jessica and pretend to be sad.

"Aww...Where does it hurt? I'm so sorry." She frown and look around to see where Taeng is "hurting"



"Here." He pucker his lips and point to it.

"Where-....Yah, you said your back! I'm not getting trick, arraso?" Jessica smack him on the arm after realizing what he is trying to do.

"Arraso. Let's go inside, it look like it's gonna rain later." Taeng got up and wipe the grass away on his clothes before helding his out to help Jessica up.

"Aww, I like when it rain."





"Auntie, where's Jessica?" Yoong had arrive at Jessica's house wanting to take her to that special place he plan.

"Omo Yoong. Sica might be in her room. I'll call her down for you." Mrs.Jung greet Yoong happily and went to tell a maid to call Jessica down. "Why did you came here Yoong?"

"Ah...I just wanted to take Jessica to somewhere...I hope you don't mind." He scratch his head and smile awkwardly.

"Ah, it's fine. I'm happy that you guys are spending time with each other...hehe."



"Umma-....I'm busy Yoong." After running down the stairs quickly, Jessica notice Yoong is standing next to her mom and quickly turn around making up excuse because she know she have to go with him.

"No your not, come down here, I need to talk to you." Mrs.Jung call out making Jessica have no choice but approach them.

"What mommy? It's raining outside, I don't want to go anywhere."

"I have umbrellas in my car, don't worry." Yoong smile at her and point out to his car.

"That's not what I meant Yoong." Jessica frown and look down...

"Even though it's raining, Yoong went all the way here just to see you and why are you telling him to go away.."




"He actually did it??" Someone is hiding behind the wall peaking down to see what Yoong, Mrs.Jung and Jessica is talking about.

"Miss Krystal, annyeonghasayo." The person was Krystal.

"Oh my god, you scared me." Krystal jumped a little after turning around and noticing Taeng had pop out of no where.

"Ah, mianeh. I just saw you here and it the rules so I need to greet you." He smile and glance over downstairs to where Jessica is at.

"Shh.." She told him to be quiet and went back to eavesdropping on the three.



"I'll need to take my bodyguard if you want me to go." Jessica fold her hands and look at Yoong coldly.

"Yoong can take care of you, your bodyguard can stay home."

"Ani, I need my bodyguard." She look around and find Taeng standing on the second floor looking at them and quickly run up there to drag him down.

"Taen-..The bodyguard is coming with me." She quickly let go of Taeng's hand and move away.

"Alright, Taeng, you can go with Miss Jessica. But don't disturb her and only guard from away arraso?" Mrs.Jung frown and look down for a while before glancing over and talking to Taeng.

"Oh...Yes ma'am." He bow to her.

"Alright, Jessica, go and get ready. Have fun you two...hehe.."




From: Jung Soojung

Yah, you're really doing what you said this morning? Where are you guys going??

From: You!!!...=.=

Yes, I told you but you didn't want to helped me. :( Anyway, I wanted to take her to the city center, where there will be music and my messages I purposely put on the digital ad boards all around...ㅋㅋ It will be daebak. And she will say yes. And I will succeed...Hehe.

From: Jung Soojung


From: You!!!...=.=


From: Jung Soojung



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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!