Chapter Thirty Six

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Thirty Six

"Uncle! Where did you leave to?" Taeng quickly open his phone and called his uncle after being suspicious in what his uncle might do.

"I'm going to the place where I need to finish my business." His uncle reply back in a quiet voice and hang up.


"Yebosayo?? Yebosayo?? Uncle!..."

"What's wrong Taeng?" Jessica and Taeng's mom said at the same time while looking at him with a worried expression.

"I gotta go find uncle."

"I'll come with you." They nod at each other and head out the door.

"Be careful!" His mom yell out from inside before the door closed.



"Are you sure he's going to my house?"

"Where else will he go beside there...After hearing who had killed Sehun..."



_The President's house_

"Dam you! After my hyung, now my son...Dam you bastard!" Taeng's uncle park his car infront of the gate and shut the door angrily after getting out...He takes a deep breath before approaching the guards calmly, acting like nothing has happen.

"Is Jung Joonwon here?"

"Jung...The president? Yes. And who are you?" The guard reply back strictly while observing Taeng's uncle.

"I'm an old friend of his." He lie and let out a awkward smile to the guard.

"Name please, sir."

"Lee Youngoo." Clearly that it is a fake indentity, he said it with confident to them and they seem to have believe it when they took out their radio speaker.

"Sir, someone wants to see you, he said he is a close friend of your. Lee Youngoo."

"Lee...Youngoo? I have a friend name Youngoo?...Ah..Just send him in to my office." After the president's order, Taeng's uncle quickly follow the guard to the president's office..



"Sir, Lee Youngoo is here."



"Hello Jung Joonwon." Taeng's uncle smile suspiciously as they sat down infront of each other.

"Oh...Lee Youngoo?...Am I forgetting things now, because you look really unfamiliar...Sorry, did we went to school together?"

"Ani. I know you, but you probably had forgotten me."

" you mean?" The atmosphere suddenly turn really weird and cold...The president was confused by Taeng's uncle scary stare...

"Don't worry...Everything will be fix.."

The president slightly glance over to Mr.Lee, who is giving him a puzzle look also because of the man that is talking weirdly to the president.

"Sorry, I guess you got the wrong person..If there aren't any else, I'm very busy." The president slightly shift his sitting position and as he stand up wanting to shake hand Taeng's uncle...


"Nope. I got the right person for sure." A gun suddenly pop out and was raised infront of the president's forehead causing the two people inside the room to be surprise.

"HEY! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Mr.Lee yell out and was about to run over, but the president quickly signal him to stay away as Taeng's uncle trigger his gun as a threat.

"Wait...We can talk about this...Please put the weapon down..."

"No. There is nothing to talk about. You already killed two of my family members...I won't let another problem occur anymore." Taeng's uncle angrily said and press the gun slightly on to the president's forehead.

"Are you crazy? The president never killed anybody!"
"Liar! He did...!" Mr.Lee try to approach them again to save the president, but seem like Taeng's uncle had went crazy with the gun in his hand...He quickly grab onto the president's shirt and move back near the door...


"HEY! PUT THAT DOWN!!" The guards dash swiftly to where they are but the president had stop them...Since Taeng's uncle was pointing the gun in a dangerous spot.

"Move away! Don't block me...O-or I'll shoot!!" He grab on to the president's shirt tightly and drag him across the hall while everyone froze at the spot...Yet they really need to save the president from the crazy man.


" god.." They encounter Krystal who perhap went to find her dad...Yet to witness the scene infront of her...."Who are you? Why are you holding a gun infront of my appa!"

"Move out kid. None of your business...Don't block me." Taeng's uncle reply back to Krystal angrily and point the gun at her then point it back to the president.

"Soojung-ah! Go away!" The president yell out, trying to warn his daughter as she is still standing infront of them..."Everyone, don't panic..." He said and look around to his guards who is following them slowly.

"Are you insanse?? Who are you?? Let go of the gun!" Krystal stubbornly yell out to the man and look at him weirdly.

They are already out in the living room, seem like Taeng's uncle want to drag the president away to somewhere...As of now, there are a bunch of guards surrounding them yet didn't want to jump in since it can indanger the president's life.

"Omo..." Mrs.Jung gasp and cover as she walk down from the stairs after hearing the commotion...

"Yah, go help my appa! What are you guys standing here for?" Krystal turn around and look at the useless guards angrily as her dad was still inside the crazy man hand.


"Don't anyone move! I'll shoot! I'll shoot!" Taeng's uncle stuttered yet is still serious about what he is saying and press the gun even harder onto the president's head while slowly back outside.


"Aish!" The stubborn Krystal suddenly dash toward to where the two was at causing everyone to be alarmed.

"Miss!" "Soojung!" "Krystal!" Everyone called out yet Krystal didn't seem to notice and grab Taeng's uncle arm so that he couldn't move...

"Hey! Let go!!" Taeng's uncle try to yank his arm away but couldn't..

"NO! Put the gun down or I'll bite you!!"

"Soojung-ah! This isn't a joke..Go away or you'll get hurt.."


"LET GO!" Taeng's uncle yell out loudly and raise the gun up in the air, shooting it causing a thundering like sound to be hear even from a mile away.

"Ah!" He yank Krystal off causing the poor girl to fall down on the ground painfully...

"Don't you move. Or I'll shoot again...Say goodbye to the president...It the last farewell.." Taeng's uncle had probably went bizzarre after knowing about his son's death and couldn't take the major attack....He push the president quickly in the car and drive off..As the guards try to stop the car, it was too late and they had already drove away...


"Hey, what's wrong?!" Yoong, who happen to pass by, quickly went in and look at Krystal, who is on the floor, and all the guards around them..."What happen?" He kneel down and look at Krystal blankly after seeing her bleeding knee.

"There was a crazy man...pointing a gun at appa...AISH! How can you let him go!! You better go find appa!!" She stand up and yell at all the guards for their useless behavior..."

"Soojung is right. How can you do such a poor job of protecting the president? Why did you even let the crazy guy in at the first place?" Mrs.Jung approach Krystal and check if she's alright while yelling at the guards...

"The president tell us to..."


*Eck.* The sound of a car stopping caught their attention..As every turn to look, it was Taeng and Jessica, arriving "very early".

"Why are all of you out here?" Jessica said and glance around with a confused look.

"The kidnapped."

"CHINJA? You got to be kidding me...Uncle.." Taeng let out a big sigh and close his eyes...

"Get him!" The guards suddenly yell out to each other and dash toward Taeng, grabbing both of his arms and puting handcuff on his hands...

"Yah~ Let him go." Jessica said but Mrs.Jung quickly stop her daughter..

"Sica...don't...He's not a human....And he probably is in the side of the crazy man...He's not safe...Don't get trick.."

"Umma...I'm not trick...I know clearly who Taeng is.."

"Let me go~.." Taeng exclaimed yet the guards quickly drag him away. "I am not something to be worried about right now!! The president might die!" Taeng yell out, even though he don't really like the president, he know clearly what his uncle can do to the president...He might...kill him.



What will happen next??

Next chap coming soon ^^

P/s: I'm really sorry for the really late late update...I have some personal problems going on...and my laptop broke down...So, I didn't get a chance to update the next chaps. I bought a new laptop now, so...yay! ^^  Sorry...I might update another chap or two tomorrow just because...hehe :D



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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!