Chapter Four

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter 4

"What should I buy as a gift..." Jessica mumble to herself as they walk around inside the mall. The mall was fill with pink decoration around the place since it was almost Valentine's day already...Pink's day...Tiffany's

"Buy him foods." Yoong said uninterestedly and look around the pink decoration.

"Yah! How can I buy him foods when he saved me. You babo." Jessica hit Yoong slightly on the head and shake her head.



"Young man, it's almost Valentine's day, aren't you going to buy anything for your girlfriend?" As they pass by one of the teddy bears stand in the mall, the lady try to advertise her stuffs.

"Haha...I'm not his girlfriend...haha...I'm just his friend." Jessica burst into laugher after hearing the lady called her as Yoong's girlfriend.

"She thought I was your girlfriend..tsk tsk." Jessica keep on laughing as they went pass the stand and into a men's clothing store.

"Yah, you make it sound like being my girlfriend is a bad thing." Yoong pout and look away trying to not be obvious.

"It is..hehe Just kidding...Yah by the way, you been friend with me since 10th grade, and I have never seen you introduced anybody to me and Tiffany...Just because I care and curious, are you gay Yoong?" Jessica look at him curiously while asking the most shocking question ever.

Yoong can't believe the girl he likes is asking if he's gay infront of him..."Babo! I'm not gay, the girl I like is you!!" Yoong can only look at Jessica and say it quietly in his head..."What?? No!! I'm not gay!"

"Really? Are you sure? I'm your close friend, you don't need to hide. I'll always be here for you." Somehow Jessica turn into pyschologist and somewhat very concern about Yoong..."I know some cute guys that are like that, do you want me to introduce them to you?" She smile while looking at Yoong, as they are talking in the middle of store, people walk pass them and look at Yoong wierdly.."Oh god, why is she thinking I'm gay...And now everyone think I have an issue."

"Are you okay?" Yoong put his hand on her forehead checking if Jessica is still normal.."I told you I'm not gay!..I..currently like this girl...It prove that I'm straight."

"You do?? And you never tell me?? Are you lying? Who? Jung Hana? Nam Da jung? Seo Yoo jin?(Just Yoona's names in her dramas xDD) Heol, don't tell me you like Tiffany??" Jessica look at with both eyes wide open trying to guess who the girl is.

"WHAT!?! No!! Why would I like Tiffany!" Yoong shake his head in protest and frown.."Can I just kiss her so that she would stop guessing who the girl is? It's you!!" "It–it's someone else. But she's—cute, gorgeous, funny, y, kind of nice-...just so perfect." He smile brightly while naming off the girl personalities, he was just indirectly describing some way.

"I'm still not convince by your explanation until I meet her...Show me her pictures later.." Jessica raise her eyebrows and walk around to search for a gift.

*Gulp* "How the heck am I going to show her the pictures? Do I just take her to a mirror?...Ahh Fany-ah, help me~!" Yoong mumble to himself quiet enough so that Jessica won't hear him.

"Yoong-ah! Come here."

"Huh?" Yoong approach Jessica, who is holding shirts in her hands...She then raise it up to try it on Yoong. At first he thought it was for him, but quickly remember that it will be a gift for some guy that help her.

"I think it will fit..You and him might be the same size.." She study the shirts then try it on Yoong again.

"Oki, I'll get this two." Jessica smile and walk to the cash register with two shirts in her hands.

"Please put it in a pretty gift bag for me..Thank you."




_The Hospital_

"Arraso mom, I'm old enough already." Taeng calmly watch the tv while talking on the phone with his mom.

"My wound? It heal a long time ago already..You know it's normal for me...hehe I didn't need to be in the hospital..But they made me.." While talking, the door slowly slide open making Taeng surprise a little..."Umma, I'll talk to you later...Uh, I love you." He smile and hang up the phone then look up...Taeng notice it was the girl from yesterday and also the guy...

"May I help you?" He look at them curiously.

"Who do he think he's talking to.." Yoong mumble making Jessica knudge him on the side to be quiet.

"Ah...I just came here to give a proper thank you about yesterday night...Just a small gift, hope you like it." Jessica smile awkwardly and handed Taeng the gift bag she just bought.

"Eh? Gift?..I don't think..I should take this.." Taeng look at the expensive looking bag, which is totally the type for him.

"Oh no, please do. If it wasn't for you, we can't get away from those erts. Please accept it." Jessica reply back and smile brightly...Somehow her smile made Taeng zone out for a second..

"I–I guess...Gomowoh." He take it and smile back.

"No problem, hehe...So..I guess I won't bother you anymore...Get well soon...Hwaiting!" Jessica slowly back away and smile awkward while saying goodbye to Taeng..."Let's go Yoong..Annyeong." She said and quickly drag Yoong outside.



"Shirts?" After they left, Taeng look inside the bag to see what is in there...He chuckle a little while looking at the shirts Jessica has bought..."How can I wear this thing??" He examine the price and shake his head..."She should have just bought for her boyfriend...haha." Taeng remember back to Yoong and think that he is Jessica's boyfriend.




_Next Day_

"Are you Kim Taeng?" While packing up his stuffs getting ready to leave the hospital, two big man wearing black suit came in and look for Taeng..

"Ah yes, may I help you?" He turn around and look at them blankly.

"The president want to see you. Please pack all your stuffs and we will you to there."

"The president? See me?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh..Alright, I'll be there right there in a sec." Taeng said and quickly went to gather all his stuffs.



"I'm...done." Taeng went outside to wear the guards is standing and nod his head.

"Alright, lets go." They said in a serious voice and start to walk, follow behind is Taeng.




"Annyeonghasayo." After arriving and going inside the president's office, Taeng bow politely and greet him.

"Hello young man. Nice to meet you again." The president stood up and held out his hand wanting a handshake.

"It's my honor to be infront of you sir." Taeng reply and shake hand with him politely.

"Alright, sit down. You must be curious to why I called you in here."

"Yes sir...May I—know why?" Taeng look at him curiously.

"It's nothing bad, don't worry. I just wanted to ask, if you would like to work...for me. After hearing about your amazing fighting skills, I am really impressed and would like to hire you." The president while smiling and putting his hand together on the table.

"Work...for you?" Taeng furrow his eyebrows looking very puzzle.."Ah...hehe I don't I have that much qualities to be working for the president." He chuckle after hearing the president's request.

"You don't need to be success in any area to have this job, you just need to have the fighting technique skills. I am pretty sure you are a professional at that."

"What—is actually the job?"

"The job is a personal bodyguard. It's very simple, you just need to guard the person for 24/7 and protecting them making sure they will be safe. Everything will be provide for you if you accept it, car, house and such other. Don't worry, as the president, I will make sure your salary will be high."

"I....think I'll need to think about it.." Taeng look down and notice the contract paper on the desk..."Just give me sometime, and I will answer you." He said and smile slightly.

"Oh okay, no problem young man. You can have all the time to think about it. Just come and see me when you have an answer ready." The president push the small contact card over to Taeng's side and smile brightly.

"Yes...If there aren't anything else, I will leave, sir." Taeng stood up slowly and push in the chair not forgetting to bow to the president before leaving.

"Bodyguard?? Me??? Haha..I'm just a coffee shop's waiter wolf..." Taeng shake his head and put the small card inside his pocket while waiting for a taxi to come.




What will Taeng do? Will he accept the job or not? Will Jessica find out that Yoong likes her...or maybe...>:)

♦End Chapter 4♦


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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!