Chapter Eleven

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter 11

"1, 2–....5." The host counted the number of couples on the starting line and smile brightly.

"Hehe, welcome everyone to Lotte World Couple Contest! Together with your lovers, you can win the cutest couple prizes we have stored for you! The game rules is simple...hehe..You lovely couples will have each other foot tie together first. Then while holding a balloon between your bodies, not using your hands, you must walk quickly pass the red line." The host said and point to the red line near the end then continue on with the rules. "After you pass the red line, you guys will get to test your love strengths by popping the balloon together. Lastly, at the same time, the couples must eat the marshmallow together and ring the bell to win!!" They said and ring the bell on the table excitedly.

"Are you ready?" The host say as helpers came out, helping the couples tie their foot together.

"What??" Taeng and Jessica look at each other blankly, they have no idea why they are in this couples contest when they are not even lovers, yet. :)

"Get set."

"I don't know either!!"


"HUH?...Oh well." The both of them shrug and have no choice but to go along with the "couple" relay race.



Out of suprise, Taeng and Jessica worked really well together and was the first couple to reach the red line, getting ready to pop their balloon.

"Mianeh!" Taeng said and suddenly wrap his arm tightly around Jessica, trying to pop the balloon. His sudden action make Jessica stood there like a statue, not knowing how to react...And her "heart issue" start to appear again.

*POP!* The loud noise of the balloon went off signalling that they succeed in popping...Then, someone handed them the white small marshmallow...Oh, it's the hardest part for Taeng and Jessica...they have to eat it together at the same time...It's like the pepero game..

"WHAT? WE HAVE TO EAT THIS???!!" Taeng look at the marshmallow weirdly then at Jessica.

"We came this far.." Jessica said and look around, the other couple are starting to catch up to them..."Oh well." She shrug her shoulder and grab the marshmallow from Taeng, putting it in first. "It will go by fast...Just close your eyes, Sica-ah!!!"

"We're eating it?" Taeng ask Jessica with his eyes wide open..Jessica just nodded and close her eyes.

1...2...3..They went closer and each took a bite out of the marshmallow...Their distance was really narrow right now, if any accidents happen, their lips might touch each other in just a second..



*Ding!* The bell rang as Taeng quickly zoom over and hit it...also wanting to run away from Jessica.

"It's done right...Oh my god, I seriously need to go to the doctor." She said and let out a big sigh.



"AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" The host said loudly through the microphone as everyone around them claps. "CONGRATULATION, YOU TWO WIN OUR COUPLE CONTEST!"

"Ohm.." They smile and move slightly away from each other.

"Here are your prizes. A big white fluffy teddy bear for your girlfriend, couple t-shirts, couple lotion set! Also, couple ring!" The host handed them a bunch of stuff, and show them a pink small box with two shiny rings inside.

"Oh, thanks..But-" When Jessica was about to say something, everyone cut her off as the claps for the "couple"

"What are you waiting for, put it on for your girlfriend." A couple near them poke Taeng and smile pointing to the pink box.

"Yes! You should put this on for your girlfriend. I bet she will love it." The host smile while whispering to Taeng.


"Put it on! Put it on!" The crowd chant together, not letting Taeng said anything.

"Don't be shy...look, your girlfriend is waiting." Another couple near them yell out and point to Jessica, who is looking down, not knowing what to do, as they were surrounded by hundreds of people.

"Huh...Oh.." Taeng went along with the act after seeing Jessica nodding at him, he quickly grab the pink box and put the ring onto Jessica's finger. Then it was Jessica turn to put the ring onto "her boyfriend's" finger.

"WOOHOO!!" The crowd scream and clap in joy seeing such a lovely "couple" infront of them



"KISS, KISS, KISS!" They suddenly went wild with the chanting, but this time more severe...Hahaha. Poor TaengSic. "KISS, KISS" Everyone join in making Jessica and Taeng standing there like a fool.

"But we're-..."

"Don't be shy!! You guys look so cute!! KISS, KISS-!" Again, they got cut off by everyone as they shout out random comments.



Wanting to get out of the crowd quickly, Taeng and Jessica has no choice but to follow what they chant...1..2..3..Taeng slowly lean in to Jessica...Everyone stood there in silence waiting for the moment to happen.

*Chut* He kiss her on the cheek quickly and look away..."ABCDKJFLKEJKJDIDJ!!!!!!!!"

"YEEHEE!!" The crowd went crazy after seeing the cute moment from Taeng and Jessica..

"GAHHH!!!" Jessica grab the cheek that Taeng kissed, and look down to her feet, trying to hide her bright red tomato face.

"Thank you for participating in our couple contest. I wish you both that you two will be together with each other forever..Hehe."



"Here." Jessica shove all the prizes to Taeng, including the big giant teddy bear and walk quickly ahead.

"Argh." Taeng groan as he have to find a place so that he can look to where he's going through the big giant bear. The teddy bear was almost close to his height.



*Doink!* Jessica heard a loud bang sound behind her and quickly look back. What she find is Taeng lying on the ground in front of a light pole...(HAHAHAA xDD)

" okay?" She went over and help him up.

"I'm alright." He said and brush away all the dust on his clothes.

"I'll...carry the bear." Jessica said and pick the bear up from the ground and walk away, still not wanting to talk to Taeng after the awkward moment in the park.



And so, they arrived home about 6pm in the evening safely without anyone "freezing" from the cold and awkward atmosphere in the car...Nobody dare to talk to each other or even look at each other from Lotte World to all the way home.



"Oh my god, Yoong's car." Jessica eyes wide open after seeing a blue BMW infront of her house.



And so what will happen? Why is Yoong here? Will he know that Jessica lie saying she's sick?...What will Jessica do?? And also, how will TaengSic awkward interactions turn out?

Muahaha End Chapter 11 >:P

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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!