Chapter Twelve

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Twelve

"Annyeonghasayo Miss Jessica." The maid bow to Jessica as she walk in, ruining Jessica's whole "invisible plan" to get pass Yoong and her parents in the living room.

"Jessica.." Yoong look up and smile slightly...He then look over to Taeng, who is carrying a bunch of stuffs in his hands.

"Sica, where were you? Yoong said you didn't come to class."

"I...Didn't feel good, but then I went to class later, and the professor wasn't here....So...I went shopping." Jessica reply back to them and look down fidgiting the ring on her hand because she feel kind of uncomfortable looking at Yoong.

"Oh, Yoong came here to find you, he was worried that you were feeling ill...Why don't you guys go and talk...Taeng, can you help me carry some stuffs?" The president stood up and pat Yoong on the back before approaching Taeng..

"Huh?..Oh okay, wait, I need to put this stuffs for Je-....Miss Jessica." He said and quickly ran up stairs to put the gifts down.

"Wait, I need to wash my face and hands first..I'll meet you in the garden." Jessica point to outside and walk upstair.




"Hope she will like this." Yoong smile while he took out a small red box with a shiny silver neckalace inside...As he walk slowly out to the garden, he suddenly feels a cold aura in front of him and look up...There was a girl standing in front of him after they have ran into each other path. Cold eyes, cold smile, long black hair, tall skinny figure, and also one very known feature, the girl resembles Jessica...

Right...Yoong move to the side letting the girl pass, but she also slide to the right at the same time...

Left...Again, the two walk slightly to their left, intending to let each other pass but got into each other way again.

Right...Again..."Oppa! Stop moving and blocking me." The girl said and smack Yoong on the arm.

"You were the one that keep on moving left and right together with me." Yoong reply back and rub his injured arm. "You're joking with me because you like me, don't you? Hahaha." He and let his one of a kind alligator laugh, making him received another smack from the girl.

"EW!" The girl was none other but Jessica's sister, Krystal Jung. "Only my sister woud liked you, hahaha."

"You like me as your brother-in-law don't you, Krys?"

"No, you always bully me, and stop calling me Krys!! I'm not a guy."

"Why? It's easier to call you like that. If you don't like it then I will call you Stal." Yoong once again tease Krystal and laugh.

"Andwae, it's Krys-stal, arraso?" Krystal glare at Yoong and pronounce her whole name slowly so that Yoong will get it.

"Arraso, Soojung."

"Aish!!" Krystal sneer at him and push him hard to the side as she walk pass him.



"Hana(1), dhul(2), sehtt(3).." Yoong sat down on the porch swing and count the stars in the sky, waiting for Jessica to come out.

"You came to my house to count stars?" Jessica finally appear and sat next to Yoong on the porch swing.

"Ani, just got bored..." He turn around and smile at her..."So, heard that you didn't come to school today...Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now...hehe." Jessica said akwardly and move slightly near the corner of the swing.

"Really?" He said and suddenly put his hand on her forehead wanting to check her temperature. Jessica try to act normal since Yoong was her close friend and doing anything like this is fine.

"You're alright I guess...Good! I don't need to carry you if anything happen, like a long time ago when you faint in the classroom...Haha, it was kind of heavy, to be honest! But, see I was so nice and was the only one who was willing to carried you." Yoong show his alligator laugh and stick his tongue out at Jessica.

"Yah!! You are not nice! You made me ran in the rain and got me sick for a whole week afterward!" She smack on the side and laugh while suddenly thinking about when they were still in school...

A little Cute Flashback

"Ottoke, it's raining." Jessica look at the pouring rain outside the school and pout. "Tiffany left home early already, I can't tell her to make me home...I told appa that I'm staying after school, but the teacher also left early...He's probably busy..Should I call him?" She took out her phone and look over at Yoong blankly.

"Nah, I promise that I would take you home. We just need to find an umbrella..."

"It's raining."

"I think the store across the street have umbrellas...Let's go." After saying, Yoong quickly grab Jessica's hand and run out into the rain wanting to get to the store quickly as possible.

"Yah! Are you crazy??" She look at him weirdly but then keep on running with him. She then smile slightly looking down at Yoong's hand holding tightly onto hers.



"Ahjussi, do you have umbrella?" Yoong breathe in and out quickly trying to catch his breath after running so fast.

"You're in luck, kiddo. This is the last one we have." The owner of the store said and handed Yoong a white clear umbrella.



"Good thing your house is near the school. Or else I will leave you and go home. Haha." After paying for the umbrella, the two slowly walk to Jessica's house while it's still raining outside.

"Whatever. I'm all wet with water now, It's like I just jumped into a pool." Jessica frown and grab the umbrella angrily from Yoong, leaving him in the open rain.

"Yah!! You think I'm not wet? I paid for that umbrella you know." Yoong yell out after seeing Jessica running slightly ahead, letting him stand there pouting.


"Arraso. Hurry up, I want to go home." She finally stop and turn around to look at the poor Yoong.


"Yah Im Yoong! Are you coming or staying in the rain?" Jessica furrow her eyebrows after seeing Yoong pretending to ignored her.

"Wait~" He reply back and run quickly to where she is standing at..."Let's go." He smile acting like nothing happened, and hold the umbrella for the two of them.

"Weirdo!!" She pinch his ear slightly and glare at him. "I will kill you if I get sick after this."

"Not you, but me. I was lefted in the rain!"

"Whatever. We'll see. If I win, you will need to be my servant for a whole week. Arraso? Okay deal." Jessica smile suggesting her bet and agreeing it on her own.

"What? I never say yes."

"Nope, it's a deal."

I still hate you for that. But atleast I won the bet..hehe."

"That was one of my most happiest day in my life..." Yoong blurt out quietly and turn to face at Jessica..."Because I was with you." He look at her directly in the eyes and suddenly hold her hands...Causing Jessica to be puzzle by what Yoong is doing.

"I'm really such a fool for not telling you anything even if 4 years had pass...I admited myself that I didn't have the courage to go up to you and confess...I was scared that our friendship will go away if you reject...But now I finally realize, if it's all or nothing, if I don't ask you now, I don't think I will have the chances to ask you later in the future...Will you be my girlfriend?"

"You are really a fool, Yoong. Babo...If you have ask me 3 years ago. I would have say yes to everything. But now...why does my feelings for you...isn't...that type of feelings anymore?? I used to feel my heart beating faster everytime you were around me, doing something cute for me...But now, everytime I'm around you...It just seem, so...normal? Should I give my heart a chance again?" Jessica quickly pull her hands away and avoid Yoong's stare..."Yoong..."

"It's okay...I understand, that you will need some times to adapt with my shocking question..I'll wait for your answer. No matter how long it will take, I will wait...Even though its already pass Valentine's Day along time ago...I want to give you this, as a late Valentine's gift." He said and took out the small box from earlier, openning it and carefully get out the beautiful necklace.

"Huh?" She look at him blankly as he lean in, putting the necklace around Jessica gently...

"I'll wait." He whisper into her ear and hug her tightly, leaving Jessica daze from what is going on...

"It's getting late already. I need to go home now..Argh~" He let go and stood up to stretch acting like nothing happened. "Stop zoning out! Good night princess." Yoong smile brightly and left, leaving Jessica still sitting there dazing off, having no clues what she should do now.



"What to do now?..Gah~ Stress." Jessica grab her head and frown after getting a headache for thinking to much..



20 minutes later...Jessica is still sitting out on the porch swing, gazing up into the dark sky.



"You still haven't sleep yet?" She heard her dog barking and footsteps approaching nearer to her.




Who is the person that approach Jessica? Is it...hehe..What will Jessica do now? Will she say yes to Yoong...or not?? Will her heart beats for Yoong again...or someone else??

Next chap coming soon. ^___^


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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!