Chapter Thirty Five

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Thirty Five



"What are you doing?!" Jessica whisper in a frantic voice to Taeng as he slowly unlock the upper hatch of the door...

Slowly and slowly and didn't bother to care even though Jessica is rapidly hitting him gently on the arm and calling him stupid....Taeng then open the door, revealing theirself to the president and a bunch of men wearing black outside.


"You're now under arrested for kidnapping." One of them approach Taeng with a gun and a handcuffs..

"Appa! What do you mean kidnapping?!" Jessica yell out..

"Put your hands up because you are now-" Not letting the guy finish his sentence, Taeng suddenly kick him in the stomach and grab his gun...Quickly then pointing it right at the president's face...Causing everyone to gasped and be more cautious...

"Taeng!" Jessica look at him with a confusing look, she didn't know he will do this...Even though the president had made them seperate, to Jessica, he is still her dad.


"Give me the car keys and move out of the way if you don't anything to happen to the president..." As panicking, the men quickly move aside and gave Taeng the car key he wanted...

"Don't listen to him..." The president said and furrow his eyebrows..

"Sir, your safety is on top of everything."

"Taeng...Please don't do anything to appa..."


Still using the president as a threat, Taeng and Jessica quickly walk to the black car infront of them and open the door..As Taeng told Jessica to turn on the engine and close the door, he quickly push the president away and got inside...Locking it and drove away as fast as possible, so the guards won't catch up to them...

"DAM IT! I TOLD YOU GUYS TO NOT LISTEN TO HIM! ARE YOU NUTS??!" The president release his anger on one of the man as his daughter is still with that "monster"




"Where are we going? Why did you do that?!" Jessica turn around and look at Taeng blankly.

"Because...There is no other way out...If you want, fine I'll take you back." He had too much stress and didn't want to talk to anybody right now....

Taeng's sentence made Jessica went silence and so they had stayed like that all the way to Taeng's uncle house...


"What's this? Why are we in the forest?"

"This is the only place where I can think of...You'll be fine...hehe." He smile like a cute kid to Jessica and held her hand as they press on the doorbell...


"Yes-...Taeng and..." Taeng's mom had open the door and look at the two...Especially Jessica...Then to their held tight hands...

"Umma, this is Jessica. Jessica, this is my mom." Taeng introduced the two to each other proudly, but the looks on his mother's face didn't seem to approved...Jessica.


"Ah, annyeonghasayo auntie, I'm Jessica Jung." Jessica bow to Taeng's mother politely and smile.

"Lets go inside!" Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Taeng quickly try to change it and went inside while still holding onto Jessica's hand.



"Uncle...How's auntie?..."

"She's fine...Still crying over Sehun...Oh, who is this?" Taeng's uncle quickly noticed the girl beside Taeng and smile gently...Neither did he or Taeng's mom know that Jessica is the president daughter..

"Jessica, my.....girlfriend." His words had caused Jessica to blush a little and look down, she didn't know why Taeng is dragging her here and introducing her to his family.

"Oh...That's good! She's very beautiful."

"Kamsamida...Annyeonghasayo, I'm Jessica Jung." Jessica bow to his uncle like how she did earlier and smile after hearing him compliment her.


"Yes, I'm Jessica Jung, the daughter of the president."

"The president?? Jung Joonwon?"

"Yes, my dad name is Jung Joonwon.." After Jessica had finished her sentence, Taeng's uncle expression began to change...More stiffer and more uncomfortable..

"Taeng, what is this?" He look at Taeng weirdly, not knowing why would Taeng even want to be friend with the president's family...whom had killed his dad...(and his uncle son)

"What? There's nothing wrong with her alright..She's a human but she knows I'm a wolf. And we're happy with that...."

"How can you be happy? Don't you know who she is?"

"Yes I know who she is, Jessica Jung."

"The daughter of the president." Taeng's uncle fierce expression caused Jessica to not understand what is going on...She have a feelings that he didn't like her as soon as she mention her dad.

"And, so? Just because they are related doesn't mean they are the same." Taeng try to defend Jessica as much as possible, also holding onto her hand tightly..

"Are you out of your mind? I don't understand how you like her when she is the daughter of the one who kills your dad!!"

"Kill? Appa kill Taeng's dad?" 

"They are totally two different people...I was hoping to come here for your help after running away and now you decided to kick her out just because of a single reason?"

"Taeng...Alright, sorry I been having a lots of problems going through my mind...Sorry." Taeng's uncle lower down his voice and apologize to the two before walking away...

"I'm sorry.." Jessica look over to Taeng with a sad face...

"No. It's not your faults...Don't worry..." He smile back and drag her nicely to an empty room where she can take a rest after all this crazy things happening...


"Wait, is it true that my dad killed your dad?"


"Please just tell me...I promise I won't get mad."

"Alright...-" Trusting Jessica and believing that she should know everything, Taeng went on with his dad story and all the things that is happening between his family and her dad...Even the incident that happen this morning...


*Gasp* "Daddy did all this to your family?"

"Uh.." He nod his head slightly and look down...Suddenly their door creak causing both of their attention to be on it...."Wait.." Taeng said and went outside to see who it was...

"Umma, we're you looking for me?"

"Huh? Ani...I think your uncle was looking for you...But then he suddenly told us that he needed to go somewhere while grabbing some stuffs and walking outside....Where would he go...He took his gun with him also..." His mom words caused Taeng to be suspicious that his uncle had been listening the whole time....




Where exactly did Taeng's uncle went? Why is Taeng shocked?

End Chap :DD

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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!