Chapter Nineteen

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Nineteen

"Yah, there's a car!" Jessica exclaim and tap Taeng many times to be careful.

"Ah!" He swiftly turn the steering wheel to avoid hitting into the car.

"Are you okay?" Jessica look at him with concern.

"Yeah, my head suddenly started to hurt." He grin slightly and touch his head.

"Oh...You should drink some medicine once you get home." Jessica was worry about Taeng and started to care for him more and more.

"It's not...that kind of headache though.." 




As the two walk inside, Jessica discover that Yoong had came and was sitting inside the living room with her mom.

"Oh mah gah." She put her hands on her face trying to hide but it didn't work.

"Sica-ah, Yoong came to see you." Jessica's mom smile telling Jessica to come over to the living room. "Yoong said he haven't seen you in awhile...Why don't you two go out for dinner and talk to each other, don't you think so yeobo?" Mrs.Jung said and glance over to the president.

"Ah...sure." The president couldn't say no or else he will get kill and quickly nod.

"Ah, why don't you take a rest...Yoong can probably take care of Jessica." She said and look at Taeng...Mrs.Jung wanted to create alone time for Yoong and Jessica...haha..."Right, yeobo?"

"Ah...yeah Taeng. You can stay here then." Again, the president have no choice but to agree to his wife.

"But umma..he's my bodyguard." Jessica try to create an excuse to drag Taeng along..but it fail.

"I guess..I'll stay home...Have fun." Without knowing nothing, Taeng wave to Jessica and walk upstair.

"Stupid bodyguard! You're suppose to say no." Jessica frown and look down while secretly cursing the babo Taeng...



"You two have fun then...Annyeong!" Mrs.Jung say goodbye to the duo as they walk outside slowly...

"Don't worry, I won't do anything." Yoong said and smile.

"You better."



"MY HEAD HURT! Is it really coming? Tonight?" Taeng scream quietly and shut the door behind his room...Seem like that day was coming...the day where he can't control himself...the one unexpected day where he turn into a beast.




"Medium rare please." After going inside a restaurant and ordering their foods, Jessica decided to tell Yoong the truth.

"Okay Yoong...I have an answer to your question now."

"Uh huh." He reply back calmly, like he know it was coming.

"I...just want us to be close friend." She said, fidgiting her hands and avoiding to look at Yoong. "I...used to like you in...11th grade...If you did ask me earlier...everything would I just want us to be close friend."

"I know you would say no...haha." He chuckle slightly and take a sip of the water before continuing..."Can I make you be like when you were in 11th grade?"

"Huh?" She look at him weirdly.

"I know you may not like me anymore...I get it...I was stupid for so long not confessing with you. But, I want to try...and make you change your mind. Make you like me again like during 11th grade. And I'll start out as your close friend again..hehe."

"I don't know Yoong...I think I like someone...else already."

"Oh, fine then let's stop being awkward. Stop having alone time...erm...Since we are close friend...Don't ever bring the love topic up...You can try whatever you want...I really don't know..."

But said, Jessica try to stop being awkward but still is during the whole dinner session...She would rather him not confess and do everything secretly then now, confessing and making it all obvious.




Later that night...Jessica finally arrived home after Yoong had drop her off....She decided to go see what Taeng was doing, since it's only 10pm...

Slowly, Jessica open the door to Taeng's room and went was suddenly so light close...quiet.

"You went to sleep?" She ask after finding Taeng on the bed with a blanket all over him.

"Go away~!! Close the door!" He said...She notice his voice was deeper than normal...And also, this was the first time he ever yell to her.

" okay??" She approach his bed slowly...Jessica then notice a bunch of scratch mark on the wall near the bed...

"No! I'm not okay! Please go away or you will get hurt!!" His words made Jessica more curious to what is happening all of a sudden...Never did she know, she was witnessing the one horrible night of Taeng...

"What do you mean I will get hurt?" She pull the blanket off and was completely shock...Taeng eyes was glowing in dark...his bright red eyes that she is now fully awake to discover it. Also, his body was cover in fur...wolf's fur..."What...the...Taeng?" Instead of backing away, Jessica went closer wanting to see Taeng...but he quickly move away.

"Don't get close!! I told you to go away!!"

"What...are you?"

"I'm a werewolf alright?? My eyes turn red every night. That is the reason why I wear sunglasses and lie about having allergy...You may not believing it...But I wouldn't be lying either. Sometime, I have a day like right now...I can't control myself!! So please go away...I really don't want to hurt you!! I know you won't want to see me anymore after this..I know this is scary." He finally turn around and look at her...telling Jessica everything about his identity...Jessica didn't think it was scary at all...It was just weird and unexpected...She never see a werewolf before...He was the first...And even then, he might be the only werewolf she will

"I'm not leaving. It's not scary..." Jessica said and approach Taeng.

"How do you find it not scary when I do sometime myself!! My head hurt!! AH, Go away!!" He stood up and grab his head..groaning about the pain.

"Because I'm not scare even if you are a werewolf or an alien. Do this really happen every so? Is there something to stop it?" She stare into his bright red eyes innocently..

"No there isn't!! Now go away!! I don't want to hurt you!!"

Jessica didn't follow what Taeng said...and still stood there...looking at him...not leaving or going anywhere...she want to help to get rid of all the headache and loosing control...Can she?

"GO!" He suddenly raise his hand high getting ready to hit Jessica..."Just go...please." The tough wolf in him is fighting against the nice human part...

"No." Still stubborn, Jessica stood there..

"GO AWAY!" Taeng raise his hand up again...causing Jessica to flinch...but he stop half way...Somewhere in Jessica's eyes has cause him to calm his wolf's side down..



O__O Taeng's eyes went wide open when Jessica all of a sudden grab his face and kiss him. Was this Jessica way of curing? Lol. ^__^

Time and everything else stop as the two went for a deep and passionate kiss...

The more surprising thing was...Jessica's way of curing work...As they kiss, Taeng's red eyes start to fade away and all his wolf feature also disappear along with it...Leaving a normal human Taeng in front of Jessica. Bravo, the only cure for Taeng's horrible night was, Jessica Jung.



They kept on doing their thing, as Jessica was push slightly to the wall, they finally let go each other to take a breath..

"It work." She smile and touch his smooth baby face.

"I told you to stay away. Why are you so stubborn?? What if you got hurt?" Taeng furrow his eyebrows at Jessica for making him go crazy.

"Because I now know how to get rid of your wolf's side..hehe." Jessica reply back and pinch Taeng's nose cutely.

"Why do you like me? I'm not normal..I'm...half wolf half human...Shouldn't that be scary?" His question didn't make Jessica puzzle but it made her chuckle instead.

"Because, that's is why I like you. You are a weird, not normal, cute and babo wolf." She said before grabing his shirt collar, pulling him in for another kiss.



"I'm going crazy because of you, my abnormal bodyguard." They finally let go and stare into each other eyes. "I like you, Taengoo-ah."

"I promise to protect you and always be here for you. I like you too." He pinches her nose and they both smile.

"Let this be our secret. I'm falling for a werewolf."

At this time, everything is all forgotten. They only cares and know each other right now...Nothing else. Right now, Taeng had totally forgotten his original purpose for going to the president's house...All he think about is....Jessica..the girl in front of him.



And so, the two lovely kid have told each other their feelings in an unexpected situation...What will happen later? What about Yoong? And later on, will Taeng have a hard time between love and family?...
Hehe...End Chap. ^____^ Hope you enjoy.


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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!