Chapter Thirty Three

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Thirty Three



*Ring ring ring~* The sudden noise had woke Taeng up as he reach over the counter to find his phone.

"Yebosayo?" He pick up the call and answer with a sleepy while still lying down on the couch.

"Taeng." The voice reply back seem really familiar, and Taeng realized it was his uncle.

"Uncle...Why did you call me so early?"

"I...have something to tell you...My son...your cousin..." Taeng's uncle whisper faintly over the phone, causing Taeng to worried if there's something wrong.

"Sehunie? What about him? (Sehun is Taeng's cousin, as they had quickly met way earlier in the story when Taeng went to see his uncle ^^)"

"He's.....oh no...oh no...he had been killed." Taeng's uncle start cry out loud over the phone as Taeng is shocked in what he just heard.

"What?! You're not kidding me, are you?"

"He's my own son, why would I be kidding!! It' fault...for letting him go outside the forest alone in wolf form....I....went to find him an hour later, to see my poor kid lying on the floor with bloods everywhere...Ottoke...It seem that he had quarrel with someone before he died....I found a small piece cloth in his hand...My poor boy..."

"Someone killed Sehun?? Are you serious? Who?" Taeng freaked out and grab his head after going through so many problems in such a smalll amount of time lately.

"I don't know Taeng! I don't know!! Your aunt is freaking out in what just happen...I need your help....Please help your cousin, Sehun."

"You're at home right? Wait a minute, I'll be there as soon as possible." After saying, Taeng quickly hang up his phone and went to grab his sweater and car keys.


"What's going on? You look so pale after hearing that phone call and where are you going?" Jessica appear out of the room and gaze at Taeng blankly, watching him done brushing his teeth and quickly zoom here and there in the house to grab his stuffs.

"Don't worry, I just need to go somewhere quickly. I'll be back soon. Just stay here and I'll tell Yul that you're at home alone, so he can tell Tiffany to come over or something." He pat her head gently and smile before the two approach the front door.

"Be careful..."




"What is going-....umma...uncle..aunt.." After arriving at his uncle's house, he quickly went inside to find his family members surrounding a figure in the living room...There was people crying everywhere.

"W-who killed my son~ Why!! Huhu.." His aunt burst out more tears as she keep thinking about her son, who is now unconcious forever infront of her.

"Uncle..." Taeng went over to comfort his depressed uncle and pat him gently on the back. "Don't be too sad, I'll help find who had shoot Sehun..."

"Oh god...I can't even look at him right now.." His uncle close his eyes and look away from the cover up figure infront of him..."Let's go outside and talk."



" this?" Taeng's uncle hand over to him a gray piece of cloth that seem to be tear apart from a shirt.

"The thing Sehun was holding onto when I found him lying on the ground..."

"Could it be, that it belong to the person who had killed him?"

"Aish! I want to kill that person who had killed my son!! He was still in his wolf formed when I found him..That stupid bastard must of thought he was a monster or wolf....But he's harmless, who in the world would kill such a kid!!"

"Then it's like my appa incident?" They both look at each other blankly as they remembered back to what had happened to Taeng's dad and what had happened to Sehun, they both have something in common. The other person had shoot them in thinking they were wolves.

"Oh hell no, it must be that bastard Jung Joonwon..He had killed my son!!!!!" Angrily into thinking that the president had killed Sehun, Taeng's uncle quickly stood up, getting ready to go find him, but Taeng had quickly blocked him.

"Uncle! Calm down! As much as I hate him, we can't assume that he's the one that killed Sehun. There's no evidences or whatsoever...I could have been someone else...For right now, you just worry about Sehun and planning out his funeral. I'll take this back home and see what I can do." He held up the piece of cloth and gave his uncle a reassure smile. "Don't worry too much. Tell auntie to don't worry also. It'll be fine."

"I trust you Taeng...I'm really out of my mind right now..."
"I know how you feel, seeing the person you loves die..."




...Home...a.k.a Yul's house...

"I'm back." Taeng went inside and call out to Jessica tiredly as he flop down the couch and threw the piece of cloth on the table for now..."Arghh my head...Who could it be?.." He grab his head and mumbles quietly.

"Who could be what?" Jessica suddenly pop out and sat down on the couch while looking at Taeng blankly.

"Ani...Nothing...hehe." He gave her cute smile as he didn't want Jessica to worry about anything.

"You're so weird today...." She shakes her head and look away...

"Oh!" Jessica suddenly points to something....



hehe...And so, what did Jessica sees??? ^^ Who is the person behind the incident? What will Taeng do now?...

Short chap, but next chap coming soon later today...:)





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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!