Chapter Thirty Eight

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Thirty Eight


"YAH!" Taeng screamed out and quickly dash over to push his uncle away from the bullet causing him to be injure on the arm instead.

"Taeng-" Jessica wanted to run over to help Taeng but Mrs.Jung quickly held her back and glare at her.


As Taeng's arm was bleeding quite alot, Taeng's uncle was very angry by the president and without thinking twice, he hold out his gun to the president and...

*BAM!* Another gun shot is heard through the whole warehouse...

"Un..un..uncle." Taeng's eyes open widely as he turn around to see his uncle...slowly...falling down to the ground...

Everyone thought Taeng's uncle would fire his gun first...But, he was shot by one of the guard before he can press the trigger. They can't take risk of getting the president's be in danger and in this dangerous situation...There is only way to solve it....It was either the president die, or Taeng's uncle...They had chosen Taeng's uncle..


"Uncle..." A tear fell down from Taeng's eye as he kneel down and talk to his uncle...This is the third time he have to deal with the death of someone close to him...First, it was his father, the greatest man in his life. Then, it was Sehun, his cousin that grew up together with him. Lastly, it was his uncle, whom he see as his second dad, whom had care for him til now..

"Wake...up...Taeng...Think about your especially your dad...Ah...I guess I can be happy now, getting to reunite with my one and only son...and my hyung...Tell your aunt...I'm sorry...I couldn't be the husband she always wanted...I can't keep my promise to be a good dad...And you...Mianeh, I am not the greatest uncle you" Taking a last deep breath, Taeng's uncle slowly close his eyes and let free of everything...

"UNCLE!!! UNCLE!! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT NEED TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW! I'M NOT LETTING YOU SLEEP!!! PLEASE, why is this...happening to our family...." Taeng cried out loudly and shake his uncle in illusion of thinking that he isn't dead yet. was too late...Nobody can save his uncle anymore..


" head hurt...Let's clean this up...As the president, you're are under arest for having danger plan toward the president." Wiping off the dust on his vest, the president then signal the guards to go and grab Taeng, but Taeng suddenly stood up and held the gun out to the guards. His bright red eyes shine as he look at one of them and then at the president...

"Back off. What did I do? Why are you arresting me? You, should be arrested instead for shooting someone." He point at the guard who killed his uncle and shake his head...

"It's for the safety of the president. And also, he was causing harm and danger to everyone in here, we have the right to do what we need to do."


"Kim Taeng. As I am being nice to you right now. Put your gun down and surrender. Don't go the same path as your uncle did, it will just make you end up like that."

"Haha...Being nice to me?...After you had killed my dad, my cousin, and my uncle? Being nice? What is there anything nice about killing someone family? Are you happy? Are you happy that you had gotten rid of the wolves? Are you happy to see someone suffer?? I actually thought you were a great president. I thought I could have forgive you. Actually, at first, all I wanted is revenge when I had accepted the job you had offered me. It was all a plan to get close to you. But then...someone had changed me...I guess, I had put her first...You should be thankful...because of her, I had try to erase the thought of revenge...But, just right now, you had proved to me aren't worth to be forgive." Taeng had enough with the president, he didn't want to see his family suffer anymore. He wanted to forgive the president, but, he can't...He quickly raise the gun to where the president is at, and let out a big sigh...

Knowing that there is a fifty percent chance of surviving, Taeng took the risk and slowly press on the gun trigger...Waiting to hear another sound gun and a bullet pierce through his body at the same time....But....he stop...and drop his hand down as Jessica call his name loudly.


"Taeng...Don't..." After pulling away from Mrs.Jung, Jessica quickly run over to where Taeng is and hug him from the back..."Don't...You'll die..."

"I don't want to. Who is going to pay for the three death?...I don't know...I don't know Jessica..." Slowly and forcely, Taeng break away from the hug and turn around to look at Jessica....They stood there staring at each other...Jessica think that Taeng will listen to her and stop what he is doing...

"I don't want to choose...Please don't make me choose...I'm tired....I'm really tired of everything....Let's our own life...From the beginning, we can never fit in each other world...I hope...someone out there...will be able to bring more happiness to you...I won't kill your dad...But, let us never encounter each other anymore...Let seperate and never find each other again....Jessica...mianeh, I love you."


"Ah!" Jessica scream slightly when Taeng grab her and point the gun slightly to her head, only using it as a threat to get away. "What are you doing Taeng??"

"Stop talking...Don't come near...After all these time, you were just....just a plan for me to get my revenge on the president....I....." He paused a bit and try to control his tears so that he can pretend to be heartless and rude..."I...never have feelings for you...ha..ha...Too bad, you had fallen for me already...And so, I just used didn't help at all."

Taeng's words was like a thunderbolt to Jessica's by one, it poke and rip her heart in pieces...Not knowing that he was lying, Jessica believe it as real...."You...what?"

"I said...I don't like you! You're just a useless plan! I don't like you! I don't like you!!!"

"Yah! How can you said that to my daughter!"

"Shut up..." Taeng begin to move backward while still using Jessica as a threat...Everyone move out of the way as the president had told them to not hurt Jessica.

"How could you? After all? I was just...a toy? You really...didn't have any feelings with me?"


"Do you?"

"No. I never liked you. From the first meet, you were nothing to me. I only see you as the president's daughter. You were a babo to never figured out. I don't want to hurt you anymore....So I'm telling you the truth..."

As they have reach outside the warehouse, Jessica quickly push Taeng away and slap him across the face...Tears were falling down from both of her eyes...Taeng wanted to wipe it for her...But he have to stay strong...He quickly took a deep breath and move away..

"Ok. We're fair now. Goodbye, I won't interfere with your family anymore. Just think that I never exist and I will also do the same thing. You had never life. Bye." Taeng smirk slightly and run away after seeing the opportunity.

"Yah, catch him!!" The guards quickly run after Taeng as fast as possible. But Taeng's speedness had made then far behind and eventually confused to which way Taeng had went...



"Sir, he had escape."


"Appa...just let him go...He won't come back anymore...I don't want to see him anyway, so don't find him and bring him back..." Jessica said in a depressed tone and walk over to Krystal. Krystal quickly hug and comfort her unnie as soon as the older girl fall into Krystal's embrace while crying.."Soojung-ah...I'm so sad.."

"It's okay unnie...He won't come back...Just forget him...He was a jerk after all...He didn't worth it..."

"But...he actually mean something to me...Yet, I was just a useless plan to him."

"Don't...everything is alright my princess. Lets all go home. You need to take a rest Sica." The president went over and pat both of his daughters back and smile to Jessica as they walk out to where the car is. Leaving the rest for the guards to clean up. Because of Jessica, the president decided to not go find Taeng, as long as he doesn't come back and cause anymore trouble to Jessica and his family. Til then, Taeng will forever seem as he never exist...But, it was hard to Jessica.

Forgetting someone you love isn't easy.



The end

Just kidding :P It's almost the end of the story though...but not yet ^__^ 

Where will Taeng be? Should we just have a sad ending? haha...

Next chap coming soon :)



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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!