Chapter Thirty Two

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Thirty Two

...3 days later...

Jessica is still away from home and despite searching everywhere, the president still can't find his daughter and Taeng in the small Seoul city...The whole president's house is turn upside down everyday as everyone is worry about Jessica...Yoong also went to help find Jessica, but it was no use...Even though his feelings for Jessica suddenly disappeared after one night...He's still feel like it's needed to go find her.


"Yoong~ Jessica still haven't return." Mrs.Jung hug Yoong slightly and cry because she is worry about her daughter.

"Oh...She'll be fine. They will find Jessica soon. You shouldn't worry too much." Yoong comfort Mrs.Jung and then look around the place to find someone..."Where's....Krystal?" He ask slowly to Mrs.Jung...Yoong didn't know why he had been thinking too much about Krystal lately....It was weird and confusing of what is going on inside his head.


"I'm here, wae?" Krystal call out to Yoong from the stairs as she walk down.

"Soojung-ah, tell me that your sister is back, is she??" Mrs.Jung approach Krystal and look at her sadly.

"Umma, I'm pretty sure unnie is still in Seoul. I'll try and go find her...But, don't cry and worry anymore. It's not good for you health." Krystal hug her mom and walk her over to the couch so that she can sit down. "Yah, wanna go look around the city to find Jessica unnie?"

"Oh...Sure." Yoong reply back to Krystal and smile.

"Ok, umma I'll go look around for unnie. Bye mom."

"Bye aunt-nim.." Yoong bow politely to Mrs.Jung and follow Krystal outside..



"Ugh, unnie is seriously toturing the whole family." Krystal lean her head to the window side and close her eyes as Yoong start the engine.

"I'll call and ask Tiffany if she know where Jessica is...After all they are closer." He look over at the tired Krystal and pull out his phone to call Tiffany.



"Huh? Yoong, why did you call?" Tiffany answer him back on the other side blankly.

"You've heard about what happen right? If yes, perhaps, do you know where Jessica is?"

"Oh...that...I...don't know where she is...Have you try finding?" Tiffany deny about Jessica's location because Jessica had told her not to tell anyone about it. Only the 4 of them knew, Taeng, Jessica, Yul, and Tiffany.

"I'm going to look around right now...But that's weird, she didn't even tell you about it?" Yoong ask Tiffany again, getting a weird feeling to why Tiffany doesn't know anything.

"N-no...Ah~ Gotta go now, talk to you later. Annyeong." Because of not knowing how to reply back to Yoong anymore, Tiffany made up an excuse and hang up the phone.

"Hello? Tiffany? Ah, she hang up..."

"No informations?" Krystal look over to Yoong sadly as she heard the whole phone conversation.






The duo had been searching high and low the whole Seoul in hope of finding Jessica...But they didn't...They had went to all the places Jessica's like to go to, but she wasn't there...


"My legs hurt." Krystal signal Yoong to stop walking and limp over to the closest bench as possible. "I'm hungry and tired..This is seriously tiring...Wait, I want to go to the restroom..." She said and walk a small food shop beside, wanting to use their restroom as Yoong wait outside.

As Krystal walk into the shop, she bump slightly into someone because the place was really crowded....

"Sorry." She bow slightly to the person and look up....1..2...3...Krystal's face suddenly light up and her eyes went wide open after noticing that the person was....Jessica..

"They ran out of sauce..." Taeng approach Jessica blankly and look over to Krystal...after realizing who she was, Taeng's reaction was also like Krystal from earlier..."Miss...Krystal."

"Unnie! I found you!"

"No Krystal.."
"What? Appa and umma is worry about you, let's go home.." Krystal held onto her sister's hand and smile but Jessica quickly look away..Jessica doesn't want to go home, they will lock Taeng up and seperate Jessica from him..


"Mianeh Krystal, unnie can't go home.." After finishing her sentence, Jessica quickly grab Taeng's hand and suddenly run outside as fast as possible..

"Unnie!" Krystal follow them outside and run after them...

"What's wrong?" Yoong follow Krystal behind and yell out after seeing her in a hurried.

"Jessica unnie~ Unnie!" Krystal point to the two figure running and quickly pick up her speed to catch up to them.. "Andwae, they're the taxi...Go." Krystal breathe in and out heavily as she tell Yoong to run after them...

But it was too late, the taxi Jessica and Taeng in had left by the time Yoong reach half way... This wasn't the only shocking event that they had found Jessica...As Yoong turn around and walk to Krystal, he notice the little girl was sweating and breathing rapidly...then eventually....faint..

"Yah! Krystal!" Yoong run over as soon as possible to catch the unconscious Krystal almost falling on the ground. "Jung Soojung!" Getting no response back from Krystal, Yoong hurriedly pick her up and carry her to his car to go the hospital.

_The Hospital_

"Is she alright, uncle?" Yoong's went to the hospital that his uncle work in as a doctor. And now, he is asking about Krystal's state after seeing his uncle finishing checking over..

"Don't worry too much, she'll be alright after she wake up...Is she your friend?"


"Then you should know the little girl can't overworked herself. She has anemia, which had caused her to passed out. Using too much energy will caused the girl to faint...It is a common symptom for people who have anemia.." Yoong had no idea that Krystal had anemia....He suddenly feel bad for making her go all over places in Seoul and even running after Jessica as fast as possible.

"Then is she fine now?"

"Yes, since it's already late and I know that she's the president's daughter, I had tell the nurse to prepare a room for her stay here for a night. After tomorrow, when she's fully recover, you guys can go."

"Yes uncle." Yoong bow to his uncle and quickly went to check on Krystal...



"Are you okay?" Yoong close the door behind him gently and approach Krystal, who is lying on the bed.

"Uh...kind of.."

"I'll call the president so he know you are here-" Yoong pull out his phone getting ready to call the president when Krystal reach out and stop him.

"Hajima...They're already stressing and freaking out about Jessica unnie....I don't want them to have to worry about me also..Plus it is nothing serious."

"How is this not serious? Why didn't you tell me that you have anemia? Why did you run after them when you know you can't over used your stamina.." Yoong sit down in the chair beside Krystal and start nagging at her...He was angry and felt worried that he didn't look over her...And made her faint..

"It's not...Why should I tell you though...But I'm fine now, stop nagging at me like an old man.."

"How can I not, you made me worry about you so much after you fainted-" Yoong blurt out what's on his mind without realizing..


"N-nothing...I'll get you some water.." He quickly change the subject after seeing that he shouldn't said what he just did to Krystal...But this cause Krystal to smile secretly after hearing Yoong's said he worry about her. "Here." He handed the glass of water and help Krystal sat up..

"Gomowoh...Anyway, let's go home...I'm fine already."

"Andwae. The doctor said you need to stay here until you fully recover."

"But I recover already..."

"Stop being stubborn...Now, go to sleep so you can recover soon."Gently, Yoong pull the blanket up for Krystal and dim down the light for her to sleep.."And I'm staying here to watch, making sure you go to sleep." Yoong made up an excuse to stay with Krystal even though there isn't any rules about having to stay..

"I'm not sleepy yet though...Let's talk...It's still early." Surprisingly, Krystal obey Yoong's order and decide to stay here in the hospital for tonight.


"Ah, I have a question...Remember the day I kidnapped you to the amusement park.." Yoong suddenly start a conversation about the "sensitive and awkward" day.


"What was that?" They look at each other blankly as Yoong ask Krystal a question, but Krystal didn't know what he was talking about.

"What was what?" Krystal was scared that Yoong was asking about what she did before she left inside the house...Their indirect kiss..

"I mean the thing you did when-"

"I don't know what you're talking about....I-I'm sleepy....Goodnight!" Krystal quickly cut Yoong off and change the subject as her face is slowly getting red like a tomato...She then shut her eyes close and pretend to go to sleep...


After 10 minutes had pass by..Yoong noticed Krystal had already sleeping and chuckles seeing how cute she look even when sleeping..He himself didn't even know why he was thinking about it in the first place either..


"Am I....falling for you? Krystal Jung...what are me...?" Yoong mumble to himself as he stare at Krystal's sleeping...


Suddenly...and slowly...Yoong lean in closer and closer to Krystal...Didn't know what he was doing and was scared that she would wake up...Yoong place his lips on Krystal's gently for 5 seconds and quickly move away...."YOONG ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Yoong is freaking out from many electric shocks running around inside his body as he was surprised by his own action..

When Krystal suddenly turned her body to another position, Yoong almost passed out from getting anxiety that she will wake up and slap him...But it was his own imaginations...

And so, Yoong quickly got rid of all the thoughts he is having and decided to go to sleep...Before he went to sleep, Yoong had took off his sweater to cover it on Krystal after seeing her shiver from the cold hospital atmosphere, despite having a blanket..

ZzZzzz~ The two lovely kid went into dream land "together" inside the quiet and cold hospital place..



What will Yoong do about his confusing feelings for Krystal? Did Krystal know about Yoong's secret kiss? What will YoonKrys do now as they had bump into Taeng and Jessica...

End Chap ^o^ Enjoy.





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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!