Chapter Thirteen

My Abnormal Bodyguard

Chapter Thirteen

A while ago, the president gave Taeng permission to go home and come back later in the night...They talk to each other in the office as Taeng helped him carry some stuffs. The president seem very nice to Taeng...But  Taeng is confused, if he should be nice back to him...or...not...because of the revenge...



"Woof!" Fluffy run out and jump on Taeng's feet as he walk inside the gate....

"Wae? Nice to meet you, Fluffy." He kneel down and  Fluffy's soft fur.

"Woof!" The dog bark again and quickly flee to the garden direction...

"Eh? Why did you run over there?" Taeng smile slightly and approach the small dog.

"Woof!" Fluffy reply back and run straight to the garden...

"Yah, I don't want to play hide and seek right now." Taeng immediately follow Fluffy behind, trying to catch up.



"You called this hiding? Found yah!" He kneel down and pick up Fluffy after seeing him sitting on the grass looking at something, or someone...Taeng then follow Fluffy's stare and notice Jessica sitting on the bench, swinging slowly while dazing into the night sky.

"You still haven't sleep yet?" He let Fluffy go and slowly approach her.

"He's wearing sunglasses again?” She glances over and gave him a slight nod. "Too much things going on inside my head. But, why are you wearing sunglasses in the night again?"

"Aye." Taeng clear the dirts on the grass first before lying down, putting his hands behind his head. "Because...I have allergy...Anyway, yup, too much things going on inside my brain." He closes his eyes and remembers back about the revenge plan he need to do.

"I wish that I can just go to sleep, and never have to deal with anything again."

"You want to suicide?!?" Taeng turn his head back and look at Jessica weirdly after hearing her wish.

"No, I mean, I want to go into long deep sleep. Forgetting about everything. And then wake up with a fresh blank page."

"Oh...You want to go into hibernation like Polar bears...”

Taeng's cute comparison suddenly makes Jessica chuckle quietly and smile..."I want to be like sleeping beauty...All she does is go to sleep."

"So that a prince can come and rescue you?? Hahaha...If you want to be like sleeping beauty, then you need to find a prince that will rescue you from the tragic...” Taeng smile at the fairy tale Jessica is talking about and look up into the stars...He never know that the prince might be him though...^__^

"He doesn’t exist...” Jessica pouts and pushes the swing slowly with her feet.

"He probably do, you just need to find him...”

"For sure, I don't think it's Yoong..." Somehow, the boss and bodyguard are here talking with each other comfortably... "Have you ever have problems where you don't know what to choose?...You want to get away from it, but at the same time feels bad."

"If you're talking about love, then no. However, I have seen a lot of situations like that...The only thing I can said is...If you really love someone, you will never think about leaving that person. If you feel bad for them...Then it's called sympathy, not love."

"How would you know what’s the differences."

"When you love someone, you will try to do everything for them...You will worry and care for them. Also, everything they do will make you smile or laugh, even if it's the stupidest thing on Earth, you will still find it cute...Your heart will know when it's in that stage." The two conversations now seem like a psychology story/class type of things...Haha..."Eh, why am I even explaining to you all this. I'm not even taking major in Psychology or Medical stuffs. You should find a psychology if you want accurate stuffs." Taeng laugh and sat up, turning around to face Jessica, who is on the swing..."Ah, here." He pulls out a pink small box and gives it to Jessica.


"It's the rings present from that weird contest...I don't think why I will need it. Therefore, you can have it. Give it to your future boyfriend or whatsoever. Give it to your future prince charming Hehe..." He scratch his head and point to the pink box...Would he ever realize that later on, that ring will return back to its original owner?..Keke.

"Oh...It will probably be sitting inside the counter anyway though.." Jessica smile back after seeing Taeng smile brightly to her...Somehow, his smile make her feel...a little bit more happy and comfortable now..




_2 Weeks Later_

It's already been two weeks since Taeng's has been Jessica's bodyguard...The two started to talk comfortably to each other...Jessica even nag and hit him now...Poor Taeng, he has turned into Jessica's servant more than just a bodyguard...Also, every time Taeng is around her, Jessica feels like her heart is beating weirdly. She even went to the doctor to check if she was having

For Yoong, Jessica haven't answer his question...She still doesn't know how to tell him...Yoong still act normal to Jessica and everything...But their friendship now just seem...kind of awkward?

Over to YulTi's side, Tiffany think she might like Yul...But...We will go over the whole story of YulTi later on after this ^^



"Rain!" Jessica yells out as she walks out from class, getting ready to head to the parking lot.

"Why is it raining so sudden? The car is all the way over there." Taeng pout while pointing to giant parking lot in front of him. "Hold on, I'll go ask for an umbrella.." He said and quickly run to the store inside their university.



"They ran out of umbrella." Taeng came back, with droplets of water on his jacket and shake his head.

"Do we have to run all the way over there?" Jessica furrows her eyebrows thinking back to the time she has to run in the rain.

"No...The president will kill me...Here." He quickly took off the leather jacket he is wearing and give it to Jessica...Taeng is now only wearing a thin white t-shirt. "Wait in the entrance...Use this as an umbrella. I’ll go get the car."

"You're going to get wet.."

"I'll be fine...Just wait!" Taeng yell out and run quickly outside to the parking lot area, putting his hands up as an umbrella.



Taeng came back with the car after a few minutes and quickly got out to open the door for Jessica. He is now all damp with water from his hair all the way down to his shoes.

"Are you okay? You are..all wet." Jessica said in a worried tone and frown.

"I'm fine-ACHI!- Sorry...Hurry and get in the car or you'll get wet." He wiggles his nose and wipe away the waters that keep falling on his face.

"You seem sick..." She look over to Taeng as they are driving back home. "This might help." She said and reaches over to press the heater button.

"It's okay. I just need to go home and change and I'll be fine." Taeng smile at Jessica telling her, she does not need to worry about him.



And as Jessica predicted, Taeng got sick that night without anyone knowing, even himself.



_Next Morning_

"It's already 10:00am...And I thought I was the only late one around here...He's even later than me." After seeing no existence of Taeng around the house, Jessica decided to go to his room and find him.

*Knock knock*

...There was no answer...

*Knock knock* "Yah, are you still sleeping?"

...No answer again...

"That's weird...He's still sleeping?" Jessica furrows her eyebrows and slowly opens the door. She notice a figure all covered up inside a blanket on the bed...Thinking Taeng was just sleeping, Jessica pull the blanket away and hit him on the side. By surprise, Taeng was warm as she touch him, but he seem to be shivering as she pull out the blanket. "Are you okay?" She pokes him slightly and touches his forehead.

"Argh...What?...Is it snowing? So cold..." He said quietly and curls his whole body inside the blanket again.

"He's sick."





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Chapter 1: Yas! Moonlight Cafe! My cafe's name :D wahhaha
Chapter 41: Jessica is the only cure for Taeng ♡.♡ I love the sound of that xD
Chapter 41: 2 tumbs up author-sshi..
taengsic22love #5
Chapter 41: nc ending XD see you author-nim we will miss you lol XD
Chapter 41: .hahaha cool ending Authornim!xD 3 weedings at the same time!Ü unbelievable It's amazing awesome!xDD
Chapter 3: I like your story ;) It's pretty nice^^
Keep it up!