Maths and A Question



It had been a week now since the battle. Apparently, they held all the Souls in a underground room which was somewhere under a shopping mall. Kris and Lay had failed to capture Sehun and Kai, Lay was even hurt badly in order to stop them from getting away. I never heard the whole story except that Lay's fractured his rib bones and his right leg had been bruised really bad. The Souls had went back to where they came from and I never saw them again. I never knew what happened to Lemon and Sohee after that and I couldn't even say thank you. The Board had went and caught the guys who were allies of Sehun and Kai. More information was gathered about the SMA after this battle and a lot of it was thanks to Lay and Kris who suffered from their powers. Kris's shoulder had been dislocated but he was healing from it. Lay, however, was still in the Board's care and was being hospitalized back in SM (at least I think it's a hospital. Suho said it's what we would call hospitals in our world). Since he's a natural healer himself, Suho said he would get well soon.
I only knew everything when I woke up the next day and found everyone was by my side back in Chanyeol's apartment. They had arranged for me to return home soon as I was no longer in danger. They doubted but they did let me in the end as I was sure, my parents were getting worried.
I am home now and feeling much better but after the battle, there was one thing that concerned me and worried me - Luhan had disappeared. Nothing of his things seemed to have been left behind. He put away his mattress he lent at Chanyeol's, the room was back to the way it originally was, none of his belongings were there and it felt like he was never here at all. All that proved he once existed and came into our lives was the bracelet. I touched it and it glinted in the sunlight. It was still a very mysterious gift to me and every time I looked at it now, a weird feeling inside me started. A weirdly nostalgic feeling.
Anyway... he shouldn't have just left without a word! As I was almost strangled to my death, for a moment after I had closed my eyes, and in my vivid imagination, I felt someone hug me and it was a familiar embrace. One that I had experienced before and one that was warm and I could trust. I didn't know who's it was though and I ever asked.
Suho and the rest were taking his leave just fine though which was really surprising. Are Groups supposed to be like this? They say he will eventually have to return as he is already an official and registered member. I hope he will. Not seeing him for so long... seems weird. Everything feels incomplete now he isn't around and every time I look at his empty seat beside mine...
Everything was so calm now when I wasn't living at Chanyeol's anymore. Everything seemed to be the way it was except from the practices in Space with the P.I. back. We also registered Tao and started properly practicing his powers. That day at the battle, he was told not to appear as his powers were not strong enough yet. Suho said he would only get hurt which I think Tao looked a bit ashamed to.
Even Chanyeol's powers were growing more and more now. I felt like he wasn't the same but still the same. He seemed a lot more protective than before but he was still the same happy Chanyeol. The friend he was talking to on Pixel System said he had finally found his Group. Chanyeol was very happy for him and so were we as one more Group meant one more fighter who was in the war against good and bad which would take place... who knows when?
That curiosity aroused my question one day when I was on the phone to Chanyeol.
"So... yes, that's right. There, you have a quadratic! Now, you can factorize it out and find values for 'x'!" he said.
Maths and I never worked out the way it was supposed to. I wasn't bad but there were almost always stupid mistakes in my solutions whereas Chanyeol was the top in out Maths class.
"Wait.. what happened after differentiating?" I asked staring at my piece of squared paper which was now in such a bad state due to all the rubbing and rewriting and scribbling, it was not readable anymore.
"Okay... listen to this again. Take that equation then differentiate. After that, make your differentiated equation equal to zero and solve it through. Do you have a quadratic..?" Chanyeol said patiently.
"Mmmmm....... working..... calculating... thinking... writing... YES!" I said, looking at my new piece of paper with my solution which seemed to be working well.
"Next, factorize the quadratic and solve it through to find 'x'," he said.
This is step was okay, "Uh huh?"
"You should have four and one for the solutions, yeah?"
"Assa!" I said, "Thanks."
"Yeah, you should be. I don't get how you don't get it all the time..." he said.
"I am and I don't get how you get it all the time..."
"Coz it's natural, baby!" he teased.
I heard Suho in the background and the question I wanted to ask suddenly same to me.
"Hey, Chanyeol, can you put Suho on the phone?"
"Eo.. keurae," he said.
"Yeobeoseyo?" Suho said.
"Oppa... I have a question that I wanted to ask... You know, the judgement day?" I asked.
"Is there a possibility that it's going to come around after we die?" I asked.
He laughed, "Nayoung-ah! We're probably all going to be alive when that day comes! Remember, we have quite a lot of years left to live."
"Is that including Chanyeol and I?"
"Of course. Ever since we registered you guys, your bodies have been aging the way we age. You look like a 300 year old though in SM but you are of course still 15 looking and will be until you reach around 800? That's when you start to look a bit older, maturer."
And I still felt completely human. I didn't expect this. This seemed to be a lot more serious now that he was talking about it.
"The Judgement Time, however, as I've received news... is going to be close... not far off as the Crystal Ball is telling us," he said.
I see. Only at this point in the game, have I felt that I wasn't the one who was playing outside of the screen but the one who was receiving everything inside the game - I was living it.
Note from Niko - Yeah, so a pretty plain chapter with nothing much going on to give a calm start and you know what "they" say.. The Calm Before the Storm
So... IT'S BEEN A WHILE, guys! I've missed just being back on AFF~~ But the time of my Easter Holidays just seem to fly past coz it was really fun ^^ Did you guys have fun too? :)
So... over the past 3 weeks or so.. there's been quite a lot of EXO news~~ OHO ><
Sehun and Luhan's Birthdayyyy ><
There's been the XOXO EXO Variety show by Mnet.. I think it was..
There's also the musical (SM's production of 'Singin' in the rain'') which stars Onew, Sunny, Kyuhyun and Baekhyun! ^^
And also the film that Luhan's going to make his acting debut in >< Dugeun Dugeun <3
And there's been the Sewol incident which clashed with their comeback promotions ><
Oh and of course, their comeback OMGoshhhhhhh >< It's so sad that the MV has still not been released officially by SM >< OVERDOSE..
And I want to ask you guys one thing.. What do you think of all the celebrities and broadcast stations that's been cancelling this and that? Do you think it's normal, reasonable? Would you have done the same? Or do you think it's too much?
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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left