At the Stadium

I had gotten myself ready. It was almost the time for the competition and Suho was off to work. Lay had continued to stay in the apartment to look after Chanyeol. He was up and okay now but as Suho didn't allow him to go outside yet, Lay was to stay with him. We realised that their friendship had grown a lot and they were in a good relationship right now.
I had reached for my bag. Phone... check. Battery... check. Keys... check. Oh..? The ID card. I was in such a hurry running away yesterday that I forgot to hand it in to the police. There wasn't any time now so I'll hand it in after the competition.
Speaking of yesterday, I had told Suho and them about the encounter. Almost every detail. How he had white hair, was a vampire and was tall, cold looking and had very pale skin. They didn't react that much but they obviously looked worried which I felt quite guilty about.
Anyway, I was ready to leave after I checked that I had my handmade thing I had to give to someone. When I closed the door of my room, I saw Luhan coming out of his room too at the exact same time.
"Oh. Good morning," I said.
"Mm... right, you too," he said, his eyes darting all around the place.
This guy... and he seemed so grateful yesterday after I told him I had forgiven him and now, he's all cold again.
"Did you have a good night's sleep?" I asked.
"Mm... neoneun?"
I nodded, "Gwaenchana... ah!" I said and walked over to him, handing over what I had made him yesterday before I went off to sleep.
I, Choi Nayoung, hire you, Luhan, as my bodyguard. You are the first so treasure your position! Keke. If not, I'll sack you!
Under it, was a drawn picture of a rabbit and a wolf. The rabbit was telling the wolf off.
I looked at her as I held the piece of card in my hand.
"Keep it and take care of it. It's the only piece of evidence that you're fit to be my number one bodyguard," she said.
"I said you could be my bodyguard yesterday, did you forget? If you forgot, then I don't mind taking it back," she said and reached out to snatch it back.
I swerved the card away from her as she was about to grab it back, "Seeing as I'm number one, I'll keep it. Thanks."
She smiled, "Keurae, then you're gonna have to start doing your job starting now."
I went downstairs after telling him and into the living room to see Lay and Chanyeol. They were both on Pixel System.
"Yah, you talking to that friend of yours again?" I asked.
"Eo," he said, "You'll never believe this. He's animal class!"
"Omo, jinjja?" I exclaimed.
"Yeah and he has a power to freeze things! He's a really nice guy after talking to him for so long."
"Where is he from?"
"Exo-Planet. He says he's working for the Board right now and he's trying to find his Group."
"I thought Lurers finds their own groups?"
"Aniyo, since he works for the Board, he's found out he's supposed to be in a Group so he's trying hard to find the Lurer."
"How old is he?"
"I don't know actually but he's probably around the same as us."
"He's probably around 500 or above if he's working for the Board, like Suho and I," said Lay who looked up from his Pixel System then he turned to look at Luhan who was standing by the door of the living room, "Today should be a safe day for you guys. I've received news from my source but still keep a good eye on her."
Luhan nodded.
Luhan and I met up with Kris at the stadium. It was an awkward walk as he didn't say anything for most of the time but I had put in my earphones so it was less awkward. However, the journey was quite short so the silence ended quite quick and I saw Kris at the entrance, waiting for us.
I waved to him. He didn't wave back but he saw us and he gave a slight movement of his head and if to nod "Hi, I've been waiting for quite some time now so I think we should hurry and get in."
Which was what we did. We payed our entrance fees and went into the Stadium.
I sat in between the two and this was even more awkward now because the two didn't say a single word and didn't even look my way but instead just looked at straight ahead, both with their hands supporting their heads and looking bored until the match finally started.
The announcer had just finished announcing the opening of the match and there were a series of matches and I guess they weren't my interest and so I had dozed off for a bit until someone shook me awake.
"Yah, it's him," said Kris.
I forced my droopy eyes to fully open and then shook Luhan awake who had slept too. I looked to the field. Two boys were entering from the side and when one of the boys entered, I saw his face on the big screen.
It was him. The teenager I saw yesterday. The one who was being threatened. The one who was on the ID card.
Hwang Zi Tao.
The match was over and Tao had won his opponent. It was the last match and the audience was dispersing in all directions and going home.
When most of the people had left, Kris led us to the backstage of the Stadium. It wasn't a private area. Other fans could have came too but none were there except us and I saw at the corner, Tao was with the short man from yesterday. The man kicked the back of his knees (it was a high kick for him), causing him to kneel down.
There were others around too but none were stopping him.
"Two minutes and thirty two seconds. You... you piece of rubbish!" he yelled and grabbed Tao's hair, "I keep my promises. No dinner or breakfast. None that I'm going to provide you with and all that money you've won from before, I'm not letting you have any so you can't go sneaking out to find your stupid friends and eat stupid things." He was about to hit him again but we had walked over and said hello. He took his hands off of Tao and looked at us with a judging glare, "What is it?"
"We're here to take Tao awa-" Kris said. I cupped my hand over his mouth.
"He's just kidding. We're a big fan of Tao's. We'd like to get his signature," I said.
He looked at us one last time and walked away, glaring at Tao who didn't lift his head until he left completely then Tao saw Kris, "Aren't you... Kris from our school?"
Kris smirked, "You a secret admirer or something?" (Taoris moment XD)
"No, I've just seen you a lot," Tao said.
I suddenly thought of an idea. I don't ever lie but if I told him we wanted to meet him, he's probably end up asking a bunch of questions, "Ah, I saw you at the market yesterday and you dropped your ID card but I left it at home. Can I give it to you at school tomorrow?"
"Ah ne... but... are you from our school?" Tao asked.
"Yes I am," I said. This kid... really just keeps an eye out for the popular ones, doesn't he? People like me with no presense within the school really do not stand out to him,  "So, meet me at the Gym Supplies room tomorrow at lunch, okay?"
"Oh okay," he said.
We said goodbye and were about to walk away when he asked, "What about the things you wanted to get signed?"
Note from Niko - EXO'S SHOWTIME.... TT ^ TT Noooo~~~~~~ Actually, as a matter of fact, many people said that it was sad and they cried at the last episode but for some reason, I didn't find it sad... I felt like it was kind of the end of the beginning. I mean, this is just their first variety show. In the future, there's bound to be more because of the high ratings of this. Broadcasting stations won't let a big chance like EXO slide away so I found it really heartwarming that they had a nice last episode like that. They cleaned everything up nicely and it left me with such a nice memory of this variety show - it'll be something I can always look back to and smile at ^^
This time.. let's do a round off of EXO'S SHOWTIME stuff~~ 
WARNING - Don't look at the following if you haven't watched all episodes yet and you don't like spoilers ><
So, what was your personal favourite part of EXO'S SHOWTIME? Feel free to comment below~~ And your favourite episodes too if you have one ^^ Mine's were episodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 ^^ And my favourite part is when DO and Baek did the talkshows and Baek's "Kkaepsong~" As shown in the last three memes >< Soooo funny ^^ Your's?
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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left