Just Let Go

A Marriage's Happy Ending

**Jin Ae’s POV**

As he stood there and waited for my approach, I did not move a muscle at all. He finally walked down to me and increased the beats to my heart.

“Can we talk?” He nicely asked and I just looked at him.

“I really really need to talk to you.” His begging voice said.

“You better leave before Hana knows that you‘re here.” I told him but he took my hand and shook his head.

“The talk is about you and me, not her. Please… Let‘s have a moment to talk.”

The moment when my eyes connected with his, I missed him right away. I wanted to jump and hug him as tight as I could. I wanted to do so much that I went with him but I knew it wasn’t as easy as thought. When I agreed to go with him, I saw his eyes gleamed with a slight smile. He drove to the beach when we could’ve went to a simple café. I got out of the car and walked towards the ocean as he did the same. I was looking straight ahead and so much was going through my head when he softly called my name.

“Do you still hate me?” He asked such a dumb question and I turned to him in very slow motion.

“If I say yes then I have no reasons to.”

“Then no?”

“Even if I hate you, what big difference will it make?”

“I am so sorry. I-I don‘t know how to face you anymore even your parents and unni.”

“Why are you like this all of a sudden?” I curiously asked but sounded like I wasn’t interested.

His eyes that were once looking at me were now looking towards my babies. I swallowed the lump in my throat and kept strong.

“Why didn‘t you tell me about them?” He started again.

“About who?”

“My babies. How can you keep this hidden from me for seven months?” He forced answers out of me.

“If we‘re here about them then I‘m not staying.” I stated then walked past him but caught my arm which made us look at each other.

“I‘m regretting so bad, you know? It hurts like hell to know that I haven‘t been there for you when you needed me most. I want to be there for my children before they are born. Let us come back together, huh?”

I could see all the emotions through his eyes and on his face. I just wished it was like a blink of an eye and we were happy again but I have already given up and I don’t want to go back.

"Jaejoong, I'm sorry. I won't be able to give you another chance. I did many times and I..." I trailed off.

"Where did we end up the last time I forgave you? We end up being separated because of your love you're not willing to let go. I'm not saying that you should let her go since she was the one you wanted to give everything for her. You should let go of me like how I let go of you. Jaejoong..." I faced him with tears.
"I'm not your wife anymore. I'm carrying what's both yours and mine once again but don't make this another reason for us to be together. Because of that night, it led us to here. I don't want things to keep repeating and never ends so let's end it now." I took out our marriage ring and hand it to him.
"This was a piece of your heart that was given to me and I'm grateful for it but this ring still holds a promise that wasn’t fulfill so I want to give it back to you. Hopefully you'll be able to fulfill it with Hana." I said then wrapped his fingers around the ring box.

By the touch of our hands, I could feel our marriage ring still on his finger. It broke my heart more but I didn't want to make things harder for us. It was time to end this and start new. My hand slowly fell off then I walked away. Tears rushed down my cheeks as we departed. Why do I still love him so much when he broke my heart so bad? Jaejoong please let go. I love you so much that I want to kill myself but because of our daughters, I want to survive. I want them to have a mother and a father even when we weren't meant for each other..

**Jaejoong‘s POV**

The sky had their own tears as we both had ours too. Letting her walk under the rain wasn’t the best idea so I ran to her with my jacket over her head.

“I‘m walking home.” She admitted and walked faster.

“No. I took you here so I must take you back.” I told her and she pushed me away.

“Kim Jaejoong! What don‘t you understand?! Haven‘t I made myself clear?!” She shouted.

I was down to the sand then got back up.

“Is it really that hard to give another chance?!” I shouted back.

“Yes and you know that it is!”

“Why can‘t I just be there for my daughters?! Why are you trying to keep me out of their lives?!”

“Am I?” She gave me a face like are-you-freakin-serious-you-jerk.

“Each time I am pregnant with your child, it is the MAIN and ONLY reason why you stayed with me but were those reasonable excuses? Jaejoong, you don‘t have to be like this and we don‘t have to be together to love these babies.” She said in a convincing but angry tone.

“But I love you and you love me too! Why can‘t we just be together?!” I reasoned.

“Kim Jaejoong! If it wasn‘t because of our first mistake, we would have never have gotten married for the sake of a child! Do you truly love me now?! With all your heart and soul?! How can I trust you again when you couldn‘t do as your vows that were said to me?! Are they just words to tricked the minds of those who were there to witness us as a married couple?! Is that really what your vows were?!” Her voice was shaking as tears mixed with the falling rain ran down her face.

“Why can‘t you just let go?” She calmly sobbed as she begged me through her eyes.


A/N: Ey sorry readers for not updating for the past... three days?? Anyways so about my party. Hehe. It wa just. OMFG! KUSO! <-- My new curse word. Whatever so I am predicting that the story MIGHT end in less than TEN chapters. Yes yes, sure is sad huh? Haha. Well sorry again if the latest updates are going to be a bit short. Just enjoy it ;)



The tires caused high-pitched squeals against the concrete road.  I felt the car leave the ground and flipped before crashing on the hood and swerved a bit before it stayed still.


“Dr. Park! We can‘t get a heartbeat from the gentleman who just arrived in!” A voice came in a hurried.


I saw nothing but moving blurry things. I smiled and closed my eyes for my next stage in life, death.


A/N: Can it be Hana? Taecyeon? Jin Ae? Jaejoong? Or who?? *my evil weak laugh AHAHA*


UPDATED: NOV 9. 2010

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Candykpoplover #1
Chapter 25: This story is really really good, I just started to read it and couldn't get enough of it... Just wondering if you are going to make a sequel to this? If you do, that would be great...
Hayaley #2
Chapter 5: I just found this site and your story. Didn't think I would enjoy reading a"marriage" story but I'm hooked! Only 5 chapters so far but the flashbacks are keeping me reading though I have to put it down now - work is calling. :( Can't wait to pick it up again.
Chapter 94: Such an amazing story!!!
duckybaby #4
Chapter 94: Hi :)) I love the story :)) even though I was a bit confused at the first few chapters but get over it :)) I'm too late I know (man! This fanfic is written few years ago...) you did a good work Ms. Author :))
Chapter 94: well what to say :( !!! i finally finished it ... take from me two days to do :) ... anyway it was the best story ever ... i like how u wrote it make it amazing and mystery again and over again in the chapters..!!
i know i found it toooooooooo late .... but i really enjoy it ^^ u know i cried alot *sniff* and in chapter 51.crazy was freaking hilarious ... i think i was going to die from laughing

btw.to make it short the story was awesome <3 good job authornim ^^ * thumbs up * (y) XxD
Chapter 102: just found out this story and it takes me two days to read this story. really make your heart up side down, great story:)
eunjoyaa #7
Chapter 100: Man... Just found your fics today and I read it oneshot all day long (I was wondering how can I even did that) but I have no regrets spending my time to read such a great story like this. wow, just wow. you gave me hate and love feeling with Jae and Jin through the whole story and I love it. Hope to see your awesome story in the near future. :))))
Chapter 93: omomomomo Apologies for being a silent reader, but since your story is soooooo good you got me HOOKED. I had to comment on this chapter though omo it's sooooo sweeet! I love cheesy lovey dovey moments :D Your story is AWESOME, truly one of the best stories i've read.
Chapter 94: I read it like 293892832928393 times in a row. (: