
A Marriage's Happy Ending


**Hana‘s POV**

“Are you okay?” I asked when Jaejoong didn’t seem so content today.

“Yea, why?” He smiled as he looked down to me.

“Seems like something is bothering you. What‘s wrong?” I questioned.

“It‘s really nothing. I just had some bad nightmares for the past days.”

It sounded funny so I giggled.

“You have nightmares at the age of someone like you? How funny.”

“Whatever. It was serious.” He pout but a slight smile was escaping on his face.

“When is Jung Hwa getting out of school?” He asked.

“In about a few more hours.” I simply replied then we went back to the dead silence.

I kept taking glances at him because things just felt different. He didn’t seem like he was his self for the few days that he has been with me and Jung Hwa. I felt like the lost pieces of my life bond again but the feeling wasn’t how I expected it. Was it too much or too less?

**Ji Kyung‘s POV**

I finally had the courage to call Taecyeon and ask him to meet me. This was too unbearable and I knew I wouldn’t be able to move on if I didn’t get things settled with him. My dad and his dad were trying to set up the wedding again but there were so much business work in the way. Mona left and I felt deserted and abandoned. It’s not like I had no friends but I just didn’t want to turn to them at this moment. I wanted to tell myself that I shouldn’t fall in love with someone who doesn’t love me back but is it that easy? To be frank, I thought it wouldn’t be this hard but I guess no one will know until they are in this situation.

I sat patiently in a cafe waiting for his arrival. I felt so obsessed, wondering so much about him and wishing he was all mine. I had my hands around my cup and looked up every few minutes. Fifteen minutes went by and when I lifted my head to check again, he was already making his way towards me. He took the seat in front of me and I watched him as he got comfortable.
"I'm sorry. How long have you been waiting?" He started out.
"Just about thirty minutes." I told him the truth which made it sounds like I wanted him to pity me.
"Thirty minutes?"
"Actually I purposely came early for no reason so you don't have to worry."
"Oh... Well I‘m still sorry." He sounded like he truly was.
"Taecyeon shi..." I said his name and we both looked at each other.
"In the letter, you wrote about your friend…” I hesitated, not knowing how to began this conversation but I swallowed the pit in my throat and started again.

“Your friend…Is it Lee Jin Ae?" I nervously asked but the truth was killing me by the seconds.
"H-How did you know?" He stuttered at my question since he has never spoken her name to me before.
"I don't know how to explain it but I guess the best I can say is, I know who Lee Jin Ae is. We were friends for a while during elementary before I left to the States. I can't say we were best friends but we had classes together for a few years and I guess that got us to be friends..." I trailed off as I looked down to my hands.
"I would like to apologize for running off from our wedding. I know it was wrong but like I mentioned in the note, I've been in love with Jin Ae since high school. I left Korea to prepare my life to be a better man and hopefully by the time I come back, she will still be exactly how I left but she got married. I've never thought I would meet her again until she took the job as my assistant. I didn't even know that she was already married when her husband came to see her and I was left heart broken. I was in the process of developing my love for her but after knowing that she was owned I tried keeping away but nothing worked even if I ignored her. I'm just so in love with her, I don't know how to fight for her anymore. I honestly don't want to hurt you but I know I won't be able to make you the happiest woman." By his words, I was already crying inside.
I didn't need him to tell me his love story nor did I want to listen to how much he loved Jin Ae but could I put a stop to it? No. I gave him a smile even when I was hurting right where I have never expected.
"I told my friend Mona that I was going to meet you today. She said it was such a dumb choice but if it is then am I dumb?" I tried keeping my voice from shaking and my tears falling.
"I know that our parents don't understand what we are going through. All they want is for this wedding to happen and I also know that you're not in love with me as much as I am with you so I'm willing to give up. What you said is true. I also don't want to marry you if I'm not the one you love and if you are already in love with someone else. It will only make me suffer and even if we leave Korea, I know that you will never be truly happy. Taecyeon shi... Thank you for making this decision for us. I..." I took a deep breath and clasped my hands tightly together.
"I'm leaving Korea in about a few days. I don't think I have any more reasons to stay here. I haven't discuss this with my dad yet but I'll make sure he sees that we can't let this marriage happen. I don't know what I will say but hopefully my dad will understand and help convince your dad." I had more to say but he probably didn't want to hear the rest so I stopped.
"Ji Kyung..." He said my name in the most sweetest way I have ever heard out of him and I raised my head, hoping that I can capture the great features of his face once I‘m gone.
"Thank you for understanding while no one else really do. The man who earns you will be someone who you will never cry for since he will always make you happy." He granted me these words.
'But what if I want to cry for him? What if I want to let him know that I love him by my tears? Does it mean he doesn't deserve my love too?' I thought but gave him a smile like I was gracious to help.


[A/N: So who's leaving now?! *nods* Yep, it's Ji Kyung. So, LONG summary, huh? Yes, it sure was exhausting after I reread the whole thing to make sure there were no confusions. After posting the summary, I feel much more happier and satisfied. *deep breath* Since this is off my chest, I will start updating every day now. There will be days when I can't due to other events that may suddenly come up for me. I KNOW there should be typos in this chapter but again, please ignore it if you already understand what is happening. For those who are asking for a Jaejoong's POV without the past, I might do one in the next few chapters so look out for it! Okay off to relax ;) ]



The poor girl was crying her eyes out. The tears didn't want to stop yet and her heart was ready to let her death come to its end but she just didn't want to give up, not just yet.


"They're okay about this?" My unni asked, not quite sure if my parents really agreed about our absence.


I couldn’t keep my balance and I supported myself by placing my hand on the wall. My vision did not get clearer but it grew foggier by each blink then…


UPDATED: OCT 27. 2010

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Candykpoplover #1
Chapter 25: This story is really really good, I just started to read it and couldn't get enough of it... Just wondering if you are going to make a sequel to this? If you do, that would be great...
Hayaley #2
Chapter 5: I just found this site and your story. Didn't think I would enjoy reading a"marriage" story but I'm hooked! Only 5 chapters so far but the flashbacks are keeping me reading though I have to put it down now - work is calling. :( Can't wait to pick it up again.
Chapter 94: Such an amazing story!!!
duckybaby #4
Chapter 94: Hi :)) I love the story :)) even though I was a bit confused at the first few chapters but get over it :)) I'm too late I know (man! This fanfic is written few years ago...) you did a good work Ms. Author :))
Chapter 94: well what to say :( !!! i finally finished it ... take from me two days to do :) ... anyway it was the best story ever ... i like how u wrote it make it amazing and mystery again and over again in the chapters..!!
i know i found it toooooooooo late .... but i really enjoy it ^^ u know i cried alot *sniff* and in chapter 51.crazy was freaking hilarious ... i think i was going to die from laughing

btw.to make it short the story was awesome <3 good job authornim ^^ * thumbs up * (y) XxD
Chapter 102: just found out this story and it takes me two days to read this story. really make your heart up side down, great story:)
eunjoyaa #7
Chapter 100: Man... Just found your fics today and I read it oneshot all day long (I was wondering how can I even did that) but I have no regrets spending my time to read such a great story like this. wow, just wow. you gave me hate and love feeling with Jae and Jin through the whole story and I love it. Hope to see your awesome story in the near future. :))))
Chapter 93: omomomomo Apologies for being a silent reader, but since your story is soooooo good you got me HOOKED. I had to comment on this chapter though omo it's sooooo sweeet! I love cheesy lovey dovey moments :D Your story is AWESOME, truly one of the best stories i've read.
Chapter 94: I read it like 293892832928393 times in a row. (: