Love Me

A Marriage's Happy Ending
[A/N: AHA> I was bribing some people so I decided to do the first update now. Just kidding. YOU ARE SO GOING TO HATE TAECYEON, READERS!! hehe. ]


**Jin Ae‘s POV**

Everyone in the household had a life for the day while I didn’t. I wanted to go out but I really had no where to go, I felt like a loner. Well I guess I am a loner. I was dozing off when someone knocked the front door. I ran to get it when I startled at the guest.

“Why are you here?” I was hesitating to ask him the question.

“Jin Ae, I---” He started but I cut him off.

“I‘m not mad at you but one thing I really want is for you and I not to see each other again.”

“Why?” He asked with concern.

“TaeMin, what we had in the past… was it really love? Did you even love me or was it that got us to be close like this? I messed up my own life and I want to fix it but I really can‘t. The best way is to let go of those who have changed my life. I want to go back to my old life but I want to be capture in the dark. I…”

“I really don‘t want all this in my life anymore.” I finished.

“I know, Jin Ae but my love for you is more than all the we had for the past days of our lives. I was being a jerk that night and I‘m really sorry. I know sorry isn‘t enough but can we start something from here? Exactly from here and get to somewhere?” He pleaded but I shook my head.

“If I give you a chance, why don‘t I just give another chance to my ex-husband? He did so much to me but at the same time, he didn‘t want to let go of me. It wasn‘t only him who ruined me but I did the same to him. I let myself be there that night and got myself pregnant with his child. Who would have thought that we would last until now or a few months ago? I really couldn‘t let him go even if I was given a clone of him. I wanted him and no one could replace him but…” I sighed then continued.

“He‘s my best friend‘s boyfriend and I just had to fall into his life. TaeMin…” I looked into his eyes.

“I know one day there will be a girl who will love you the way you are. She would even hate the moments when you accidentally bite her tongue from your aggressive kisses…” I said but scoffed at my own lecture I was giving him.

“Most of all, there will be that one girl that you can‘t live without and she can‘t live without you too. We were just meant to be this far and now it‘s time for you to seek for the right one.”

I guess he understood what I was trying to say so he took me by the hands and embraced me.

“One thing I would want you to know that I have always love you even after all the and blah blah and I would want to fight for your love but I guess you‘re right. Jin Ae, thank you for making a change in my life. Could I have find it myself with another girl? Maybe not because you were one out of millions that I have selected to be a part of my life.” He departed the hug and let his hands relax on my shoulders.

“You are what God would call, an angel.” He shine a smile on him and I mirrored it back to him.

**Taecyeon’s POV**

The movie was rolling and Jin Kyung was next to me enjoying her sweet pecan popcorn. I didn’t even know Korea was making these! I thought they would only exist to those weird eaters in America! [A/N: WTF?! TAECYEON~! HAHA. Just kidding.]

“I used to be scared and nervous when you hold my hand but it seems like you are the one acting like that when I want to hold your hand now.” The girl played by one of Korea’s most famous woman said to the man that was playing as her long lost lover.

The man stared straight into her eyes and it was like love was in the air as the train went along on the train tracks.

“Ja Hee, have anyone told you how beautiful you are?”

“Yea…” She smiled and his excited expression soften.

When she realized the change on his face, she give him a soft kiss on his cheek.

“No one has ever told me that besides the person I‘ve been waiting to hear from it again and it‘s you, Dong Min.” She sweetly whispered to him after the train let out a loud horn.

He turned to her with no enormous grin but a face that was lost in the words of the girl he has been loving since his child days.


Jin Kyung was still in tears when we were walking out of the theatre. She said it was so touching at the end since the main guy died after he got hit by a car. Yes, it was sad but it didn’t tore my heart into pieces and make me cry my heart out like some of the men that were in the same room as me.

“I‘m sorry…I-It‘s just…” She sniffed and wiped her wet cheeks.

“No, it‘s okay.” I said to her in a comforting voice.

“Um I want to go use the restroom for a second, I‘ll be back.” She informed me then with my nod, she left.

I waited for her and within two minutes, she came back with a glow on her face exactly the same when we first enter the movie room. I looked at the gigantic digital clock outside of the theater and it read 4:30 PM. I was surprised that the movie took almost TWO hours! I felt like I can end my day by doing something else so I tried to find an excuse to tell Jin Kyung.

“So how‘d you like it?” I started and she shrugged.

“It was nice. The plot was good but I wonder why the main guy had to die at the end. Shouldn‘t everyone receive a happy ending?” She wondered.

I guess it was true what she said. I never really thought of it though. Well maybe I did but it just didn’t really pop in my head too much.

“I… don‘t know. Maybe it‘s… life?” I filled in my blank with something everyone would usually say.

“Well it‘s still really disappointing. After all those years, they met again then he just had to die. Like he did everything he could and somehow the parents had to separate them due to some family problems then he tried making her come back but only to find out that she was already married! Isn‘t that just sad?” She went on.

I thought about what she said. Did it relate to me? At least a tiny bit? I guess what Jin Kyung isn’t realizing now is that she is the one between me and Jin Ae. Our parents are also the ones trying to make this arranged marriage possible. What should I do now?

One: Do as my heart says and fight through to get Jin Ae?


Two: Always regret my marriage with Jin Kyung?

“Taecyeon shi…?” Her meek voice called my name.


“Are you alright?” She asked and I scoffed but nod.

“Um, Jin Kyung. I forgot that I had to meet a friend tonight, can I take you home early?” I tried to keep my voice steady as I lied.

“Of course. I don‘t want to bother you too much.” She smiled.

I got to her house and dropped her off. I opened my phone system in my car and dialed a number.

“Hello?” Her voice sounded weak.

“Let‘s meet.”

“I don‘t want to.” She refused.

Somehow by those words, it got me heated with anger.

“I‘ll make your unni get you to come with me.” I warned and she didn’t answer.

“What‘s the reason to meet?”

“Is there a reason to see someone after a long time no see?”

Again, she was quiet.

“I‘m close by so make sure you come out.”

I hung up before she could make any excuses. When I braked in front of her house, I saw two shadows close by the front door. One was clearly Jin Ae’s figure. When the talking was done, Jin Ae came out. She walked slowly down the stairs then got in my car. She didn’t greet me with a smile or anything but just sat there.

“You want to go to the beach?”

“Why?” She asked.

“Just to relax.”

“I guess.” She simply answered then I drove there.

The sun was setting and I believe it was one of the most beautiful scenes of Seoul. I parked my car at the empty and opened parking lot. We were still in the car then I turned to her.

“Do you love me?” I asked with no hesitation but she kept her head down.

“Jin Ae…” I raised my hand to her cheek but she drew back.

“If you want to relax then let‘s just do that.” She stated and turned to look out the window.

“Why can‘t you love me?” I asked as my frustration raised.

I hated when she don’t give me answers to my questions so I grabbed her wrist and made her faced me.

“Look, Lee Jin Ae. I want you to love me.” I said through my gritted teeth.

“No!” She yanked her hand away then went out the car.

“Lee Jin Ae!” I shout her name as she was walking farther and farther away across the sand.

“LEE JIN AE!” I got a bit louder and she started to walk even faster.

I raced to her and took hold of her wrist.

“Let go of me!” She struggled but I wasn’t going to just let go easily.

**Jin Ae‘s POV**

Seriously, I didn’t know how to make myself anymore clearer to him. I find no love in us when he should be loving someone else. I may not know her and I shouldn’t care but I’m a woman and I should know how it feels when another woman took my man away from me. The moment I got out of his car and was on the sand, he tried stopping. He gripped on my wrist and got me to turn, facing him once again. We lost balance by that action and fell to the warm sand that was roasted by the heating sun all day. His hands ran up and down my sides but I was trying to push him away. He did all he could to seduce me but I just can’t fall for it. I was refusing when he put a bit more force in his actions. His fingers were rubbing against the waistline of my jean and he put pressure against my body.

“Love me!” He growled in frustration and I shook my head.

“I-I can‘t.” I sounded as a pitiful woman getting .


“I-I just can‘t.”

“Love me, Jin Ae… Just love me…” He pleaded and started to nibbled on my lips.

My lips were trembling as I was feeling my tears. I felt so lost and used. Every time it just had to be like this. With TaeMin and now my best friend, Taecyeon. When he came to realize my emotions, he stopped and buried his face in my neck.

“Jin Ae… I… I just can‘t do this anymore… Your ignorance of me is making me want you more… I need you and I really do…” He said his desires and held tightly around my waist, hoping for me to show him the same affections.

“Just give me a chance. I‘ll prove to you that I‘ll be worth this, please trust me…”


[A/N: For those who I have been talking to, tonight I had such a AWESOME night. Just so many reasons but you guys have done such a GREAT job. Many of you had said the story sounds real and I appreciate that a lot. Even I feel the same and I'm glad you guys caught the big red bold question. aha. Uh what else?? I'll do TWO more updates tomorrow. ;) I'm hoping that the story don't jump too much :\ I love you all! ]



“Appa, have you seen how umma one looks like?” My son asked.



“What the hell happened to you? You look like someone just knocked you up and dropped you off with some cash for the night? So how much you made?” My unni greeted me with those dumb and sarcastic questions as I walked past her.


“OH.M. GEE! I so have to tell you this!” Mona walked in and sat in front of me.


“Appa! Appa!” A little boy cheerfully called his dad which grabbed my attention to look.


UPDATED: OCT 18. 2010


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Candykpoplover #1
Chapter 25: This story is really really good, I just started to read it and couldn't get enough of it... Just wondering if you are going to make a sequel to this? If you do, that would be great...
Hayaley #2
Chapter 5: I just found this site and your story. Didn't think I would enjoy reading a"marriage" story but I'm hooked! Only 5 chapters so far but the flashbacks are keeping me reading though I have to put it down now - work is calling. :( Can't wait to pick it up again.
Chapter 94: Such an amazing story!!!
duckybaby #4
Chapter 94: Hi :)) I love the story :)) even though I was a bit confused at the first few chapters but get over it :)) I'm too late I know (man! This fanfic is written few years ago...) you did a good work Ms. Author :))
Chapter 94: well what to say :( !!! i finally finished it ... take from me two days to do :) ... anyway it was the best story ever ... i like how u wrote it make it amazing and mystery again and over again in the chapters..!!
i know i found it toooooooooo late .... but i really enjoy it ^^ u know i cried alot *sniff* and in chapter 51.crazy was freaking hilarious ... i think i was going to die from laughing make it short the story was awesome <3 good job authornim ^^ * thumbs up * (y) XxD
Chapter 102: just found out this story and it takes me two days to read this story. really make your heart up side down, great story:)
eunjoyaa #7
Chapter 100: Man... Just found your fics today and I read it oneshot all day long (I was wondering how can I even did that) but I have no regrets spending my time to read such a great story like this. wow, just wow. you gave me hate and love feeling with Jae and Jin through the whole story and I love it. Hope to see your awesome story in the near future. :))))
Chapter 93: omomomomo Apologies for being a silent reader, but since your story is soooooo good you got me HOOKED. I had to comment on this chapter though omo it's sooooo sweeet! I love cheesy lovey dovey moments :D Your story is AWESOME, truly one of the best stories i've read.
Chapter 94: I read it like 293892832928393 times in a row. (: