To Do List

A Marriage's Happy Ending
[A/N: This is all in the past and before Jin Ae and Jaejoong were going to get marry. I think it‘s really cute. Hehe. ]

**Jin Ae‘s POV**

Today was booked. No time for sleeping! UGH! The day was scheduled to shop for the wedding. The dress, suit, rings, etc including a check up with the doctor. First thing on the list was getting the outfits. The stylist explained the great features of the fifth suit that he had tried on but I wanted to get him annoyed so I refused it and he darted evil eyes at me. A small laugh slipped out of me and I turned back to the magazine I was looking at; a honeymoon magazine. Why the hell am I reading this magazine?! Actually, it was pretty interesting with all the photos that were well taken. The curtain swift open and there stood him, I was still reading something so I didn’t look at the second.

“Take it or leave it.” He declared to me in his husky voice then I took a look at him.

“This set of suit have been specially design from one of Korea’s famous designer. It fits with any body frame and by the neck, it‘s comfortable unlike other collars that makes the person feel like they’re suffocating….” The stylist went on with describing again.

“Uh….” I uttered for a good few seconds.

“Um… This one will do.” I finally said and the stylist nodded then followed Jaejoong back into the fitting room.

Wow. What was I thinking about? The moment he stood in front of me with that suit I just couldn’t think of anything else but how handsome he looked. I had no words to define how I felt or even saw. It was like seeing God through him but truth is: he is a devil. I just never saw him in that way before besides the night ‘it’ happened. I remember seeing stars in his eyes and feeling lips that were like drugs. I was still lost in my thoughts at the sudden feeling I had of him. How can I even explain myself?

“It‘s your turn, Ms. Lee.” The stylist informed me then I followed her in as Jaejoong past me.

I ignored him and his evil plans of torturing me then went on for the try-outs.

**Jaejoong‘s POV**

That damn Jin Ae, I will surely get revenge on her. It was my turn to do the judging so I sat in the waiting chair with my legs crossed then looked through a random magazine. I flipped pages through pages and there were nothing exciting to see but recommendations on places you can go to on honeymoons, catering, weddings outfits and etc.

“Hm, it seems like this dress suits you very well.” I heard the stylist commented then Jin Ae was exposed to me with her dress.

The curtain was pushed to the side and she was in one of the selected dress. I was going to refuse without giving one look but no words came out of me even I couldn’t move a muscle. She looked paranoid and waited for my response but I had none.

“So what do you think, Mr. Kim?” The stylist asked and I felt like I was deaf.

Is a angel appearing to me? I totally forgot who she was, the person in that dress that was making her glow so brightly. It felt so impossible but everything I was thinking were all about her. Man~ Is this really an angel or is it God now?

“We‘ll just take this.” Jin Ae said then walked back into the fitting room.

Once I woke up from my daydream, they were already gone.

“Tsh.” I threw the magazine back on top of the other magazines and went out.


“Oh gosh, shut the fu*k up!” She raised her voice.

“No, you shut the fu*k up! You’re complaining about the dress when I didn‘t even say if we can buy it or not!” I protested and she rolled her eyes.

“So?! I don‘t want it anymore!”


“Red light.”

The tires screeched and my head almost met with my steering wheel while Jin Ae was still sitting calm in her seat.

“Put a scratch on me EVEN a bruise and you‘re returning that damn dress!” She warned me then the light turned green.


**Jin Ae‘s POV**

“You‘re doing great, Ms….” The doctor wasn’t sure how to address me.

“Just Miss Lee, please.” I responded a bit annoyed.

I got off the bed and he was filling out some papers. I waited impatiently but something was sticking inside my head. I didn’t know how to word it out and how to get a explainable answer for it too. Possibly it’s just my lack of vocabulary. The doctor went to the counter and took out some slips then filled those out. When I finally cut down to my question I forced myself to ask it with confidence.

“Um, quick question… how much money will I get if my husband get into a hit and run accident?”

The doctor looked up and gave me a look like I was going to kill the father of my child. Well, yes I would but I’m not looking forward to spend the rest of my precious life behind rusty bars.

“Nice joke.” He chuckled and I also gave him a look like I wanted a ‘real’ answer.

“I‘m serious, doc. Can‘t you try to be serious with me too?”

“Why would you like to know?” He walked towards me and I was feeling sweat beads over my forehead.

“Just wondering since I don‘t know much about insurance stuff.” I faked a smile and he thought about my question.

“Well… it depends. You can call your insurance and check on it.”

“Oh.” I uttered.

“Okay, you‘re set to go.” He smiled at me and sent me off.

I was disappointed that the doctor thought I was just trying to crack a joke or maybe was trying to kill Jaejoong. Tsh. Why can’t people take me serious these days?! Just because I’m a crabby, moody pregnant lady?! I beg you, God, don’t let me meet Jaejoong again in Heaven, meeting him on Earth feels like an early hell. In about a few more weeks, I was going to be announced as Mrs. Kim. Tsh. Please kill me and burn me into ashes if anyone really want to; something that stupid Jaejoong would love to do. He sat at the waiting room and was checking his phone. I approached him and he didn’t bother to look at me.

“I know you would LOVE to sit here but we need to get the rings before your umma complains.” I told him and he put his phone in his pocket as he stood up.

“And why should I care?” He asked with an attitude.

“Because you‘re the driver, the person who is currently holding the money and the so-called man so it‘s YOUR job to get our stuff off the lists, araso?” I gave him a smile with a sense of wickedness then walked out without him.

We got in the car and the store we needed to go for the rings wasn’t so far away. He parked the car and we got out at different times. Doing things at the very same time was like a pair of twins wearing the same pink underwear. The door slide open and we went inside the store with jewelries decorated on walls, cabinets and glass counters.

“We‘re here for the rings that we ordered.” Jaejoong informed the young lady behind the cashier.

“Please follow me.” She moved to the other side of the room and Jaejoong followed.

I looked at sections after sections of rings and there were about ten thousands of them that I wished I was able to buy for myself. Sadly, I didn’t have the money for it unless I dig all the gold out of that stupid jerk’s pockets. His parents are rich, no, scratch that. They are a bit richer than my family and they’re pretty much paying for most of what is going to happen at our wedding too. I walked to Jaejoong and the lady as they discuss about the rings. I hovered behind Jaejoong’s shoulder and took a glimpse of the rings. I was just a step away to smash his head into the glass counter. How dare he order rings that were as plain as him?! Okay, that suits him but not me!

“I don‘t like it.” I said straightforward and moved to another selection.

“I like this one.” I pointed my finger on the surface of the glossy glass but directly to the ring that caught my eyes at first glance.

I could see the irritated face of Jaejoong when he walked over. The lady took out the set and placed it in front of me.

“How many karat is this one?” I asked and the lady sis a calculation.

“Um about 18 to 20 karat, I guess.”

I turned to Jaejoong for his comments.

“How much is this one then?” The unexpected question came out of his mouth.

“I believe this one is a bit cheaper since it’s the last one on our stock. Many people loved this ring because of the features.”

I scoffed at him since MY ring was cheaper than HIS, and from there he didn’t do any more talking.

“Is there a man‘s ring with this?”

“Absolutely.” The lady said and took out another set.

“People usually buy this one with the woman‘s ring. Somehow they just seem to make a perfect match.”

“We can do another deal with this ring if you decides to buy the woman‘s ring.” The lady suggested and Jaejoong was thinking about.

I was starting to feel odd because Jaejoong was doing some real thinking about the rings. He must love saving money instead of wasting it like me.

“So what‘s the deal?” He asked.

“If you buy the rings at their full price with only 10% off, we can do free cravings of your names or something on the ring.”

I was close to flying in to the air or even hug the dealer at her own words. The sound of our names being carved on the rings just thrilled me. I opened my mouth but before a word could escape, Jaejoong’s words came first.

“We‘ll take the deal then.” He stated and seriously, I was at the moment when I would obey every little thing he asked me to do but it would NEVER happen though.


We got the order of our OFFICIAL rings then I did a recheck on our ‘to-do list’ inside my head.

“Got the outfits…Check up… Rings… Seems like we did everything.” I reported to him.

“You forgot about: Killing Kim Jaejoong?” He reminded me.

“I guess I don‘t need to at this very moment since I got the ring I want for my wedding.” I grinned and he gave me a look but wasn’t looking towards me.

“Hmph. I can’t believe you would buy such plain and ugly rings for the wedding.“ I told him and he turned to me.

“You bought such a hideous dress that doesn’t even fit on you too, you fat woman!”

“Tsh. Look at how pitiful you look, you worthless trash!”


**No One‘s POV**

“Better not give me that ugly attitude of yours.” He warned her.

“Give me one of your crabby moves and enjoy being embarrass in front of EVERYONE, you jerk!” She hissed.

Jin Ae raised her index finger and pressed on the doorbell. Two seconds later, the man next to her roughly pulled her closer to him and before she could kick him in the balls and run inside, the door was already opened.

“OMO! You guys are here~! Hurry in!” A woman probably in her later twenties greeted them.

The rooms were filled with voices and laughter. All of that stopped once they were present. The not-yet wedded couple stared at all the guests and they stared back at them too.

“JAE!” One of Jaejoong’s cousin came, half drunk.

“To my BEST cousin and his soon-to-be wife!” He cheered as one of his arm hooked Jaejoong’s board shoulder.

So many people asked them questions and about over a half of those questions had no answers and another half was about the baby. There were even more when they were in different groups of people.

“Was he good in bed?”

“She must have been feisty while doing it, huh?”

“Why all of a sudden to get marry? Is it because of the baby?”

“Pregnant women are sure es, aren‘t they?”

“Does she have HIV? STDs?”

“If you get to know Jaejoong, he is the BIGGEST . *laughs*”

“So… How did you two meet?”

Both of them blinked plainly at the question being asked to them.

“Uh… We….”

‘Think… Think….’

“We… met at a club and started to date from there.” They stated from different locations in the house.

‘Thank you, Lord.’

The house was like a party house instead of a formal eating and drinking. As the men gather, the women did too. Jaejoong took all the shots of liquor that was offered to him. On shot, two shots, three shots, five shots, ten shots, wasted yet?

“WIIIFFFEE~~~!” He sounded like a dead deer’s cry as he came to Jin Ae.

He gave her a kiss and she took in the unpleasant kiss with eyes on them. He pulled back and cheered then everyone followed with a cheer too.

“ME and MY wife are going night night….” He trailed off and picked Jin Ae in bridal style.

“Wooow Wooow!” Everyone were ready to catch Jin Ae if Jaejoong was to tripped and let her fall to the floor but he was able to walk up the stairs without tumbling back down.

Once they were out of sight, Jin Ae waited until Jaejoong set her down. He eventually did and dropped on the bed; close enough to land on her.

“Don‘t even try to complain about the smell of me now.” He mumbled then hiccupped.

“You better be sleeping somewhere else then. I don‘t want anyone dirty like you to sleep with me.” She pushed him off the bed and he rolled over until he hit the wooden floor.


“FU*K! W-WHY ARE YOU BEING A ?!” He shouted and she ignored him as she made herself comfortable.

He got up and plunged his dead body on the bed again.

“Don‘t think I won‘t forget what you just did. I‘m not even that drunk so if you try to push me again, I‘m going to you.” He partly laughed at what he said.

“I wish you could just burn to hell now, Kim Jaejoong.” She muttered but with his face towards her direction, she saw his smirk.

“I AM hell...”


[A/N: A major sorry! I totally forgot when was the last time I updated. Anywho uh I got a trailer for the story but my net is slow so I can't post it up now but look forward to it. For those who have been keeping up the comments, thank you SO SO much. It means a lot to me and makes me want to update every seconds if I could but I need to keep up with the writing. I always want to jump to the dramas but there will be TOO MUCH jumping around if I do that so please bear with me. Also I probably won't have the chance to update tomorrow so I would like to apologize in advance but I'll try to make it up to you guys with TWO chapters and hopefully it'll get you screaming your heads off and make your mom thinks you're crazy. Thanks ;) ]



For the woman I love so much, she had already found her second happiness.


"Jaejoong.... Maybe it was me who is ruining your life..." She said in a tone like she was afraid I would say yes.


"What if I want to? Will I get a chance to?"


"What is your umma's name?" I slowly asked and before he could answer me, the front door opened.


Our breathless caused our chests to heaved into each other and the position of our faces kept our eyes looking at each other.


UPDATED: OCT 9. 2010

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Candykpoplover #1
Chapter 25: This story is really really good, I just started to read it and couldn't get enough of it... Just wondering if you are going to make a sequel to this? If you do, that would be great...
Hayaley #2
Chapter 5: I just found this site and your story. Didn't think I would enjoy reading a"marriage" story but I'm hooked! Only 5 chapters so far but the flashbacks are keeping me reading though I have to put it down now - work is calling. :( Can't wait to pick it up again.
Chapter 94: Such an amazing story!!!
duckybaby #4
Chapter 94: Hi :)) I love the story :)) even though I was a bit confused at the first few chapters but get over it :)) I'm too late I know (man! This fanfic is written few years ago...) you did a good work Ms. Author :))
Chapter 94: well what to say :( !!! i finally finished it ... take from me two days to do :) ... anyway it was the best story ever ... i like how u wrote it make it amazing and mystery again and over again in the chapters..!!
i know i found it toooooooooo late .... but i really enjoy it ^^ u know i cried alot *sniff* and in chapter 51.crazy was freaking hilarious ... i think i was going to die from laughing make it short the story was awesome <3 good job authornim ^^ * thumbs up * (y) XxD
Chapter 102: just found out this story and it takes me two days to read this story. really make your heart up side down, great story:)
eunjoyaa #7
Chapter 100: Man... Just found your fics today and I read it oneshot all day long (I was wondering how can I even did that) but I have no regrets spending my time to read such a great story like this. wow, just wow. you gave me hate and love feeling with Jae and Jin through the whole story and I love it. Hope to see your awesome story in the near future. :))))
Chapter 93: omomomomo Apologies for being a silent reader, but since your story is soooooo good you got me HOOKED. I had to comment on this chapter though omo it's sooooo sweeet! I love cheesy lovey dovey moments :D Your story is AWESOME, truly one of the best stories i've read.
Chapter 94: I read it like 293892832928393 times in a row. (: