The First Meeting.

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye arrived in  the school and everything is still so quiet,but in a few more minutes children will start piling up to start the day.She put her things on the table and started preparing for the day's activities...and then she heard a knock on the door ,and the Principal was there.

"Good Morning Shin Hye," as he walked in the classroom."We have a very important event today and I have chosen your class for it."

"Good Morning,Sir " as she answered.She was surprised to see him this early in school."What is it?"

"We will be having a media coverage in our school,A big company has decided to donate a lot of money towards our computers updates and possibly a  cafeteria and a gym hall.Their big heads are coming over to hand us the check but they want a coverage for it." he said.

"But why my class ?And why not in your office or somewhere?" Shin Hye said.She was anxious cause she is not ready for this kind of attention  and is never been in a limelight before.What a plain teacher like her to be in the picture or even news?

"And to tell you the truth,your class is the most decent one in our school,and you don't want Mrs Go,or Mr Lee to be in it don't you?We need to show our best in the public.And you are young and fresh ,it will be good for us." Principal Ahn has answered.

"But I might get nervous and toungue tied in front of all those people?" she said.

"You will be fine,you will do well ." he said."I have confidence in you."

"How come all this time? I never heard of any big companies around here." Shin Hye asked.

"Oh they are from the city,they will be coming from Seoul.They are planning to build a plant here and an office so I think they want  to help out our town a bit.If things pushed thru,they will be living in our community too." he said.

"I'll try my best Sir." she said but her stomach started getting queasy at the thought of it.

It was already midmorning when Shin Hye noticed the commotion outside their classroom.She caught a glimpse of a man in a gray business suit and he was being followed by few more people around,which seems to be his assistant and then followed by a few cameraman with their videos and camera.It seems like people from the media.Her stomach came to a knot.....this is such an unexpected day for her,and she was not even dressed for this as she looked at dawdy dress that she is wearing and the simpleness of herself.She only have a powder on her face otherwise her flawless face is bare.

The principal walked in her class followed by the big man in a suit,and then the crowd.Looking at him,he looked so young to be the head of such a big company,probably just a year or two older than her,He looked at her as their eyes met.He looked scary and so powerful that she felt her hands go cold and clammy just at the sight of him.He did not looked away but continue to stare at her and then smile as he came near her with an extended hand as the Principal introduced them.

"This is Mr Jang Geun Seok, the son of the CEO and President of the Jang Group of companies ,and this is Miss Park Shin Hye our first grade teacher." Principal Ahn said.They shook hands and Shin Hye felt embarassed, for her hands are cold and shaking.She bowed her head in greeting,She can see the amused smile in his face.She turned flushed when she can see how charming he is when he smiles.And the man seems to be liking of what he is seeing.

"It is nice to meet you Miss Park.It is nice to see a young fresh face in this place." he said.The camera flashed before their very eyes.

A man came forward as he handed Mr Jang an envelope."I am donating this money from our company for the improvement and projects in  this school.This is to stay true with our company's mission and goal for the improvement and better quality of life to all." he said.Everybody clapped their hands and more camera flashes as Principal Ahn and Shin Hye received the envelope from Mr Jang.

Then after a few more talk from Principal Ahn and Mr Jang,everybody has started moving ,to leave Shin Hye's classroom.Shin Hye thought that everything is over when the money was received and everybody will go on their merry way.She was able to breath easier after all the cameras are gone and so more so when the powerful guy in a gray suit was gone.She doesn't know and can't understand her feeling.She have never met such a powerful and so attractive man at the same time.And her heart went crazy when she saw him smile at her .It is a good thing that she never have to see him again in her life for he can be so disturbing.

Shin Hye started to continue her lesson for the day.As she started to teach new song to her class.She was in the middle of the song when Principal Ahn walked in with that guy again,this time it is only the two of them and an assiatant.

"Miss Park,My Jang wants to observe your classes even for an hour." he said,

Shin Hye looked at the Principal and then to that man again.He have this smile again in his face.It better of if he is frowning or serious but the smile,she could not take it.She can feel herself color again in front of him.

"If you don't mind at all?" Geun seok said.

"Ah,it would be almost lunch time,I am afraid that after this,the kids will be going off for their lunch." she said.

"It is alright,just continue what you are doing ,I will be just in the corner watching." he said.

"I...I ...." as she looked at her Principal"Alright I will leave our guest with you Miss Park." as he walked away.Shin Hye have no choice but  to continue with her teaching.She tried to composed herselff and told herself to just ignore him,like he is not around.She started singing out the song as the children followed her tune.All along she was just too aware of the eyes that followed her in every single thing she does.Before the period was over,Shin and her student has been singing the song.But although,she have performed well her own heart is pounding and her hands shaking.

"Boss what are we still doing here?it is almost lunch time." Hongki said .His assiatant and his friend for a long time.

"I am still having fun here,Don't you think she is cute?" he said with a grin in his face.

"Oh no,you better not to start on that.Your Father is not gonna like this.We have to have a positive image in this town for the contract and the permit is not signed yet.Forget whatever is in your mind." Hongki said."I thought you never even want to come here today and see this place?"

"That was before but now I changed my mind.This place can be very interesting.Don't worry,I am just going to play a little today,after all I am still doing this in company's behalf." as he smiled to himself and started walking up to the teacher's desk,as the student started to leave the classroom one by one....

"Miss Park,I was wondering since it is lunch time if there is any place around to have lunch." Geun Seok asked.

She looked up at him.He have that amused smile on his face again.And she thought of place to tell him but it seems like there is no decent place to eat in their town of his stature.There was a local diner and one fast food around,aside from that their town  basically got nothing.

"Ahhh,I think our town is really small,and the only place that we have is a local diner and a fastfood place..But if you go farther along the next town,they have better restaurants." she said.

"The local diner will do.In any case you have to come back to your class ,don't you?" he asked.

"And what do you mean?" Shin Hye asked.

"You are going to lunch with us.The Principal said that you have to take good care of us right? So as a guest,the hostess should come along too." Gen Seok said.

"But I can't  leave my class." she said.

"That is why we having our lunch at the local diner.You want me to ask the Principal for a permission?" he asked.

Shin Hye kept silent.This man must be playing with her or something."I can't leave here ,nobody can take my place."

"Alright, as you say." he said as he turned to leave her classroom followed by his assistant.

Shin Hye got up and wondered if she did the right thing.He will probably say nothing to the principal of her refusal to go with them for lunch.She got her lunch box and started getting ready to eat her lunch when the Principal came back with Mr Jang again.

"Shin Hye,I hope you don't mind,going with our guest for lunch.There is something that come up and I have to attend to it myself.Don't worry about your class,I have somebody covering for you,so no need to hurry back." Principal Ahn said.

"Uhmm I hope you have not started your lunch yet?" Geun Seok said.

"No ,I haven't." Shin Hye said"Let me just get my bag so we can go." as she got up.Something in him,the way he looked at her that made her nervous and uncomfortable ......She knows she has not been exposed to people of his kind but somehow the peace and serenity that she felt before seems to go away with the sight of this overpowering ,attractive man in front of her.



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it