Quiet Reverie

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye watched as the last of her students went out of the door.It is Friday afternoon,and the weather outside looks inviting.The children running out ,at the close confines  of the classroom.She can hear the children's screams and shouts and laughter,as they look forward for the weekend.She smiled at the innocence and the happiness they project.

She gathered her things on the table getting ready to go home.It has been two weeks already since she last saw Geun Seok,and aside from his random phone calls,which is her only communication to him.She still don't know when he will be coming home.He has been busy with work ,almost round the clock.She is missing him a lot especially on the weekends when she is by herself and nothing else to do..Aside from her daily chores at home,her life has been pretty boring and predictable lately.

So far she has not seen Yong Hwa either.He was either avoiding her or has been quite busy in their business too.She has heard that he was in the city ,the last time,she stepped in their store.Somehow,she has been missing their friendship,their Sunday get together and their little talks.yes,she misssed their quiet and comfortable friendship.

The walk to home was pretty comforting in some way.She passed by the construction site,and saw that the buildings are almost done now.It stood majestic from all the residential houses around.Roads and pathways are on the works now.Little trees are starting to sprout,and the  lay out to the grand entrance can be seen now.Somehow,she missed the rolling meadows,that used to greet her every morning when she walk on the way to school.

The townhouses is now almost ready.A fer more works on the interior,that's what they say.Pretty soon,she will be busy decorating it,just as Geun Seok has said.She was wary whether he is going to like it or not.She is not a professional one and she knows her work is nothing like the refined and polished  one.But he wants her input in his new place and she was sort of happy about it.That means she is somebody special in his life and she wants ot be a part of it.

Weekends came too easy as Shin Hye got herself ready in her desk at home to start working on her lesson plans.She also got some books to read  and some art works to do,for the visuals in her lessons.Her parents are still out somewhere,around the town.They won't be home until late in the afternoon.

And then she heard a knock ont he door and wondered who could it be?Her heart started to beat faster,thinking it could be Geun Seok and he is out to surprise her with his arrival,just like the last time.And as she hurried to the door to open it with a smile in her face,only to find Yong Hwa in the entrance door.She could not hide the change of expression in her face and the disappointment ,Yong Hwa has noticed it too.

"Yong Hwa,what are you doing here?" Shin Hye asked.

"I know,I am not the one that you are expecting,but I came today and I have something to show you." Yong Hwa said with a serious look in his face.

Shin Hye stepped back as she let Yong Hwa inside the house.There was this certain look at him,something,she could not understand,a concern,a pity or something....."What is it?Something important ,I guess." she said,as she tried to smile to ease the tension that has been building up.

"So you have not read it yet? Did you speak with Geun Seok at all today ?" he asked.

Shin Hye shook her head."I spoke to him three days ago.Why did something happen to him?" as her heartbeat started racing.

"I think, you should read this.I don't want to be the one to show it to you ,but you have to know.I can't just stand back  and do nothing about this." he said,as he handed her the Sundays paper from Korea.She caught sight of Geun Seok's picture with Arah.She wondered what could it be?

Her hand was shaking as she read the part....and the heading Engagement....and it reads,Jang Geon Seok and Go Arah announcement of their engagement and their forthcoming wedding in which the specific date will be announce later...Shin Hye stared at it.She could not understand it at first but as she read it again and again,suddenly it dawned on her....What Arah has been saying is true all along.She is just a flavor of the month,and she is just the girl at the moment at Geun Seok's life.She will be just one of his girls in huis long list....He is marrying somebody else and that is not her but Arah.Tears blurred her eyes,as she looked back at Yong Hwa unable to believe it....Yong Hwa stared at her as he took Shin Hye in his arms as he let her cry on his shoulder,like he promised her...before...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it