The Right Thing To Do

You're All That I Want

A/N-After several attempts of trying to end this story in this chapter {after I lost the one that i have written} seems I won't be able to do it right if I end it here right I guess we still have a couple more chapters on this one.Sorry about that...Maybe i am just having separation anxiety from the characters of the story...ha..ha..ha.I don't want this to end...after all.


As Geun Seok stared at Shin Hye waiting for her answer.Shin Hye stared back at him...She wants very much to be the bride to this handsome young man,but will it be the right thing to do? With his eyes on her and his arms around her,it will be too easy to say yes,and promise anything to him,but she knows she has to step back a little and take in whatever is happening in her life right now.

She took a deep breath,and Geun Seok can sensed the indecision that has been playing in her mind.Doesn't she trust him enough to marry him?He meant it,and he really loves her.Every part of him wants to own her and yes possess her,and the ultimate thing to prove to her that he loves her,is putting his ring on her finger and promising her before God that he is the One for him.But how come she has this indecisions and what is holding her back? Doesn't she loves him enough to marry him? Feeling of disappointment sets in...

"Marry me Shin Hye.Let us get married now,so that we can put this things behind us,Arah,Yong Hwa,Then it is us,just the two of us that's matter,isn't it?" he asked,holding her tight,not wanting to let her go this time...

"Do you think,it will solve all our problems? We cannot just brush them off at our lives.We have to do the right thing Geun Seok." Shin Hye said.

"And what is the right thing to do?" he asked...pulling himself a part from her,not understanding her refusal...

"We have to free ourselves from all our commitments first before doing this things.We cannot just turn our backs from them just like that.We are going to hurt them in the process." Shin Hye said.

"It is gonna be the same.We still gonna hurt them no matter what.Even the easy way or the hard way,the pain is still gonna be the same.There is no such thing as an easy blow.A blow is a blow no matter what.A pain is a pain no matter how slow or how fast you deliver it." Geun Seok said.

"I don't think,I can do that.It would not be fair for them." Shin Hye said.

"How is being not fair here,after doing an underhand things to set us apart.Do you think they will not do anything to set us apart again if they are given the chance?Marry me now.No ifs and buts,if you really love me as you said you do.Let us get married now." Geun Seok said.

"And our parents,what are they going to say about all of this." she asked.

"My Dad knew that you are the one.What did you tell your parents?" he asked.

"My Mom I think sort of knew that I have feelings for you,but I don't think my Dad has any clue.They might not forgive me,if we do." she said.

"They will understand.They have been in this tight spot before.I'll guarantee you,they will understand and will forgive us for doing it this way." Geun Seok said..Shin Hye stopped and think for a moment....she knows this time,her heart is winning over her mind...Not when he is with him,not with his face just within her reach and his lips so close to she looked back at him....

"You want me to kneel at you and ask for your hand?" he asked as a smile formed in his lips,knowing that he is winning on this he knelt in front of her..."Miss Park Shin Hye...will you marry me? I promise that I will love you and protect you now and always."

Shin Hye smiled back  at him as she took his hand and nodded her head..."Yes...I will marry you.There is nothing else that I want in this world than to marry you .Mr Jang Geun Seok." Shin Hye said as her eyes misted at her own words...And with that woeds...Geun Seok came up and took Shin Hye in his arms.....And yes this time..he is sure that she is the one for him and the only girl that he wants in his and forever....

And as Geun Seok kissed Shin Hye on the lips....Shin Hye knew that loving him is the right thing to do...and marrying him is even the best thing that she will ever do in her lifetime......And yes kissing him abd being in his arms is like heaven her on she close her eyes to feel each moment of it.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it