Jealousy And Disappointments

You're All That I Want

Geun Seok tossed and turned that night in his bed.This is his first night in Park's residence and sleep eludes him.He knew he missed the comfort of his own room and the luxury of their own home in Seoul but he knew that it is more than the physical comfort that has been bothering him.Somebody has been like a puzzle to him and has been bothering his thoughts.

He got up and look out at the window.he can see the moon in full smiling down at him.Everything seems so quiet and peaceful around .No cars passing by,no bright neon lights and no city noises that you can hear but you have this country sounds of birds chirping and the unfamiliar sounds of the insects that inhabits around.that seems to buzz on your ear.He looked at his watch and it is only ten o clock and everybody seems to be already in bed.Even the whole house is so quiet not even a bang in the door or the creak on the floor can be heard.

Mr and Mrs Park arrived around seven oclock tonight from the city ,as they greeted him and welcomed him to their home.Mrs Park prepared dinner as they invited him to have dinner with them, on his first day in their home as a sign of hospitality .Yong Hwa also joined them for dinner which usually happens during Sunday when he visited Shin Hye.. It seems like he is so familiar and so comfortable in Shin Hye's home.He seems to be a very nice young man.He learned that Yong Hwa and Shin Hye are classmates since when they are in grade school.He graduated college in the city like Shin Hye and decided to come back home after,Their family own large tracts of land for farming and they own the biggest store in town.His family like Shin Hye has been well respected and quite look up to since they have the most successful business in town.

To some Shin Hye and Yong Hwa is a perfect match together.But for Geun Seok,he is too dull and boring for Shin Hye.She needs a man of passion and fire and that is not Yong Hwa,Shin Hye needs a man like him??? as he smiled at the thought.She got too much of passion and emotions inside of her and Yong Hwa won't be able to give and fulfill what Shin Hye's needs.Only him can spark the passion in Shin Hye's eyes,and can ignite the fire within her.He is the man that Shin Hye needs.

Geun Seok watched Shin Hye and Yong Hwa together while they are sitting in the patio earlier that afternoon.He can see that she is so comfortable with Yong Hwa,and the relationship that he has seen between them is like a sister to a brother.But he can also see in Yong Hwa's eyes that he hopes for more from Shin Hye.You can see the admiration and affection. It will be easy for Shin Hye to twist him around her finger if she wants to.He wondered if she is going to settle to that kind of relationship in the future.Will she be satisfied to just a comfortable relationship with no true passion.

Suddenly his throat became parched as he long for a drink of cold water.He forgot to bring some water in his room,as he decided to go down to the kitchen to get some water to drink. He was surprised to see the light downstairs is stil on when he went down .And he was even more surprised to see Shin Hye still awake doing some paper work in the living room in one of the desk.She was clad in her pajama like she was ready for bed.She was all covered up now compared to the clothes that she wearing earlier when he came.

They stared at each other as they acknowledge each others presence.

"I am just going to get some water to drink." Geun Seok said.unsmiling.

"Suit yourself." Shin Hye said as she went back to her work writing her lesson plans for the week.But she was too aware of the person who is around.He look serious tonight.None are the mocking smiles and the grin in his face.No teasing remarks or barbed words to make her mad or ruffle her feathers this time.No baiting words to ignite her emotions.either.

Geun Seok took some water and drank and walk back upstairs without taking a second glimpse from Shin Hye.Shin Hye can't believe that he just ignored her just like that.He has been quiet even during dinner.He has been polite to her parents and to Yong Hwa.But to her he just completely ignored her presence,which she cannot understand and the more she can't  understand herself why it bothered her a lot.

The next day,Shin Hye woke up with confused thoughts,as she  remembered Geun Seok behavior yesterday.She hoped she doesn't have to see him today,maybe if she will leave early then there will be less chance of bumping into him  today.She got ready for work as she took time dressing up for today,she even put on some lipstick on her lips.She look at herself in the mirror and was satified at what she saw.She went down earlier than usual and she was surprised to find him up already and was drinking coffee in the dining room..

"Good Morning." Shin Hye she walk down.

"Good Morning" Geun Seok said without looking up to meet her eyes as he took a gulp from his cup and got up."Mrs Park I have to go."as he left without looking at her.

Shin Hye was left standing and wondered how come all of a sudden Geun Seok has been ignoring her.She doesn't know which one she likes better,the Geun Seok that stares and or the Geun Seok that ignores her.Somehow both Geun seok disturbs her and made her think of him all day.....


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it