Finally ...You Are Mine

You're All That I Want

The sun is on his heights,the sky is blue with barely a cloud on sight.There was a gentle breeze on the air as it fans to cool Geun Seok face, who is flushed with excitement and happiness.He is wearing an all white tuxedo with a miniature flower on his chest as he waited for his bride to come .

The church was beautifully decorated with white lillies and gladiolas with a touches of baby's breath and some green leaves around it with a pink ribbon .The groomsmen are with him ,totally charming in their black and white tuxedo.His bestman is his freind Hongki ,who has been with him through thick and thin,as he smiled at him in assurance.This time Geun Seok knew that this is it. And that Shin Hye is the right girl for him and she is the one that the One above has given to him.

They thought of getting married that night that they eloped but it doesn't seems right.He wants to start their life in the right footing.He wants the blessings of their families and yes to be married that way is not even fair for both Arah and Yong Hwa, as they cleared the air between them.Both of them are not totally accepting but they knew that they cannot do anything between the two of them.And now finally today Shin Hye will rightfully belongs to him,and only him alone,as he smiled at the thought.

And soon enough,the music came on as the beautiful flower girls in their pink dresses came in pouring petals of flowers on the aisle...and then the ring bearer ,then came the bride's maid and the maid of honor who is Noona,Shin Hye's friend in college.She looks gorgeous in her pink and white gown,as the people looked at her.

And then the music changes to a wedding march,as Geun Seok heart beats faster,as he waited in anticipation to see his bride.Shin Hye walked in white ivory gown,decorated with Swarovsky crystals.It was an off shoulder gown as it curves to her body and then the long tulle.The veil is decorated with little flowers and stones as it sparkles as the light touches it.Her hair was put up and a tiny wisp of tendrils fell on the side of her face.She was holding a white bouquet of flowers...She looks stunning and yes very beautiful as she smiled at the sight of him waiting for her in the altar.Her Dad smiled too as he gave his arm and Shin Hye put her hand around it....and walk slowly to the man that is going to be his husband,the man that she loves.....Shin Hye's Mom looked on with a tear in her eyes and with a pride and a smile in Geun Seok 's Dad....And yes he is glad that his son is marrying the woman that he loves....

And as they said their vows to each love and to sickness and in health....for richer or poorer...for better or worse....until death do them they kissed in front of everybody to seal the promises that they made to each other,as the crowd agreed and confirmed their union.......and as God and the people are their witness of their love to each other.....Shin Hye can't help but shed a tear .

And as they get ready to leave their guest behind to go on their honeymoon and yes their first journey as husband and wife together......

"So,how does it feel to be a married woman?" he asked with a smile in his face....

"It does feel great and yes very happy." Shin Hye answered as she lay her head on his shoulder."How about you? How does it feels to be a married man?"

"I'll tell you the answer after tonight." as he gave her a naughty grin,as Shin Hye laughed and pinched him on his side.

"That is not fair." she said as she pouts...."I want your answer now."

"Alright,of course i am very happy.I couldn't be any happier cause i have the girl that I love and want right here on my side,and not only today but for keeps." he said as he kissed her lips.And Shin Hye was caught by surprise as she responded to his kiss.They were short of breath when they finally broke from each other.

"So how about a honeymoon baby?' he asked as he .

Shin Hye frowned "What?No way.I want to enjoy you first." as she laughed.

"They have been waiting for that.' he said.

"Who? Who is waiting?" she asked,

"Your parents and my Dad.he has been waiting forever for that first grandson." he said.

"First?Does it mean,there will be more?" she asked.

"Yes....and alot lot more." as he laughed and scooped her up from the seat as he brought her up to the threshold......Finally the two of them together at last....Geun Seok and Shin Hye love and to hold....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it