Is this It ???

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye stared at the ceiling in her room as she tried to reminisced what has just happened tonight.She was quite stary and dreamy after the kiss.Geun Seok smiled at her and their was a certain amusement in her eyes,when he looked at her.It must be her reaction from his kiss.She was surprised that she reponded to his kiss.She finds herself blushing and was quite speechless until Geon Seok bade her goodbye.

    So that os  how it feels to be kissed by someone you have feelings with,Shin Hye thought.She can't help but smile and laughed at herself.She was so happy and yet she couldn't explain the whole thing.She knows now that there will be no turning back after this.Geun Seok has totally captured her heart and everybody will pale in comparison.He must have feelings for her also.He must have love her also like the she loves him.And it feels good to love and be loved.She can jump up to the ceiling and just fly away in excitement and she got nobody to share it with.Suddenly she wished that she can tell everybody how she is feeling today...she loves Geun Seok and nothing else matters anymore...

    Geun Seok went home with a smile in his lips.He never expected that Shin Hye will respond  to his kiss that way.Actually he was wary and hesitant,after the last time...when she slapped him after the kiss.But this time it is different,they have a connection ,and the kiss is something else,way beyond expectations and way beyond...memorable...

    And the look in her face after the kiss,is really quite unforgettable.Somehow he has the urge to just take her home with her,and be with her forever.He smiled at his thought,it is just a kiss and he wants to live with her forever???How crazy can he get?Is he really falling for her? The feelings that he felt for her is something that he never felt before to any girl.She has occupied his very thoughts from the first time he met her.All he can think is Shin hye,so does it mean he really have feelings for her.He never thought of somebody;s feelings before except his Dad and Mom,but he has been very careful with Shin Hye and has affected his judgement in some ways.He must be really in love with her then.

    And the feelings when she is around him,he is always so aware of her presence.,always knew where she is even when he closes his eyes.He can just feel her..and yes he does love he came to a realization...

    The new day came too soon and yes Shin Hye woke up with certain excitement within her.The conference will be starting today.But it is not the conference that brought her thrills this morning but the possibility of seeing Geun Seok once again.Yes this world is still a very beautiful world after all,cause she loves Geun Seok and she knew and felt that he also loves her...

    Geun Seok came to his office early and checked on his schedule for the day.He got a meeting to attend to before lunch time and then he has to meet a certain people for a possible trade and buy off later that afternoon,plus all the paper works that has been waiting on his table, His Father wants him to look at the possibilities.Looking at the day ahead,it looks like he is gonna have a very busy day.But he has to squeezed sometime for Shin Hye,as he called her to greet her for the day.And yes he just wants to hear her voice,before he starts his day...

    The conference ended half an hour ago and Shin Hye has not received any call or text  from Geun Seok.He must be really busy.Aside from his call in the morning,she has not heard from him.She started getting lonely.Maybe she is not going to see him she frown..She went back to her room in silence.

    Shin Hye woke up, with the ringtone from her cell phone,as she d for it under the sheets.And sure enough,it is Geun Seok.She must has fallen asleep,from waiting for him.She doesn't even know what time is it right now,she thought.She wondered if he is still in the office.

    "Hello Shin Hye,I'll come pick you up in half an hour." he said,as he hung up before she can even respond.She looked at the clock and it is past eight oclock already.She wondered where can they be going? And at this time and never even asked her what her thoughts about it.She knows that she has to get ready as soon as possible,as she got up and get ready for him.

    Soon enough,there was a knock on her door,and it is Geun Seok,he is still in his business suit for the day.He looked so tired.She smiled at him.

    "So where are we going tonight?And you seems to be in a hurry." Shin Hye asked.

    "Oh,I made a reservation in the restaurant and I am afraid that we may not get there in time." Geun Seok said."Don't tell me you had dinner already?"

    Shin Hye shook her head."I fell asleep,waiting for your call.I just woke up when you called me." she said."You looked very tired?" as she showed concern at him.

    "Yeah,there is a lot going on in the ofice.I have to squeezed this in for tonight." Geun Seok said.

    "You don't have to do this in my behalf.I can just have dinner here and I wouldn't mind if you can't come for me." Shin Hye said.

    Somehow,the sound and the things that Shin Hye was saying doesn't sounds right to Geun Seok.He made an effort to come here and be with her today,and she was saying that she doesn't mind if she sees him or not?

    "So are you saying that you dont want to see me?" Geun Seok said with irritation.

    "No,what I mean if I am in a way from your work then you don't really have to do this," she said.

    "Shin Hye,I made an effort to be here,because I want to see you and be with you.And I just want to make it clear.Do you want me around or not,if not then just tell me.I'll make myself scarce." he said.

    Shin Hye,suddenly got so confused,and lost,she was just concern because he looked so tired."Of course,I want you around.But you looked so stressed out and tired.I am just thinking about you." she said.

    "So you are just concern about me? Are you sure about that?Does it mean that you also have a certain feelings for me?" he asked.

    Shin Hye blushed at his insunuations.And yes it can't be farther from the truth.She does love him.Suddenly she was shy and unable to say the word.

    Geun Seok just knows that she got her this time and he is not gong to back down until he hears her say the word that he has been waiting for..."So what is it Miss Park Shin Hye?Do you love me?" Geun Seok said with a glint in his he stared at her and came near her..

    Shin Hye was so shy and unable to look at him,as her heart hammers in her as he came near her,she knows she cannot avoid his eyes and the answer anymore..."Yes,I also do have feelings for you." she said.

    "Then say it,as you look in my eyes,say that you love me just like the way I love you.because I love you a lot Miss Shin Hye Park." he said.

    "I love you too,Geun Seok.I think I have fallen in love with you." as she blurtd the whole  truth in front of him.And as they stared at each other,Geun Seok lips found hers and as they kiss...and everything is out in the open now.She loves him and he loves her...and it feels so good.....Geun Seok and Shin Hye in love....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it