The Difference

You're All That I Want

The days that followed has been wonderful. GeunSeok is always around as they spent time together in the city. Even though Geun Seok is busy with his work,he always finds time to spend with her.They have dinners every night and enjoed the night life that seoul has to offer.Somehow she did not miss the quiet life of her hometown this time.She will be sorry to say goodbye to the city this time.Unlike before when she can't wait to be home.

And finally ,it is the last day of conference.Although she has learned a lot from this conference for it teaches the new ways and innovative ways of teaching.It is not the  conference that excites her at all but Geun Seok and the time they spent together.The whole week are days of discovery for her.She has learned Geun Seok life in the city and it was never easy.His position demands a great deal of his time and a lot more. Being on the top is never easy.

It is friday night as Shin Hye looked out at the window in her room.She can see the view of the part of the city.The crowds,the lights,and can hear the noise.She wondered if she is going to miss this when she gets home.She also wondered what will become of them once she goes back home.What if their project is done and if Geun Seok has to stay in the city permanently ? How are they going to see each other ? She erased the negative thoughts in her mind.If there is a will there is way,she thought.She knows that  if they really love each other ,they will find a way to be together.And then there was a knock on her door and she is sure that it is Geun Seok as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Shin Hye opened the door and it is Geun Seok,still in his business suit.She smiled at him and as Geun Seok took her in his arms and kissed her.

"I am gonna miss this when you go home." he said.

"Why are you not going home with me?" she asked.

"I am just driving you home tomorrow but I have to comeback on Monday,after I switched over to the new manager.But I will be back in a week.I have to go Japan for they are having some problems there.My Dad want to send me,and it is for the better for I know the business there.I hate to be leaving you though." he said.

"You gonna be gone for a week?" Shin Hye asked with a disappointment in her voice,as she looked at him with a pout.

"Yes, so you are gonna miss me? I am definitely gonna miss you.But I promise I am gonna see you once I got back." he said.

"Yes of course.But promise me,you gonna see me when you come back home?" she asked as she stared at him.Geun Seok pulled her body closer to him.

"You just don't know how hard it is for me to leave you behind.Especially since we just got together." he said."But you do understand,don't you?" he asked.

"Yes,I do understand.I will be just home waiting for your return." she said.

"Good ,now we have to go ,before we lose our reservation.We are going ot that place when we had our dinner before,when i took you to the city the first time.We;ll make our time together tonight and the weekend very special." he said.

"Yes,we'll make it very special" she agreed.

They had dinner in the restaurant and this time,they had a good time and somehow,Shin Hye is more comfortable being there.They enjoyed all the food that is being served.And just on their way out,Geun Seok and Shin Hye bumped into Ara and her friend.Somehow Shin Hye notice that Ara have that certain looked in her,cause her face was red.Seeing Geun Seok in the restaurant with a girl is something that she never expected.

Shin Hye saw this beautiful girl with her friend as she stared at Geun Seok.She must have belonged to geun seok social bracket as she noted the way she dressed and stood and with such confidence and elegance.The one that you can see in the society page and magazines.

"Shin Hye I want you to meet Ara,a family friend." Geun Seok said."And this is Shin Hye,my girlfriend."Somehow Shin Hye saw Ara colored at the mention of her being his girlfriend as she ignored the hand that she extended at her and  left  without saying anything to anybody ,as Ara's friend looked at her and then followed Ara after.

"What is that all about?" Shin Hye asked

"Oh nothing,she just  got this little crush on me when we were young.She must be jealous of you.Just don't think about it." he said as he brushed Ara aside.

"I think,it is more than a crush,somehow I have the feeling that she really likes you a lot." she said.

Geun Seok laughed."Since when did you became an expert in all these things?' he said."Come on let us,go.You don't mind if we pass by the office for a while.I just need to picked up something." he said.

"No I don't mind.I guess I have to understand all this things,right?And i have to get used to this." she said with a smile.

"Thanks for such an understanding girlfriend." he said as he smiled and a grin in his face,as if teasing her.

"You are welcome." she said with a smile.

They went to the office.And the office is this huge building that towers in the heart of Seoul's business district.This is the first time that Shin Hye has been in their office,and yes the place is very intimidating.She nevr expected that Geun seok business is that huge.She knew it is something but to see it with your own eyes,somehow she felt different.

The guard greeted them with outmost respect.They went up to the top of the building where Geun Seok office was,There she saw the name of Geun Seok with his title.The office was huge with his big desk and a leather seat.Every piece in the office speaks of power and elegance. She looked out at the  windows of glass all around the office and you can see the whole view  of the city.The lights  and neons signs flickers before her very eyes.

Suddenky as Shin Hye stood there looking at everything,she started to wonder ,how she ended up in this place right now.And to be Geun Seok girlfriend? She started to wonder what he could possibly see in her when he can have any girl in the city.Suddenly she was overwhelmed of who Geun Seok is.And has suddenly realized the differences in their standing in life.As she stood there frozen....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it