Missing You

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye lazed around the house doing nothing, on Sunday afternoon .She find herself   thinking of  Geun Seok more and more towards the weekend.His sudden departure,made her think of him more,and she could not quite place her feelings for him..Funny how today,she find herself waiting for his return.

The house looked so quiet now.Her parents went out for the usual Sunday  lunch get together of  some family friends.She opted to stay at home today.She just don't feel like socializing today.She was more concentrated on her thoughts today than on the outside world.She took out her notes and her lesson plans to have at least some work done today but her mind keep on going somewhere,some hundred miles away from home.He wondered if he is on the way back here today.

After a while she got tired sitting on the desk ,as she got up and went at the patio at the back.The sun is starting to go down now.Pretty soon it going to be dark.The town seems to be in a lull on Sunday afternoon.Yong Hwa is not coming today.he is still in the city trying to close some business transactions,and hopefull he will back home tomorrow.he called her and told her his disappointment of not seeing her today.She is disappointed too.Yong Hwa is like a part of her Sunday afternoon.And it has been a couple of Sundays now,that he has not been around.

The quietness around made her sluggished and sleepy as she walked back inside the house and ended up to her bedroom to catch a nap.Suddenly she was so tired and as she closed her eyes and think of Geun Seok....with a smile on her face.

Shin hye woke up when she heard a door opened downstairs,as she got up and quickly checked herself in the mirror.She was hoping it was geun Seok coming from the city.But disappointment came to her when she saw her parents coming home from the gathering.She looked at the clock and it is already past nine oclock.She wondered if he is coming back home at all today...as she went back to her room.

Geun Seok was in his room on a Sunday night.He has a frown on his face,as a sighed came to him.He has to stay this week in Seoul for a couple more days or more.He forgot that they will be having the quarterly board meeting,and he has to stay to give an account of the progress in their new project.He could not make any excuses now.His Father specifically wants him in there,as he called him last Friday.He thought it was an emergency as he called him with such an urgency in his voice.

And as he went home only to find himself,being interrogated by his Father and then Ara about his where abouts.Apparently somebody saw him with Shin hye,when they have dinner together,and it reached his Dad and Ara and of course Ara's Dad.They are not even engaged and they are tracking his every move already.Not that he has any plans of putting any ring in her finger.Sh wants to know who is the girl he was with.it is a good thing he was able to dodged it away.he is not going to tell his Dad nor Ara about Shin Hye.it is something he has to keep it within himself.

And as he thinks of Shin Hye tonight,he wondered what can she be doing today? Is Yong Hwa in the house again,as Shin Hye entertained him.Somehow the picture of them together put a frown on his forehead.He wondered what really is the relationship that existed between the two.If they have a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship,then Shin Hye should be wary in going out with him all by herself,and she sould have thought about Yong hwa in the process.Somehow their relationship is not as solid and as committed as he thought it was.

Two more days in the city,and yes somehow he was longing for the quiet town,without the luxuries of whatever he has now.But the smile in Shin hye's face is enough to compensate for all of that and more....as he thinks of her...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it