In His Eyes.

You're All That I Want

A/N- I was not satisfied with the way I have written the last chapter ,and somehow I thought that it is lacking I am writing one chapter after another to make up for it.And I know now what is missing....Shin is about time she showed up in here and meet out handsome prince....LOL..

Shin Hye got home for some unknown reason tired and fatigued this day.She really do that much activity in school,but she found herself sluggish today.Her Mom is in the kitchen preparing dinner for tonight.She seems to be so busy for just a simple family dinner.She was also surprised to see her Dad home early from work.he usually doesn't go home until late in the afternoon.

She put down her books and lesson plans on her desk by the living room.She does most of her work there insteadd of her room.Somehow the open air space gave her that feeling of freedom and yes one can breath more easily.Their house is one of the older house in the neighborhood.And one of the bigger one.Shin Hye's grandparents are one of the cornerstone of their town.They were respected and her grandparents advise are usually seek out by the people of their town.

Their town's population is not that much.There were around more or less than a thousand people in their town.And the younger people usually leave their town for their higher education and abetter opportunities elsewhere.Very few younger families are moving in because there is really no job opportunities around.Aside from the farm and simple businesses that they provide for the residents,there is really nothing around.But with big company setting up their office here and building plants and factories.Pretty soon ,people will start moving in and maybe a better opportunities for the older residents.

Shin Hye's Dad worked in the post office.He is the sole postman in the town,hence he pretty much knows almost all the people that lives around.He is getting old and pretty soon going around to deliver letters and parcels will be hard for him.He is near retirement age,in fact he can pretty much retire today but he loves his job and he still needs to work to support his wife and himself.It is a good thing that his daughter is staying with them and that makes things alot easier for them and  it also gave them a peace of mind.

"Dad your home early today." Shin Hye said.

"Yeah,I have to attend the town meeting in the town hall today.The manager from that big company is coming over.Jang Industries ,I think that's  what they are called.The Mayor has asked me to help out and to make sure that it well attended,so people can ask question regarding the big change in our place." her Dad said."And I think you should also go to see what is it all about."

"I am quite tired and fatigued today,I feel like I am coming down with something." Shin Hye said."I think I'll just stay home and just let us know what happened."

"Well you must rest then.But it will be nice if you can come.You are a school teacher,it is important that you should know the comings and goings in our town."Mr Park said.

"What time is the meeting?" Shin Hye asked.

"They said six o clock this afternoon but I have to go early." Mr Park said.

"Let me just take a rest and maybe I'll follow later on and attend the meeting when I am feeling better." she said."Dad are you not having any supper before you leave.The meeting might take forever."

"No,I will be having dinner with them with the Mayor." Mr Park said.

Shin Hye wondered if he is coming,but knowing that he is the son and the bigwig in the office,he will probably won't come.They usually send their managers to deal with the lowly people like them.They seldom go down from their throne,Shin Hye thought.And after the last time,she doesn't think that he would like to see this forgotten town.

"So who is coming tonight?" Shin Hye asked.

"I know that they sent the Son the last time,but I don't think he will be coming this time.Maybe one of the managers to answer some questions.You met the son right?" Mr Park asked.

Shin Hye's face colored,remembering the time that they have met."Yes I did met him." she answered.

"And why are you blushing?" her Dad teasing her."Is he that good looking? I heard he was quite a handsome young boy.I don't blame you." as he smiled at her and tap her head.

"He is not that attractive,as everyone have said." Shin Hye's said  in indignation of his Father's comment.

"Are you saying that to convinced me or to convinced yourself? Anyway,I don't think we will be seeing the pretty boy around our town." Mr Park said with a laugh."Disappointed are you?"

"I am not.The less I see him the better for me." Shin Hye said.

"Oh I can see that he made quite an impact on you already." Mr Park said laughing some more."I have to go.Hone I am going.." as he dashed off and left leaving Shin Hye with a pout on her face.

The meeting is about to start when Shin Hye arrived in the town hall.She tried looking for a chair to seat on.And as soon as she found a chair on the second row in front,and seated herself,she saw the Mayor and then her Dad came out and then followed by that Man that has been disturbing her all these weeks.He was with his assistant again.She tried looking away and hoping that he did not see her but she found his eyes digging down on her.She can feel her face heating up and yes she knows that her cheeks will be coloring.She looked back at him hoping he look the other way but his eyes linger on her as he smiled at her and she can feel her heart beating faster.How can this man totally affect her like no other,when he is just a stranger?,Shin Hye thought.The sooner she get of here the better for her.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it