The Joke

You're All That I Want


As ShinHye took her handbag to go with their guest to the local diner,Shin Hye was upset that  Mr Jang will go all the way to the Principal just to follow his scheme.She was uncomfortable as it is with his staring nd his mischievous smile and to share a table and lunch with him is beyond her imagination.Is he playing tricks with her? City people always looked down on the rural people like her,they think that they are here to amuse themselves at their expense .She does not know if it is the anger that make her hand shake and her cheeks colored.

"I am ready."Shin Hye said her face unsmiling.

"Is it far from here?" Geun Seok asked not taking his eyes off her.

"Not it is just a walking distance.You won't be needing your car.Everything around here is just walking distance.It is basically a small and simple  town." Shin Hye said without smiling,as she took a deep breathe that does not escaped Geun Seok.

"Is having lunch with me is such a big ordeal for you?" Geun Seok asked."I thought rural folks are much more hospitable than city people."

"I didn't say anything." Shin Hye said as she started walking."Your friend where is he?Is he not coming?"

"Why ? Are you afraid of me? I sent him away because he has an important thing to do in the office." Geun Seok said.

"Is he ? Or you have something more on your mind?" Shin Hye said.

"Why you don't trust me after our company donated a lot of money in your school.?" Geun Seok.

Are we suppose to pay off the charity that you just did?We really appreciate what  your company has done for our town but....we are not obligated to amuse you I suppose " she said as she walked past him and glared at him.

"I didn't know that country maiden can be feisty too.This is something interesting." as he smiled to himself."This is getting to be really good every minute."

A few more walk around the corner and they find the local diner that Shin Hye was talking about.It is an old building more like a single story house that was converted to a diner.It is not big but it has a homey atmosphere as an old lady greeted them as they entered the place.

"Shin Hye ,It is nice to see you.Are you having lunch herewith us  today?And oh you brought your nice gentleman with you." Mrs So said in greeting.

"Good day Mrs So,Yes we are having our lunch here today.I want you to meet Mr Jang Geun Seok,he is a guest in our school and he is the son of the  President of Jang Corporation.He came to donate money for our local school." Shin Hye said.

"Oh so you are the big head of the new company that will be coming over here.It is nice to meet you.All right,I will give you the best seat in the house and the lunch is on us.That is the least we can do for you for your generosity."

"Thank you but you don't have to do that.A warm welcome from you is enough." Geon Seok said as he flashed his most charming smile.

"No,we really appreciate of what you have done and whatever your company will be doing to out town.Shin Hye be nice and entertain our guest." Mrs So said .Geun Seok flashed a mocking smile to Shin Hye .

"You heard what she said.You have to be nice to me.At least some people appreciates our presence here.." he said.

Shin Hye did not say anything but just ignored whatever he was saying,as she walked to the table and sat in one of the chair,without much of a glance.

The diner presented them with an array of their local favorites.Fresh fish stew with vegetables.Grilled beef with white rice and hot noodles in ox til soup.Geun seok have never have this kind of food and he enjoyed each one of them.Shin Hye ate but she have a hard time digesting her food when the man in front of him keep staring at him.It is a good thing that Mrs So decided to keep on appearing everytime a new dish comes.When dessert came she left them alone  to enjoy it.

"Finally ,we are alone." Geun Seok  said "I really enjoyed the food here.Thanks for bringing me here."

Shin Hye does not know how to reply when she actually never wanted to be with him in the first place."Are you done yet?" she asked.

"Why are in a hurry to get rid of me today?" he asked."I am hurt that my company is unwanted.Back in Seoul,people are dying to get my attention."

"We are not in Seoul and I know that you are just making fun of me.I hope that you are amused enough for the day." Shin Hye said as she stood up.

"Not quite yet.I still have something in mind." he said as he gave her a mischievous grin and standing up right in front of her,his eyes in her eyes meeting each other."If you give me a kiss then my day is complete."

Shin Hyes face flushed as she looked at him with an angry glare."You've got to be kidding.You are such an impossible man." as she tried to hit him with her hand but he was too quick for her as  he got hold of her hand  and pulled her closer to his body and his lips came down on her.,crushing her lips ,as she tried to fight him off.

She fought him witjh all her might and as he released her ,after a few seconds ,a resounding slapped on Geun Seok came ,as Shin Hye ran away from him...with tears running in her eyes.And Geun Seok was left standing as he put his hand on the cheeks that Shin Hye has slapped.....everything happened so fast and he doesn't know what came over do that to her...


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it