Finding Myself Next To You

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye looked at the wndow and the sun is coming out soon.She hardly get any sleep last night,as the thoughts of Jang Geun Seok haunts her all night.She have a hard time admitting to herself that she is drawn to this man.She keeps saying and blaming him for robbing her of her first ever kiss.His eyes that seems to stare at her  all the time haunts her tonight.

She knows she was never been in love before.Except for minor crushes and admiration she has never felt like this way before.Maybe in time,she will forget all about him.She won't be seeing him anyway,anytime soon.His world and her world are too opposite and to far apart from each other.She knows in time,this feelings that she have for him will eventually wane and soon to be forgotten.

She got up and decided to get ready for the day,after all she has a job to attend to channel her energy and to focus her attention.The children,her students whom she love s and adores a lot.She wondered what kind of child was Geun Seok was when he was young.Was he ever the naughty and mischievous one or the well mannered and behaved one.Pictures of him as foolish and naughty one played in her mind as she smiled at the thought.

She went down to the kitchen early and was able to catch up with her Dad who is usually up early ,at the crack of dawn.He was on the table drinking his coffeee and reading his paper while her Mom was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Shin Hye you are up early.That is good for I have to talk to you." her Dad said".Honey while don't you come here and listen to what I have to tell both of you." asking his wife to come over to join them.

"What is it Dad?It seems so urgent and so important." Shin Hye said.

"Yeah,it is,I already told you Mom about this and she already said yes.I spoke to Mr Jang geun Seok last night, and he is looking for a place to stay while they are building their office and their accomodation here.And I have offered our house for him to stay." he said matter of factly."Anyway our house is big enough to accomodate him.We have an extra room upstairs and a bathroom for his own use."

"But Dad when did you decide on this?How come you never ask me before you offered him to stay with us.I don't want him here " Shin Hye said. in surprised and with much emotions as her voice ends high note.

"I never thought that you will have this much objection.Anyway he seems to be such a young man.He will be seldom home cause he will busy supervising the projects here.And he told me,he will be going home to Seoul every weekend.He just basically need a bed to sleep on at night." Mr Park said.

"But that is having a stranger in the house.I won't feel comfortable.We hardly knew him." Shin Hye said in objection.

"I know but I have already said yes.The Mayor is supposed to accomodate him but they have a visiting relatives staying with them at present.And since it is just the three of us here,I just thought to help them out.But if you feel strongly about him staying with us then I 'll tell him ,he is coming over today." Mr Park said."I forget that you will feel strongy having a young man in the house."

"I'm sorry Dad but..." Shin Hye said.

"It is alright,I forgot I have a young lady in the house.I am sure Mr Jang will understand." Mr Park said.

"Are you sure about this Shin Hye? Maybe we can help out .." Mrs Park said.

Mom,I don't mind if it is another girl but....a man I would not feel comfortable..." Shin Hye said as she got up to leave.

Shin Hye's day was full of Jang Geun Seok today.Her sleepless nights and the idea of him staying in their house will be too much.If i have to see him day in and day out the more I will fall for is going to be too dangerous living with him,she thought.And knowing her feelings for him now,she wondered how soon will he find out about her feelings for him if they are going to have an interactions most of the time.She shook her head ,no it will not be a good idea living with him in the same house.

Then lunch came as the children ran out to have their lunch and Shin Hye was left with her thoughts and her lunch.Mr Jang Geun Seok walks in ,without much of an announcement.he have that serious look in his eyes.No more naughty smile nor grin on his face.

"Miss Park, I just spoke to your Father this morning and he already told me about your objection in my staying in your house temporarily.If you are worried that I might overstep my boundaries as I have done before,I promise you,I won't do as such.You won't even see me for i will be very busy with our project.i just want an accomodation that is close by so if there is anything emergency I will be close by.Believe me whatever you are thinking will be the farthest in my mind." Geun Seok said with out much of hesitation ot preamble.

Shin Hye was caught in surprise as she was unable to find words of what to say to him."Excused me,I don't understand..." she said in confusion

"Your Dad is saying no because you said no.I'll guarantee you that I won't be running after you all day,if that is what you are worried about.What I am here for is purely business,nothing more." he said."So I hope you change your mind about this."

"It was never in my mind in the first place that you will be running after me.You were never in my mind period." Shin Hye said in anger.

"Then maybe you are afraid of me,so afraid of me because you know that you can fall for me big time." Geun Seok said.

"You are such an impossible man.You got to be kidding.I don't know what has been going on your mind and you don't know what is mine either." Shin Hye said."I am not afraid of you.And for the record I am not attracted to you at all and will never fall for you.If all the ladies here are crazy about you then I am the exception." she said.

"Then prove it, let me stay in your house and we'll see what will happen." Geon Seok said as he walked away from her....Shin Hye can only stare at his back...."What a nerve of that man..."She is going to prove him wrong...She won't fall for him? Or is it already late for she has fallen for him in a big way......but he will never know and yes she will prove him wrong.....


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it