Getting Closer

You're All That I Want

The week came to a close,and everything has been smooth and peaceful.Shin Hye was smiling to herself.She has learned to live with geun seok in the same house.And yes,now they can smile and talk to each other freely.He was a very knowledgeable man.He seems to know everything and have an opinion and knowledge of everything that is going around.Shin Hye finds herself thinking more about him more than anything else.If before she thinks of him in a negative way,now,she thinks of him in a more positive light.

That Friday,principal called her up in the office.She wondered what possibly it can be.She hoped it not another additional assignment on her part.But she was surprised to see Principal Ahn,happy and smiling.

"Miss Park,come here and sit down." Principal Ahn said in greeting.

"You call for me?" Shin Hye asked.

"Yes, I want to thank you,for bringing the atention,on the flight of our students here." he said.

"About what sir? I don't understand." she said.

"About the lack of cafeteria in our school for the students.Mr Jang called me up the other day and they are donating material to build the cafeteria and he is also helped to fund it.So now our students will have access to ahot and healthy lunch.Thank you very much." Principal Ahn said.

"I think,it is Mr Jang is the one we should thank,it is their conpany's money that  are donating anyway." Shin Hye said.

"Yes,but it is not possible,without your input to it." Principal Ahn said.

Shin Hye just nodded her head."And there is more. I am sending you to Seoul next month ,which is two weeks from now for a seminar.I already got somebody to handle your class." he said.

"A week in the city? What kind of conference?" Shin Hye asked.

"It is the latest trends in teaching...and the updates.Since you are the youngest.I think you will be the one who will benefits the most.And you can use it and adopt it in your class." Principal Ahn said.

"Thank you Sir for sending me.Is that all Sir?" she asked.

"Yes,that's all." he said as Shun Hye left the office.She should remember to thank Geun Seok tonight,she told herself.But he might have gone home to Seoul today.She is sort of disappointed when she remembered that she won't be seeing him tonight.

As she walked home this afternoon.Shin Hye's looked at the changes in their neighborhood.The fields that has been open wide space for them,with the green of the meadows and the wild flowers that blooms in each seasons, to enjoy,are now filled with machinery,and boulders and steels and frames for the new buildings and the new factory.She felt sad at the sight of it.Sure progress is coming to them,but then they are also losing the basic charm of their town.She took a deep breath at the lost of  it's beauty.Little did she know that somebody has joined her as she walked....

"That is quite a deep sighed.Is something wrong?" Geun Seok asked as he looked at her.

Shin Hye was surprised to see him by her side. It seems like he came from nowhere.

"Ahh is just,,,can I tell you the truth?" she said with hesitancy.

" It doesn't bother you nor stopped you from before when you voiced your opinion about me.So what is it all about." Geun Seok asked.

"I was just looking at the changes at my town,Somehow,I missed the open fields and it's natural beauty." Shin Hye said.

"Some things need to be sacrificed for progress. It is either the company or the fields.It is either you use it or you just look at it.I think it is better to put it in use that put it in waste laying idle." he said.

"I do understand what you are saying but I can't help,after all I was born and has lived in this town all my life." Shin Hye said."I feel like everything around me is changing.I don't think I am very good in changes."

"I am so sorry,for messing up the beauty of your town.And for making you uncomfortable with the changes around here." he said.

"I hope,you are not mocking me when you are saying that." she said.But this time,she is smiling and not mad at him at all ,unlike before.

"No,I am just sympathetic at your flight. I do understand more than you think.So can I treat you for dinner to make amends for what I and our company  have done in your town?" Geun Seok asked..

Shin Hye smiled at him."You are really good at this,are you?"

"I stand innocent.There is nothing wrong in asking a beautiful lady for dinner." Geun Seok said."Or do you want me to beg for you?"

Shin Hye blushed at the words that he is saying.He really have ways with words.And yes he looked so charming,with a smile in his face ,as she stared at him.

"So what is it? is it a yes or no?" Geun Seok asked."You don't have any excused now,today is Friday.You don't have a class tomorrow and i promised i will be a total gentleman."

Shin hye paused and looked at him,trying to weighed it in and trying to think it out."Alright,the answer is yes for dinner." Shin Hye said as she laughed."But let me go home first and changed."

"I am giving you half an hour,and then I'll come and pick you up at home." Geun Seok said."I am just going to give some last minute instructions." as he bowed out and turned.Shin Hye continued walking...with a smile in her face....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it