After The Kiss

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye was walking on the quiet street on the way to school early in the morning.It has been a week already since then and so far she have not seen nor heard anything from the guy who have disturbed her and gave her this so complex emotions.The farms looked so green and the air fresh as she breath in the fresh morning air so as to clear herself of all this negative thoughts and feelings.

She heard that the townspeople have already granted the permit for the new company to come in and stay here.She wondered what will happen to their town once the new company comes here and set up their home office.For sure the streets will be crowded and there will noise   and chaos and gone are the peace and tranquility that she always love and enjoy  in this place.She has heard that they bought big parcels of land that used to be farms before.Now those farms will be buildings and factories,as she tried to imagine it.For sure things will never be the same again .

She can still remember that day as the image of the guy came to her.She went back to class after that eventful kiss.She was in turmoil and confused and angry but she managed to composed herself to go back to class that afternoon.She heard that he went back to Seoul after the lunch.She doesn't know what he told everybody after she left him.

She is still mad and angry at him.Just thinking about him,woke up all the bottled emotions that she have kept inside.She was mad at him because he has robbed her off of a beautiful and sweet memory of a first kiss,for GeunSeok took her first ever kiss.She wondered if he ever knew that ,maybe no and never for he doesn't really care,he must have forgotten her already...For him she is just a game that day and that irked her at no end.To her it is her first memory of a kiss and to him it is just nothing not even worth remembering at all.Good thing that she never have to see him ever again after that day.

Geun Seok hurried his pace as he walked to his Dad's office.He has called him and he noted the seriousness and the urgency in his voice.He wondered what could it be.He has been doing fine in his job,as an apparent heir to his father's position.He worked hard and he has learned all the ropes of their business.He has inherited his Dad's acumen and foresight in the business,he got talentand leadership  in dealing with their business.When works,he really works hard and with such passion and when he plays,he really plays to enjoy himself.He plays mainly to relieve the stress of everyday life that is  required in his job.

It is still early in the evening,he still have to go some place to meet his hot date for the night.He met her last night and she has shown interest in him.She is young,beautiful and a body to die for.But that is all,she can offer him.He knows for sure that after a couple of dates,he will get tired of her.He is not really interested but the image of this far away girl keeps popping in his mind and he just wants to get rid of that images.He does not want to remember her anymore.He does not want to think of  the humiliation that he suffered in her hands .He can still feel her hands in his cheeks after he kissed her.He has kissed a lot of girls and none of them have complained and most of them quite welcomed his kisses that he bestowed upon them.He knew that he has perfected the art of kissing and he always knew that he always have a high mark from the opposite .He shook his head trying to erase Shinhyes image in his mind.

His Dad has been waiting for him as he noted the serious look in his face once he reached his office.

"Come on Son,we have important things to discuss.Why don't you close the door." the older Jang told his son.

"Are you still dating Ara?" he asked not much of a preamble.

"Ara?you know we grew up together.We go out now and then but not really dating and we sort of tease each other about us being together.But that is all a joke." Geun Seok said.

"Her  Father talked to me the other night and sort of hinted or not even but ask about making arrangement for the possibility of marriage between the two of you." his Dad said."I want to ask you first before I make any steps about this."

"A mariage??I am not thinking about any marriage to Ara or to any other girl.I am enjoying life as it is." Geun Seok said."And I am not even dating her.She is just a friend to me.I don't even have that kind of feelings with her.

"Well apparently Ara and her Dad thinks diffferently.You have to talk to her and clarify your relationship .Her Dad is my friend and my business partner.There is so much in stake here." his Dad said."You can play around with any other girl but not her."

"Don't worry Dad I'll take care of this.Ara should know better than to trap me like this." Geun Seok said."And marriage,that is a far cry from my mind.I still have to meet the girl that will make me think of marriage." he said in exasperation.

"I know,that is why I have to talk to you first.You know that I am for you son but I don't want to look bad in front of my friends and business partner.You know what I mean." Mr Jang said.

"Don't worry Dad,I'll take care of this." Geun Seok said.

"Do it as soon as possible.Uhmmm sometimes friendship and business does not go together well...." he said."And by the must have done a good job going there .They have signed the permit already.We have to start building the office and the factory soon.Good job Son."

Geun Seok smiled and then the memory of the girl came to him,he wondered what it is like to be married to a country maiden.He wondered what could she probably offered him aside from her sweet look and innocent face.Maybe she got something more hidden in he smiled at his thoughts of her......She is the kind of girl that you cannot just play around with if ever .She might even have a guy waiting for her....somewhere....when the time comes....and the image of a farm boy came to his mind....and then a frown came to his face....




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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it