Missing You

You're All That I Want

A/N-It has been a while since I've updated,sort of lost it for while.But I had the main geez of this  story already,just need to fine tune it,for ideas keeps on popping on my head.Thanks for your support in this story.I think this is my most views story here in AFF.


The week went by and it seems like, it took forever to move forward.So far Shin Hye has not heard from Geun Seok except from a hurried call in the middle of the week.They barely had the time to talk,and say something to each other.it seems like Geun Seok was preoccupied with something else when he was talking to her.She was disappointed but then she just kept everything to herself. It is not the right time to confront him and be a demanding girlfriend,when he is so busy and stressed out in his job.She told herself to be more understanding of him.But still she can't help herself to feel disppointed and be neglected by Geun Seok.

Friday came and then Saturday and Sunday.She wondered if Geun Seok was back in Korea already.So far she has not heard anything from him.She went to church and did her usual Sunday activities,except that Yong Hwa was nowhere around this time.She has heard that he went to the city during the weekend for some business trip.Somehow she missed his company.He has been her constant companion for the past years,and being with him is like a daily routine for her.

Sunday evening when she finally heard from Geun Seok,and yes he has been back in Korea since Saturday .And yes he never had the chance to call her right away...for he was busy with meetings with the Board regarding their problem in their Japan's office.The threat of strike and labor unions walking out on them is still a big issues,and they need to resolve it right away...

"Shin Hye,are you alright?" Geun Seok called."I am sorry that I was not able to call right away.We have a big problem in Japan.And I don't think I can come down there today."

"It is alright,if you cannnot come.Just solve your problem first.That is more important." Shin Hye said.

"I missed you though.It has been a week since I last saw you.Can you come over  here tonight ? I want to see you very much." he asked.

"I am sorry,but I have school tomorrow.I can't just take off." Shin Hye said.

"But I am leaving again the next day.I have to back there to negotiate and perhaps close the deal.I don't know how long will it take me." Geun Seok said."Is there any way you can take a day off tomorrow?" he asked again.

"I am sorry,I can't.I don't have a replacement to watch my pupils .Our school is not that big that has an extra people at a short notice." Shin Hye said. "And I don't think,it will look right for me to go there."

"It is alright,if you don't want to see me.I guess,it is too much to ask of you.to come over here." his voice showing disappointment.

"No,it is not like that.of course,I really want to see you too.But I can't just take off and leave just like that." Shin Hye said,trying hard to explain to him.

"Never mind ,I'll guess,I'll see you then when I come back..By the way,my place over there is almost done.And I was thinking if you can do me a favor,if you can fix the place for me?Just tell the manager what you need and what is needed for the furnishing.I am giving you a free hand to do whatever you want to do on the place." he said.

"Your place,the townhouse that they have been building?" Shin Hye asked.

"Yes ,they told me it is almost done.So maybe you can fix it for me,while I am gone.Is that alright with you?" he asked.

"Are you sure about that? You want me to decorate your place?I thought you have somebody professional to do it?" she asked.

"Yeah,but I want your personal touch on my place.I know you'll do a good job at it." he said.

"Alright.I'll try my best." she said.

"So there is no way that I'll be able to see you today? Well.what am I thinking...it's alright...Just take care of yourself.I love you." he said.

Somehow,Shin Hye have a hard time saying back the word,as she remained silent on the phone."Alright,I'll see you..." and before she can say the word,she heard the click on the other line.She wondered what Geun Seok might be thinking.Is she being difficult and hard to get?She shook her head,he should know it by now,that she loves him...and she doesn't have to tell him that word  all the time...

Geun Seok stared at the space for a while.Somehow being with Shin hye is harder than he thought.He liked the fact that she is not the clingy person that she is,but still,it could have been better if she is more expressive and more showy of her affection to him.She is not a young girl anymore,and showing affections should be as natural as it is,especially when you truly care for the other half.He wondered if she is just shy or she is just new for this kind of relationship.Somehow today,he is wondering at the  Shin Hye's depth of affection to him.Does she truly loves her? Or she is still confused about her real feelings for him?He wondered if Yong Hwa  already knew about their relationship? And if Shin Hye is still seeing him like today?

He looked at the clock by the wall,and it says 7 o clock.He still have time to drive all the way there,as he got up and took his car keys....

Shin Hye was busy doing her lesson plan for the week.The house has been pretty quiet now.He rparents has retired a while ago,and all she can hear is the chirped of the insects and croak of the frogs.And then she heard a car engine as if it stops in front of their house.She wondered who could it be? Geun seok is busy to come down here and Yong Hwa is in the city.He won't be coming this way,knowing how she feels towards Geun Seok already....And then she heard a knock on the door....and as she opened it....there stood Geun Seok at the front of their door....Shin Hye can't believe it...as she ran to his arms.....

"I thought you are not coming tonight?" she asked,still holding on to him tightly.

"For sure this is a warm welcome,after I am rejected at the phone." he said with a grin in his face.

Shin Hye smiled."I did not reject you.I really want to come to see you but I can't,please don't feel like that." she said.

"Alright since you gave me a warm welcome,I forgave you.But you have to give me proper welcome first." as his face came near her,and his lips came down to her,as he kissed her passionately....Shin Hye was like surprised and yes,she feel like floating and his kisses is taking her away from all of this.....he is taking him some place aboce...like heaven....as she closed her eyes to feel and enjoy his kisses.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it