Am I Falling For You ?

You're All That I Want

Shin Hye looked at herself in the mirror.Her hair long as it almost reaches her waist.She brushed it and the natural wave on her hair showed through as it shines .She wondered if putting a clip will be better for her bangs is now quite long as it almost cover her eyes.She doesn"t have much time to do anything now for Geun Seok did not gave enough time.She just took a quick shower and blow dried her long hair.Her big eyes is bare of any make up as she put a powder on her face.

Suddenly she felt so unsophisticated.Knowing Geun Seok,he must have gone out with a lot of beautiful,sophisticated women in the city,the woman of the world,I think that's what they call them.And looking at herself in the mirror now,she finds herself lacking and inferioir compared to  the city girl that Geun Seok is used to.She found a mascara and a blush on and a lipstick in her drawer that she only use in special occasion.And yes she found herself using it this time.

She heard a sound downstairs and wondered if that could be him,coming to pick her up.Her Mom was home and was wondering where is she heading on a Friday afternoo,as she rushed to her room..She doesn't looked like she was surprise when she told her she is going out with Geun Seok for dinner,but she have this thoughtful look on her face after.

Shin Hye looked at herself in the mirror and was satisfied with herself.She was wearing a black dress which is above her knee.It is such a simple dress  which is sleeveless and  just a straight cut ,devoid of any decorations and then she paired it up with a nice pump shoes with a little bit of heels to go with it.She grabbed her little purse on her way down.

Geun Seok stared at Shin Hye as she went down the stairs.She looked beautiful.Even with the make up and the simple dress,she still kept her sweet and innocent look ,that is  so appealing and charming,for him .He swallowed his saliva as he stared at her,and then smiled at her meeting her gaze.

"I never expected you to look this great after such a short period of time." Geon Seok said.

Shin Hye smiled at him."I am glad you like the transformation." she said followed by a laughed."And I'll try to hide my claws this time."

"I don't think I will mind at all,even if you showed you're claws and all." he said."So are you ready ?"

"Yes and I am quite hungry.So where are you taking me?" Shin Hye asked.

"Since you are all dressed up,I don't think the diner suit you anymore.I have to take you to a very nice place then." he said."Just trust me."

"Uhmmm,do I have to?" she said as she laughed."I hope I don't regret this after." as she made faces.

"You will never regret it,I promise you." Geun Seok said as he took her hand.

They rode in Geun Seok car as they went out of their town and then went to the highway.They have a pleasant conversation,about the road and the weather , every little things in general.He was witty and funny and Shin Hye managed to have a good coversation with him.Somehow talking to him,is quite different.It is like unfolding a discovery box.There is always something new and something unexpected about him,that makes Shin Hye wants to know him more.

Taliking to Shin Hye and spending time with her,somehow,Geun Seok have this different feeling .She is quite an interesting person that you want to find out more about her.She doesn't do anything extraordinary or anything overboard but being with her,gives him a different kind of feeling,a happy feeling that you wish that time will stand still,and just the world will go on. Just being with her,and standing or seating ,or is it raining or sunny ,doesn't matter anymore,the most important is that she is there with him...

Shin Hye noticed that they went past the next town.She thought,he was taking her to the same place where they went the last time.

"Where are we going?We passed the next town already." Shin Hye asked.

"Didn't I tell you to trust me?" Geun Seok said.

"I know but I thought we are going back to the same place again." she said.

Geun Seok shook his head."I don't want your dress go to waste.I am taking you somewhere special.Didn't I tell you,this dinner is to make amends ?"

"And where is this place exactly? I have to know?" Shin Hye said.

"Are you always like that?You always have to be sure where you are heading?Don't you take chances and gamble sometimes?" Geun Seok asked.

"I don't take chances,especially if it is something important.I don't want to be sorry in the end." Shin Hye said with a frown on her face.

"Even in a relationship? Would you settle for a quiet ,secure one than something exciting and unpredictable?" he asked.

"Every woman wants a secure and quiet relationship.It is not only me." Shin Hye said."Love is something that I will never ever  gamble nor take  any chances.I don't want to get hurt in the end.And I guess all of us don't want to get hurt at all.We tried to avoid it as much as we can." Shin Hye said.

"I see.What if you fall in love with somebody and you have to play your cards with him?" Geun Seok asked."You'll just give up on  him without a fight? I don't think that you are that kind of girl."

"And what kind of girl that you think I am?" Shin Hye asked,as she looked at him.

Geun Seok looked at her and smiled as he looked back at the road."I think that you are the kind of girl that you'll take the risk and fight for the one you love till the end."

"And what made you think that I am that kind of girl?" Shin Hye said as she smiled at his thoughts of her.

"Well,for one you have that so much passion in you and did you  forget that I have felt that hand of yours in my face already." Geun Seok said as he laughed."I don't think that you are the kind of woman that will settle for less,and will just give up without fighting.You may look sweet and innocent but...there is so much more inside of you.That is why you can be so scary."

Shin Hye laughed at the humor."Me scary.You made me sound like temptress or a witch which I  hardly am.I am as sweet and innocent as I look."  as she flapped her long lashes with him,as both of them laughed....

Geun Seok took Shin Hye to the city.She was quite surprised when they reached the place.The restaurant was nice and very elegant.And it seems like Geun Seok was a frequent costumer,as they gave them the best seat in the house and the maitre D quite knew him as he called him by his name.The people there are elegantly dressed too.They must have belong to the higher echelons of the society.Maybe some of them can be quite well known and popular too.Suddenly Shn Hye uncomfortable,for she is not used to this kind of place.She is just used to Mrs So's diner and the restayrant in the next town.

"This is quite a very elegant place.You should have not taken me here.And this place must be very expensive too." Shin Hye said.

"Why,you don't like this place? I thought you are going to like this place." Geun Seok said

"It is not that I don't like it here but I am just not use to this kind of place.This place is......just too much for me." she said.

"So do you want us to leave and go somewhere else?" he asked.

"Uhmmm no..not really......Well I might as well enjoy the place.After all I don't think I will be coming back to this kind of place anymore.And I don't think I can afford it on my own .Well thank you for taking me here." Shin Hye said.

"Good. " he said as he smiled at her.

The dinner went well and Shin Hye let Geun Seok ordered for her.And she found herself enjoying each dish that was being  served to them.She ate with such appetite and Geun Seok smiled as he watched her as she took every bite of the food that was on the table....

"Uhmm the food here are really good.I have never quite tasted nor have eaten food like this before .Thank you for taking me here ." she said.

"I am glad that you liked and enjoyed it." he said."So ready for coffee and dessert?"

Shin Hye smiled and blushed as she nodded her head.Geun Seok can only smile and grin.After dinner,they took a walk around the nearby  park as both of them walked in silence after.The moon is on it's full tonight and the stars are just few twinkling down on them.Somehow,just being together at this time,made them light hearted and happy .If it is an ordinary date,Geun Seok knows that he won't be just walking down on the park with her.But somehow tonight,his mind is from all of that.All he wants from Shin Hye is just to be comfortable and happy being with him.He just wants Shin Hye to trust him and if he can gain her trust....then maybe....there will be hope for him after he stared at her beautiful face.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
o-suzee #2
Chapter 41: Really Nice sweet story, I just love it n really enjoyed reading this n I really excited to read your other stories as I finished this one already .. Cheers :)
devine5miranda #3
Chapter 41: Thank you for this very sweet story. Just found this while viewing other stories. It really is sweet!3
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 41: Like your whole story...^_^
Hopefully can read your another good story
daisy55 #5
Chapter 41: Really nice story !!
shiniee #6
Chapter 41: whew what a great story, thanks authornim !!!
lynybera #7
Chapter 41: wow, very NICE story, i hope next time they have a baby geung suk & baby shin hye (^_^), GOD BLESS !!!
Great story
latish78 #10
I read it again love it still enjoy it