Sudden Change Of Behavior

We Are Family




“What do you really want to call your  wife?”


“Uhm, at first I like to call her Chagiya but it seems that she doesn’t like it so I change it to Princess.”Amber replied as he slightly nodded his head.


“If you have a girlfriend in real life, what do you want her to call you?”


“Anything what she likes to call me, I guess.”Amber replied, sounding unsure of what he said. “As long as it sounds sweet to me.”he continued and chuckled.


“How about Llamaber? Don’t you find it a cute nick name?”


“The name itself is cute, but everytime I hear it, it makes me think of a Llama and makes me feel that I look like one.”Amber answered which makes the interviewer laugh.


“Did you get scared on Krystal’s glare?”


“Yeah, I totally got scared of it. It gave me chills seeing it.”Amber said while bracing his self rubbing his forearms.




The next morning, I woke up early to prepare our breakfast. Amber is still sleeping soundly on the couch. He really is comfortable sleeping on it. I headed to our kitchen and toast some bread and cook some pancakes.


“Good morning, Princess.”


I heard Amber’s voice from behind while I’m flipping the pancakes. Hearing his voice made me startle.


“Oh, sorry if I startled you.”he quickly apologize and then scoffed.


“It’s because you suddenly appear behind me.”I said to him.


“I will wake up the kids.”he stated before he excuse himself.


Amber came back with Leo and Aleyna. They both kiss me on my cheek before they take their seats. Amber set the table and prepares some milk for them.


“How’s your sleep, kids?” I asked them as I serve the pancakes.


“I dream about Llamas, Umma.”Leo answered cheerfully.


“Really? I bet it is a very good dream.” I said to him and he nodded his head with a big smile. “How about you, Aley?”


“I dreamt that I am a Princess.” Aleyna replied with a sweet smile.


“Like mother like daughter.”Amber commented and chuckled as he serve the milk to them. I playfully slap him on his shoulder and it made him laugh


“Do you like Princess too, Umma?” Aleyna asked me curiously.


“Y-Yeah.”I replied to her forcing a smile.




After eating our breakfast together, I volunteered to wash the dishes. At least I should help Krystal in doing some of the chores. After I washed the dishes, I took a bath with Leo while Krystal took a bath with Aleyna. Bathroom is the only place in the house which obviously don’t have any camera installed and this is the most comfortable place for me now. I don’t feel that there are millions of eyes watching on me.


“Amber-appa, are you and Krystal-umma married for real?”Leo asked me curiously as I wash his back.


“What do you think?” I questioned him.


“No.”he quickly answered when he turn to face me.


If this kid isn’t convince that I and Krystal are married, so it means the people who are watching us thinks the same way too. Thinking about this troubled me. I think I am not a good actor at all. Well, I really didn’t take any acting class.


“What made you say that?”I questioned him.


“It’s because you two doesn’t have any rings in your hand.” he stated, glancing at my handa. I mentally face palmed myself for missing that little detail.


“Yeah, you are right.”I answered and chuckled.



I got surprised when suddenly, Aleyna asked me about my real relationship with Amber. I didn’t expect that she got curious about us. I was washing her hair when she asked the question that caught me off guard.


“Are you his real girlfriend, Krystal-umma?”she questioned with curiousness in her eyes.


“Oh, no!”I replied to her and flash an awkward smile.


“But you like him, right?”she asked me with raise browse. I can sense that she wants me to give her a positive answer.


“Well, your Amber-appa is a nice guy so, I sort of like him.” I replied to her. I really like Amber, as my friend.


A smile is then drawn to Aleyna’s face when she heard my response.


“Krystal-umma, I’ll wash your hair for you.”she stated happily.


I dried Aleyna’s hair first before mine. After putting on our clothes, when we step out of the room, we find Leo in the living room watching some cartoons. Aleyna joined him and sit beside him on the couch. I roam my eyes around the room and then head to the kitchen to look for Amber but I can’t see him anywhwere.


“Leo-ah, where is your Appa?” I asked Leo when I came back to them.


“Appa went outside, Umma.”Leo answered me as he turns  his head to face me.


“Did he tell you where he will go?”I questioned him.


He shook his head in response and turns his attention back on the show.I wonder if something came up. He should have at least told me that he is going out. That dork just left without letting me know about it. Aish! What’s up with his sudden change of behavior?!

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Emjey012 #1
Chapter 46: Yap, definitely one of my fav fanfics here~ thanks for writing and sharing this story author-nim!!!
Emjey012 #2
Chapter 37: I literally used Mandarin to English translator for Amber's line in this one,hahaha! Nice one author-nim!
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #4
Chapter 46: I need a sequel omg
mymh_bee #5
Chapter 46: I just hope there will be squel which kryber become real family but it's alright since i love this story... You did a great job... Love this story :)
Chapter 46: Nice one author-shi!!
please make a sequel author shi
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: Aww it was good can't believe it ended like that. I hope there's a sequel coming!
ksaijadis #9
i will just start reading, it looks nice