Closeness Rating

We Are Family



Hearing what Amber's said made my hear flutter. I know that he is just teasing me but somehow, a part of me wants him to like me. Our attention was then transferred to Suzy when she joined us in the kitchen.


"Is there something I can help you guys with?"she asked us with her friendly smile.


"Suz, you are our guest here. So just sit back there and relax." Amber answered her with his dorky smile.


"Amber, you go join Suho playing witht the kids. Let me replace you here instead."Suzy insisted.


"You want to have a girl bonding with my wife?"Amber asked her and scoffed. Suzy just flash a faint smile in response. "Okay."he continued.


Amber left me with Suzy. I just put on a friendly smile to her. I don't know what to talk to her.


"I hope Amber is not giving you a hard time."she said to me as she carried the plates.


"He is actually nice to me. Even though he is dorky, he is gentleman and caring."I replied to her with a faint smile. She talks like she is his real girlfriend.


"How long you two know each other?" I asked her curiously while she was setting the plates on the table.


"Hmmm, I think it's been two years now. He is Jia and Min's close friend even before he enter SM as trainee."she answered me which made me raise my brows.


"Does he have a lot of female friends?"I asked her which made Suzy look at me. I flash an awkward smile at her when I realize what she might thinking right now.


"He have many friends, 50-60 percent in total. 50% males and 60% females."she stated and giggled. "He is really friendly and girls got close to him quickly."she continued.


"I better keep my eye on him then."I said jokingly and laugh.


They said joke is half meant,right?Well, whatever. That doesn't apply to me this time or...... does it?




I joined Suho and my kids in the living room. Leo do a lot of talking and followed by Aley. This little guy is really talkative. All Suho do is just nod his head, laugh and answer briefly to them.


"Can I join you guys?" I said to them as I sit on the couch and swing my hands around Aleyna's shoulder. She look at me with a big smile on her face.


"Appa, I'm already hungry."Leo stated as he sat beside me.


"Just wait for a minute. Umma and your Suzy-unnie are still setting the table." I said to him.


"How's Krystal as a wife?" Suho asked me which divert my attention towards him.


"She's a good wife."


"And a good Umma!"Aley blurted out and grin.


"Yeah, and a good mother." I said and scoffed.


"Honestly, most of the guys that just know her always thinks that she act like a Princess."Suho stated.


"I'm calling her that."I informed him and he just chuckled.


"Yeah, that really suits her."he said and scoffed.


"If you rate your closeness to her out of 10, how close are you guys?"I asked him curiously.


"Hmmm,maybe 9." he answered flashing a timid smile.


"Ask me too, Appa."Leo said with shining eyes.


"Oh, how close are you to your Krystal-umma Leo-ah?"


"10!"he exclaimed while throwing his hands in the air.


"Your such a baby, Leo."Aley commented and giggled. I and Suho laugh at them.


"How about you bro, how close are you to Suzy?"Suho asked me.


"Hmmm, out of 10, 10."I answered him. I am really that close to Suzy, I even treat her as my own sister.


"Wow, you guys are that tight?"he asked in disbelief. I nodded my head.


"Appa, you won't replace Umma with her, right?" Leo said to me putting a serious face.


"Of course not, kiddo."I said to him and smile awkwardly.


"Then how close are you to Umma, Appa?"Aley asked me.


"Hmmm...out of 10, maybe 7." I answered to them and they both look disappointed. "But don't worry, sooner or later, it will raise up to 11." I added and they both grinned at me. Suho on the otherhand look surprise of what I said but he manage to flash a smile at the end.


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Emjey012 #1
Chapter 46: Yap, definitely one of my fav fanfics here~ thanks for writing and sharing this story author-nim!!!
Emjey012 #2
Chapter 37: I literally used Mandarin to English translator for Amber's line in this one,hahaha! Nice one author-nim!
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #4
Chapter 46: I need a sequel omg
mymh_bee #5
Chapter 46: I just hope there will be squel which kryber become real family but it's alright since i love this story... You did a great job... Love this story :)
Chapter 46: Nice one author-shi!!
please make a sequel author shi
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: Aww it was good can't believe it ended like that. I hope there's a sequel coming!
ksaijadis #9
i will just start reading, it looks nice