Sirius Meet F(x)

We Are Family




I research about Krystal. I didn’t expect that she is two years younger than me. She loves to play instruments, especially piano so I decided to bring my instruments. We clean the house too since I heard that she hates dusty and messy place. Today is the first day of our show.


“Where are they? It’s almost 10:30, they were supposed to be here earlier.” I mumbled.


The producers and director want our show to be realistic as possible so I am just expressing myself now. We are waiting for them in the living room, anticipating for them to walk in at the main door.


“Maybe they got stuck in the traffic.”Kris said, sitting on one chair with his eyes fixed on his PSP.


“How about we play a game while waiting for them? We can’t just sit here and do nothing. It will be so boring.” Key suggested.


“That’s a good idea Key.” Henry agreed with a big smile.


“So what game?” Kris asked setting aside his PSP.


“Hmm, what do you think, leader?” Henry asked me and they were all looking at me.


“Rock, paper and Scissors. The loser will do a welcome dance to F(x).” I said to them and they all grin.


“Deal!”they all agreed.


“Winner versus winner and loser versus loser.” I stated and then we start the game.


I played against Key first and got beaten. Kris was beaten by Henry. Henry won against Key and unfortunately, Kris won against me. I always lose in this game. A smirk was then formed in their faces and they were laughing in happiness. I on the other hand felt devastated.


“Am, do the dance step of 4minute in their song ‘What’s Your Name’.”  Henry said to me it and made me let out a deep sigh in frustration.


“Yeah, from the time they will  arrive you should start dancing.” Key said and laugh.


“Since you are our leader, we will let you dance just the intro.” Kris said and they look at each other and at the same time burst into laughter.


“They will see me as an odd person if I do that and besides I don’t know it.” I protested with a stern expression.


“It is just simple bro.” Key said to me and pulls out his phone from his pocket. He then show me the music  video of the girl group with so much hips swaying in their song. “Just easy, right?” he said with a raise brow and silly smile.


“What’s your name, wha-what’s your name…”Henry sang while do some body shaking on his chair.


“Seriously, you will let me embarrass myself in front of those girls?” I said to them trying to make them change their mind.


“We don’t mind.”They all answered cheerfully with a big grin on their faces.


“If you want, we can be your second voice.” Kris suggested.


“That’s better.” I replied quickly.


Our attention then turned to the door when we heard our doorbell rang. They all looked at me with a silly smile on their faces while wriggling their eyebrows. I lazily got up and forcefully drag myself going into the main door and open it for them.  They followed me behind. Before I grab the knob, I let out a deep sigh. I can feel my members’ eyes on my back. When I opened the door, I then start to embarrassed myself.


“What’s your name, wha—what’s your name? What’s your name, wha-what’s your name? And brave sound.” I sang while dancing. I can feel my blood flow into my face. F(x) is looking at me with widened eyes. What am I doing right now is really embarrassing and for sure is weird for them.


“La la la la la…”the three of them then began to sing and I can hear them chuckling.


“What’s your name, what is it?” I continued still doing the solo dance.


“La la la la la…”the tree of them followed and now the f(x) starts giggling.


“What’s your name, wha-what’s your name?”


“La la la la la…”


“What’s your name? What is it? Wha-what’s your name?” I sang and decided to stop it. I bowed to them in 90 degrees to hide my tomato red face. “Welcome, I’m Amber from Sirius, it’s nice to meet you all.” I said to them and smile to them when I lifted up my head. My members then step forward and stand beside me.


“I’m Henry, I’m glad you arrive safe.” Henry followed while bowing to them and then flashed his charming smile.


“I’m Kris, I’m happy to see you and please take care of me.”Kris stated and bowed to them and  then flashed his bright smile.


“I’m Key, I’m looking forward to become one of your friends.” Key lastly introduce himself and bow to them flashing a sheepish smile.


I think only my image has been ruined here.


“I’m Victoria, their Unnie and gonna be your Noona.”she introduce herself with a graceful smile.


“I’m Luna.”the petite girl introduce herself with a cheerful smile.


“I’m Sulli.”a tall white girl followed flashing her beautiful smile.


“I’m Krysal.”a girl who looks cold when she is not smiling lastly introduce herself and I got a little bit surprised when I saw how radiant she is when putting on her sweet smile. I think my wife to be is not hard to get along with.


“We are, F(x)!”they said in unison and I notice how my members got so amazed by them.


We lead them inside. I carried Krystal’s luggage for her, I think that is what husbands will do, carry the heavy things for their wife.


“I didn’t expect that their leader is a dorky one.” I hear Krystal whispered to her friends.


Okay, I think that adjective is better than odd, weird or stupid. It made me feel a little bit relieved when I heard it.

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Emjey012 #1
Chapter 46: Yap, definitely one of my fav fanfics here~ thanks for writing and sharing this story author-nim!!!
Emjey012 #2
Chapter 37: I literally used Mandarin to English translator for Amber's line in this one,hahaha! Nice one author-nim!
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #4
Chapter 46: I need a sequel omg
mymh_bee #5
Chapter 46: I just hope there will be squel which kryber become real family but it's alright since i love this story... You did a great job... Love this story :)
Chapter 46: Nice one author-shi!!
please make a sequel author shi
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: Aww it was good can't believe it ended like that. I hope there's a sequel coming!
ksaijadis #9
i will just start reading, it looks nice