Meeting The Kids

We Are Family




I admit, I kinda like their group. They are really funny. They never fail to make us laugh. Amber is a good guy. He offered his help in carrying my luggage without me asking him to do so. The house is just enough for a small family. It is beautiful and impressively clean.


“Amber, you should take care of our makanae.” Vic-unnie said to him while we are hanging in the living room.


“I will, Noona.”he answered while flashing his dorky smile.


“I hope our group will do the same activity in the future.”Kris stated with a bright smile.


“You’re sending indirect hint to the producers, aren’t you?”Amber points his finger at Kris while narrowing his eyes. We all laugh at them.


“Am I that obvious?”Kris replied with an awkward smile while scratching the back of his head.


“You guys are always welcome to visit us here.” I said to them and they look at me with shining eyes.


“Really, Krystal-shi?”they all answered in unison and I giggled and nod my head.


“Thank you!”they exclaimed bowing their head.


“You don’t mind right, Amber?”I asked him as I turned to him.


“If they will bring their own food, they are welcome to come in our house.”Amber said to us. “These guys eat a lot.”he continued.


“Hyung, you are the one who eat a lot among us.”Henry said to him with an awkward smile. We all burst out into laughter seeing Amber’s shy reaction.


“Speaking of food, I think it is time for us to prepare some food.” I stated.


“I will help you, Krys.” Vic-unnie said to me and I nodded my head.


“Sull, let’s tour around the house.”Luna said to Sulli.


“Sure.”Sulli answered enthusiastically.


“We will come with you, girls.”Key said to them with a big grin. Henry and Kris nodded their head.


I thought Amber will go with them but he followed me and Vic. I think he loves food so much. I got surprise when he suddenly poked me on my back. I  turn to him raising my brows. I’m totally shocked of what he did. He then motioned me to follow him so I told Unnie to go in the kitchen ahead of us.


“What?”I asked to him.


“Uhm, I think you forget that we need to personally pick up our children this time.” he said to me awkwardly.


He is right, I really did forget about it. We told our guest that we are going out for a while so we left them behind. I find Amber as a gentleman. He opens the door for me and let me step outside first. I like the way how he treat me, I feel like I am a real princess or maybe he heard about me being called as mini Ice Princess that is why he is treating me this way.




Krystal and I went to one studio to pick our soon to be children. They are kids from the industry too and we are assigned to look after them until this show ends. We meet the staff and we greeted them politely. I thought they are pure Korean kids but I think they are only half Korean. I am really expecting some Chinese kids but I think Chinese are rare here in Korea.


“How old are you?” Mr. Park, one of the staff in the studio asked me.


“I’m 24 Sir.” I replied shortly.


“How about you, Miss?”he asked Krystal.


“I’m 22, Sir.”she replied with sweet voice.


“You two are still very young. Are you sure you can handle two kids at the same time?”he asked us raising his brows.


“We will do our best to take good care of them, Sir.” I assured him with a smile.


“Let’s see, young man.” he replied and scoffed.


The photo shoot ended and then they call the attention of two kids. One is a girl and the other is a boy. I think their is around one or two. They both stare at us. They really looked adorable.


“Aleyna-ah and Leo-ah, they will be your new Umma and Appa.”Mr. Park said to them.


“Hi.”Krystal greeted them with a sweet smile and they give her the same smile too. I wave at them and only Aleyna wave back at me.


“I think my son doesn’t like me.”I said jokingly and scoffed.


We talked to their real parents and they informed us all about what we needed to know. I think Leo likes Krystal because he instantly clings to her. He is only four years old while Aleyna is just five. Aleyna on the other hand came to like me. She is really a sassy kid but she’s nice. I open the car door for them and they quickly step inside.


“Our children are really good looking.”I joked at Krystal as I closed the door.


“Of course, their Umma is beautiful so it is not surprising.”she replied to me and giggled.


“So I am the only not good looking one in this family.”I said, acting like pitying myself.


“You are handsome in some angles.”she answered and burst into laughter.


“Hurry up, Appa! Let’s go home!” Leo stated impatiently.


“Leo, don’t rush Appa.”Aleyna scolded him.


I wonder if these kids will listen to us.

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Emjey012 #1
Chapter 46: Yap, definitely one of my fav fanfics here~ thanks for writing and sharing this story author-nim!!!
Emjey012 #2
Chapter 37: I literally used Mandarin to English translator for Amber's line in this one,hahaha! Nice one author-nim!
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #4
Chapter 46: I need a sequel omg
mymh_bee #5
Chapter 46: I just hope there will be squel which kryber become real family but it's alright since i love this story... You did a great job... Love this story :)
Chapter 46: Nice one author-shi!!
please make a sequel author shi
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: Aww it was good can't believe it ended like that. I hope there's a sequel coming!
ksaijadis #9
i will just start reading, it looks nice