Card Game

We Are Family



I went to the kitchen to check how Amber and Suzy is doing. If they are already done washing the dishes. I got surprised and annoyed when I saw them playing around. I got pissed off seeing Amber wiping off those bubbles on Suzy's head while Suzy is admiring his face closely. I cleared my throat and it caught their attention. We gather in the living room and Suho is arranging the cards.


"What are we going to play?"Suzy asked Suho when she sat down on the couch.


"Let's play the card game I doubt it or cheat."Suho replied to Suzy with a smile.


"Do you mean the game 'Bull?" Amber said as he sat down on the couch next to Suzy.


"Yah! Don't say such word!"Suzy yelled at him and slap his arm.


"I'm not cursing Suz, it's what we call in U.S."Amber replied and scoffed. I rolled my eyes on them and sat down on the chair next to Suho.


"Do you know how to play this game, Soojung?"Suho asked me.


"Yes." I answered with a smile and he smiled back at me.


"Good."Suho replied.


When I look at Amber, he is looking at me with expressionless face and then turn to Suho. I got puzzled seeing that expression of his. We agreed that we will flick the loser's forehead. Suho then starts to deal the cards to us. 


"Krys, you transfer on the chair across Suho. He might see your cards if you sit near him."Amber said to me which made Suho and Suzy look at us.


"Suho is not a cheater so don't worry."I answered to him feeling conscious about the way our guest look at me.


"Just transfer there."he insisted, pointing the chair across me.


"Aish, why do you keep insisting for me to transfer there?" I asked him annoyingly.


"I don't want you to lose in this game."he replied to me, starting to look annoyed too.


"I think we should sit in every side of the table so that no one will be able to peek on other's cards."Suzy suggested which stops me and Amber from bickering.


We gather around the table, Amber facing Suho and I across Suzy. Our game started and Suho discarded two cards facing down first.


"Two Queens."Suho stated and we keep silent for a while,looking at him if he is possibly lying or not.


"One Jack." I followed and they did the same to me, except Amber who is busy looking at his cards.


"Three Kings."he said.


"Two 3's."Suzy followed.


"Two Ace." Suho stated with a smile.


"Bull!"Amber said to him and a smirk is then drawn to Suho's face.


"Sorry bro, but it is really two Aces." Suho said as he open the cards.


"Pfft! You are worried that I might lose in this game but in fact you are the one who here." I stated and scoffed.


"You'll see Princess."Amber said to me with a smirk as he gather the discarded cards.


Our game go on and at the end, Amber is really the one who lose. I and Suzy laugh at him because he looks kinda annoyed of his defeat. He close his eyes as each of us flick his forehead. It turns read because of the force.


"Another round."he demanded.


We play again and he still lose. He lose three times because honestly, he is so obvious when he is lying. So at the end, his forehead is really red. I feel sorry for him because it really hurts to be flick on your forehead. He sometimes groaned in pain when we hit him and his eyes are really teary. None of us are holding back. At the last round, I decided to lose on purpose to stop this silly game. I thought Amber will look happy because he finally didn't lose but I don't see any happiness in his face.


"Wow, for the first time you didn't lose, Am."Suzy remarked and giggled.


"Yeah, I think my forehead needs a rest too."Amber replied to her flashing a faint smile and then look at me.


"Okay you guys, don't hold back."I said to them and scoffed.


"I will just exert 25 percent of my force for you Krys."Suho said to me which made me smile.


"It's up to you, Suho." I answered him.


I close my eyes as they take turns to hit me. Suzy is first and I admit, it hurts like hell. Suho followed and his 25 percent or less still hurts more than Suzy's flick. I gritted my teeth to suppress the pain. Now, it is my dorky husband's turn.


"I will give my one hundred percent in doing this."he said to me which made me open my eyes to look at him. I want to see if he is serious and he really is. 


"Whatever." I said to him, feeling annoyed at the same time disappointed. I close my eyes back again. "Hurry up."


I furrowed my brows when I slowly feel his breath on my face. I open my eyes when I feel his soft lips on my forehead. A smack sound then heard before he parted his lips. I got totally surprise of what he did. I think even Suzy and Suho got surprise too because they keep silent, not making any sound or moving any muscle.


"I can't hurt my wife."Amber said to me and then flash his dorky smile then got up. "I'll go and check the kids." he said and then left.



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Emjey012 #1
Chapter 46: Yap, definitely one of my fav fanfics here~ thanks for writing and sharing this story author-nim!!!
Emjey012 #2
Chapter 37: I literally used Mandarin to English translator for Amber's line in this one,hahaha! Nice one author-nim!
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #4
Chapter 46: I need a sequel omg
mymh_bee #5
Chapter 46: I just hope there will be squel which kryber become real family but it's alright since i love this story... You did a great job... Love this story :)
Chapter 46: Nice one author-shi!!
please make a sequel author shi
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: Aww it was good can't believe it ended like that. I hope there's a sequel coming!
ksaijadis #9
i will just start reading, it looks nice