Bad Day

Cinderella Life

   6:22 p.m.: Dae Hyun and I are on our way to the airport. I didn't mention his hoodie, nor said I remembered the day I gave him that. I have another plan.

   Il Hoon is the one driving us there and also the one who helped me with my plan. Our flight is at 9:45 p.m., so we will have some time to spare.

   "Do you guys have your passports with you ?" Il Hoon asked as we were almost reaching the airport.

   "No, wait ! I forgot mine on the bedside table, we have to go back !" Dae Hyun kind of screamed, leaning to the driver's seat, urging Il Hoon to go back.

   "Just sit, kid." I pulled Dae Hyun back. "I took it before we left." I rolled my eyes.

   "What would you be without her, hyung ?" Il Hoon chuckled, looking at Dae Hyun through the rearview mirror.

   "Myself." He started laughing.

   "Was that supposed to be a joke ?" I frowned.

   He cleared his throat. "No."

   Il Hoon and I chuckled, laughed and messed with Dae Hyun until we arrived at our destination.

   "Want to make a bet ?" I turned to Dae Hyun as we were rolling our suitcases towards the check-in counter.

   "What ?"

   "Go there, where people are sitting," I pointed. "place your cap on the floor and start singing." He raised a brow. "If you manage to get 30.000 won in 20 minutes I'll buy you whatever you want to eat during our trip. If you don't, you will let me sleep as much as I want until the day we come back."

   "Are you serious ?" He frowned.

   "Yep. You want to be a singer, don't you ? You can't be afraid of the public."

   "I'm not afraid of the public, I just think that some security guards might scold me or lead me out of the airport, thinking I'm a beggar."

   "With these clothes ? You are a really fortunate beggar, huh ?"

   "Fine, but if I get scolded, you will take the blame."

   "Deal." We shook hands. "But first, give me your wallet."

   "What ? Are you stealing me ?" He eyed me suspiciously, but took the wallet out of his backpack anyway.

   "Yeah." I rolled my eyes. "I just don't want you to put your own money in the cap and claim you won." I grabbed his wallet and motioned for him to go.

   He walked to the place I had pointed to before and placed his cap on the floor as I had instructed. As he started singing DBSK's "Love in the Ice", I walked out of the airport, where Il Hoon was waiting for me.

   "What took you so long ?" He nagged.

   "I was thinking about a way to come out without Dae Hyun noticing."

   "And what did you do ?"

   "A bet. He's singing, trying to get some money right now." He chuckled.

   "Anyway, here." He handed me a bag, which I quickly put inside my backpack. "Have a nice trip." He ruffled my hair.

   "Thanks." I smiled and started walking back inside. "Bye, oppa !" I waived, walking backwards, and he waived back before getting inside the car.

   As soon as the automatic doors opened for me I heard Dae Hyun singing 4men's "Baby Baby". Wow, what a surprise. I turned left and damn, I totally lost the bet. He couldn't even be seen because of the huge crowd around him. I guess he was born to be under the spotlight. And he was smart, he sang "Love in the Ice" in Japanese, getting the attention of the Japanese poeple, who would probably take the same flight as us, and is now singing "Baby Baby", pleasing Korean people. Even the security guards are taking some discreet glimpses at the singing lad. I bet the next song he will sing will be "I Believe I can Fly", even though there are no Americans in sight.

   When he finished singing, the whole airport clapped. Come on, this is ridiculous. Where are the sleeping people ? The nagging elders ? The annoying kids ? The crying babies ? Unbelievable.

   But as I predicted, he started singing "I Believe I can Fly". Gosh, how I love his voice singing this song. I just sat near the door and enjoyed the show. It's been a long time since he last sang this song to me.

   The song ended, but I didn't move. I just stayed still, relaxing with Dae Hyun's voice echoing through my mind. A couple minutes later I decided to go find him, noticing he wasn't singing anymore. As I turned to the place where he was singing before, I just felt like punching someone. There were four girls flirting with him. And damn, they were beautiful, indeed. I stood there, only watching for some time, but when one of the girls clung to Dae Hyun's arm I walked to them.

   "Oppa, your dad has called, he is waiting for us near gate 17." I kind of pushed two girls out of the way and tried to pull Dae Hyun away, but he didn't bother. Yes, I just lied for nothing.

   "Dad can wait, we still have two hours to spare." He shook his arm, telling me to let go, looking at the girl holding his arm, instead of looking at me.

   "Jung Dae Hyun !" I was already mad.

   "Relax, sis." Sis ? Calling me sis just because he is surrounded by taller, hotter and less dressed girls than me ?

   "How old are you, Jung Dae Hyun ?" The girl stuck to his arm asked with a ridiculously high pitched voice.

   "19." He kept on ignoring me.

   "Oh, how can a handsome boy like you have such an angelic voice ? The world is really unfair, isn't it, Dae Hyunnie ?" That sickening voice was really driving me crazy.

   "You're beautiful, noona. And your voice is really sweet." He tucked a strand of the girl's hair behind her ear and she looked down, smiling shyly.

   I got really pissed off with Dae Hyun. I mean, come on. Noona ? You're beautiful ? Your voice is really sweet ? Jung Dae Hyun, you are so dead. I decided to leave him with his noonas and go outside to get some fresh air.

   I paced around unconciously until I was fairly far from the door I had just exited. When I came back to my senses I looked around and realized I was lost. Crap. I've come uncountable times to the airport already, but I was always with my dad and I never went outside like today.

   I guess I was looking totally lost, because this old man came to me, asking if I needed any help. He looked like a cute grandpa, but I wouldn't be fooled easily. The are tons of ert elders out there, I can't trust him just because he is cute.

   "I'm ok, thanks." I smiled and turned around, hoping I had only walked straight.

   I was probably right about him being a ert, as he started following me. "Are you sure you don't need help ? Because I'm pretty sure I saw you coming from that way." He pointed to the parking lot.

   I'm not stupid. No way I would follow a stranger to a dark and deserted place. But honestly speaking, I have no idea from which side I came from. Maybe he is really just a cute old man trying to help, but I can't simply trust him like this.

   "I'm actually only going to sit here, my boyfriend is coming to meet me." I sat on a dirty plastic row of seats and shot him a friendly smile.

   "Ok. I'll wait with you." He sat right next to me. "So, what's your name ?" He turned to me.

   "Ji Eun." Commom Korean name: check.

   "Where are you from, Ji Eunnie ?" Ji Eunnie ? Like, seriously ?

   "Daegu." Somewhere that is not Seoul, nor Hokkaido: check.

   "How old are you, sweetie ?" Ok, Dae Hyun calling me sweetie is cute, but this man is just... gross.

   "16." I wouldn't lie about my age. It's good that he knows I'm under aged, so he is aware of the possibility of being arrested for ia if he tries to do something to me.

   "You're the same age as my granddaughter. And you're beautiful just like her. She..." While he was talking about his granddaughter, who I don't really know if actually exists, I reached for my cellphone with my right hand and called Dae Hyun, without taking my eyes off the bragging grandpa.

   When I heard Dae Hyun had picked up, I interrupted the old man's speech.

   "What is that over there, sir ?" I pointed to a building across the street.

   "Oh, that's a radio station."

   "And what about that over there ?"

   "Hm, I don't realy know, probably a hangar or a storehouse." Dae Hyun, you better remember these places.

   "Oh, really ? You know, I was once kidnapped and taken to a hangar. I was lost" I stressed the last word. "and really scared." I stressed it again. "At the time I didn't know, but I was in great danger. I was sitting on a dirty bench and my kidnapper was next to me. Thank God someone appeared to save me, otherwise I don't know what could have happened to me. At times like this, one needs to be fast." I just hope Dae Hyun got the message.

   "Oh, I think someone is calling you." The man pointed to my jacket's pocket, probably noticing the light coming from it.

   "It's just an alarm." I smiled meekly and hung up. Dae Hyunnie, please be smart at least this once.

   The old man kept on talking to me about anything and soon 10 minutes went by. 15 minutes. 20 minutes.

   Suddenly the man grabbed my wrist and tried to kiss me, but I turned my head. He forcefully turned my face to him and, damn, he was really strong for an elder. After a lot of struggling, he got what he wanted. He kissed me. I just felt like crying. He tried to push his tongue inside my mouth, but I did my best to keep my lips tightly shut.

   I somehow managed to raise a leg and kick his lower region. He instantly let go of me and started cursing. I took this chance to run away. I don't really care where I'm going, I just want to be far away from this man.

   As I was running aimlessly, I tried to call Dae Hyun again to ask for help. I guess today is just not my lucky day. A female voice picked up and I could hear a "Noona, hurry up" in the back. Screw you, Jung Dae Hyun. I hung up and threw my cellphone on the pavement. I don't know where I got that strength from, but the cellphone broke in about eight pieces. After one single tear left my eye, I took a deep breath and started running again.

   After running for about five minutes, I was finally back to the starting point. As soon as I went in, Dae Hyun walked in my direction.

   "40.000 won in just a little more than 10 minutes. How about that, babe ?" He grinned.

   " you, Dae Hyun." I walked past him.

   "What ?" He grabbed my arm and turned me around. "What did you just say ?" He furrowed his eyes.

   "I said you." I strongly pulled my arm out of his grip and walked away.

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Nice story ^^
Luhanmai #2
Chapter 50: it was awesome story daebak authornim
Chapter 50: Can you make a secual? Love the story
kawaiigirl1342 #4
Chapter 50: I luved this story!!! Can u make one about zelo please? I mean mainly focused on him.i love zelo oppa~ sooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 50: ohhh. damn... uhhh.. Yea... XD I really enjoyed this story with you authornim thank's for making it so awesome but I huess the end kinda threw me off.. U STILL LOVED THE STORY AS A WHOLE THOUGH!!!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 50: omo...this is so confusing....but...sweet....
Chapter 49: hahaha erted proposal Dayhyun! But omg the Strawberry pie scene was too cuute :3
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 49: omo.....i'm speechless....update soon authornim....
sapphire11 #9
Chapter 48: omo....i thought daedae was really cheating on her.....ha..ha....good one authornim...update soon ....
Chapter 47: Geezzee pms much? Jellyyyyyyyyyyyy hahaha I love this story XD