The Show off's Show down

Dream or Reality?

“I have no problem with it but I’m not sure if you’ll be able to keep up,” she retaliated.

                “Oooh!” the kids around us were backing up and the same girl went to press play on the music as Meghan nodded. The same boys, except for Meghan’s duet partner, got into position. At the beginning of the dance Boa, in this case Meghan is meant to be lifted up onto the dancers back and then they walk forward. Then my part is to come in from behind her grab her and carry her bridal style whilst spinning. Not complicated at all *scoff*.

                As I went to pick up Meghan off the other dancers backs I realised that she is really light. Does this girl ever eat? We performed the dance perfectly and then when it came to our duet my eyes were on Meghan instead of the mums and the rest of the kids sitting in front of us.

I was so shocked, Meghan was actually really good, almost as good as Boa herself. Maybe better I don’t know. Our faces were close together for the part where I was facing the front and Meghan was facing the opposite direction. As I slid my hands down Meghan’s arms like in the dance ii noticed her arms were really soft and slender. As I looked at her face bursting with the same emotion you’d expect from someone who truly knew the meaning of the song. Her skin was so smooth and her eyes flecked every hue of green and brown and they sparkled in the light. Get a hold of yourself Taemin this girl is your rival.

As we finished the dance the moms and the kids at the front started cheering. I did a bow and Meghan followed along with the other dancers and bowed as well. Meghan’s duet partner had a cross look on his face and his arms were folded against his chest. Awe how cute, he was pouting.

They practised doing other dances while I sat next to the moms and watched. Then Meghan dismissed them and as they were leaving some of the boys glared at me. Obviously they like Meghan. When everyone had left Meghan turned to me.

“You can go spread your little rumours amongst your friends now.” She said smiling. I looked at her confused.

“What?” I asked.

“I know why you followed me here, this place isn’t easy to find from school. I saw you following me about halfway.” I looked at her dumb founded, she noticed I was following her? “So you can go tell your friends about how I’m a dance teacher at the local dance studio and that yes I do talk. Don’t think I don’t know, everyone’s the same you all want something to gossip about and to pass the time you try to find another person’s weakness and use it against them to socially destroy their lives.”

I just blinked at her; I couldn’t back fire because everything that came out of was true. Every word her lips uttered, her soft, pink lips. Oh My God what the hell are you thinking Taemin.


Meghan POV

I already knew Taemin was following me and I knew what he was up to everyone’s the same, their all looking for a way to bring others down. I was didn’t expect him to dance with me though. He was good but not that good he still had some work to do. He was to focused on perfection and that made him stiff in his movements during the dance.

I told him I knew why he was here he just had a blank expression across his face. He started staring at me weirdly and I couldn’t read his face.

“Well... um...” he stumbled for words. I cut him off.

“I’m right aren’t I? Well then, bye.” I said as I grabbed my bag off the couch at the front of the room. Taemin was still standing there so I stood in front of him and waved my hand in front of his face. He just blinked. *Sigh* “Have a nice life Lee Taemin.” I whispered as I swerved around Taemin like a snake and headed for the door. I felt him grab my arm.

“Wait...” he said.

                “Yes?” I replied. He looked as though he was going to say something really important. Then his blank expression disappeared and he went back to his normal self.

                “Do you have a car, I need a ride home.” I grinned. My parents gave me a motorbike for my 16th birthday. Being the only child the ever had and the only one mom could ever have meant I was spoilt and received buckets of parental love. My auntie used to say ‘It’s a wonder she’s not a spoilt brat the way you keep pandering to her.’ Mum would retaliate to her sister and say, ‘You spoil your kids way more and look how they turned out!’ then Auntie would storm out as she had always obviously lost.

                 I grabbed Taemin’s hand and dragged him to my motorbike. He looked stunned as I put the helmet on his head and started strapping my bag onto the back.

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it