It's A Shock To You, But Not To Us

Dream or Reality?

We each went in one by one and when the visiting hours were over we headed out to the car park.

“Hey, do Alex and Sarah know about this?” Chanyeol asked. We all froze.

“I can’t believe we forgot to tell Alex and Sarah.” Lay said as Kris went to the car. He grabbed a bag and came back.

“Here, we got Meghan’s bag from school.” He said.

“It should have her phone in I right?” Tao asked. Opened her bag and pulled out Meghan’s phone. He went through her contacts until he found Sarah’s number. He pressed the little green phone on the screen and pressed speaker phone. Sarah picked up.

“Hey, Meghan. Where were you at lunch today? We didn’t see you all day.” Sarah said.

“Hi Sarah, this is Key. Could you get Alex and put it in speaker phone?” Key asked.

“Alex, can you come here for a minute.” We heard her yell. “She’s here.”

“Hi, what’s up?” Alex said.

“Um, we are so sorry for not contacting you sooner but there was an accident. It seems Meghan collapsed at school from anaemia.” Key explained. There was silence on the other end.

“Oh my gosh, is she ok?” Sarah asked.

 “Yeah, she’s fine but she’s resting at the moment.” Key said.

“Is she on life support?” Alex asked.

“No, just a drip,” Key replied.

“How long did they say?” Alex asked.

“About a week,” he replied.

“Oh, ok. Thanks for letting us know. And for future reference, if it happens again just give us a call ok.” Sarah requested.

“What do you mean again?” Tao asked.

“Yeah, and why do you not sound very concerned?” Lay asked.

“Because this happens all the time, is this the first time you’ve seen Meghan have anaemia?” Alex asked.

“Well, yes.” Key answered.

“Don’t worry she has it every now and then because she forgets to take her iron tablets.” Alex said.

“That, or she ran out again and hasn’t been able to get some more.” Sarah explained, “We’ll bring some over tomorrow afternoon. You guys should go home and get some rest.” Sarah said as she hung up. None of us moved until Kris said that we should go home. As we headed home the car was silent. We arrived home and I went to my room and drifted off with the clouds.

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it