My past is hard to remember but i'll put up with that pain if you're beside me

Dream or Reality?

Meghan POV

It has been 5 weeks since I went to the movies with Taemin. Today November 29th, the day my parents died. The accident happened the day before and they had died over night. The doctor told me that November 29th s the official day they died as they passed on after midnight. I was wearing my black dress and shoes. My hair done up in a waterfall. I stopped by the studio and grabbed my guitar. I put on a jacket and my helmet and got on my bike and rode to the guy’s house.

When I opened the door I found Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Taemin and EXO.

“Who’s that?” one of the EXO-K members asked. I brushed my hair out of the way and looked up.”Wow! Isn’t that Meghan, the girl who hasn’t said a word in over a year to anyone but her friends? What are you doing here at Shinee’s house?” he asked.

“Shinee, who’s Shinee?” I asked.

“She speaks!” one of them whispered, loud enough for me to hear. I folded my arms.

“Like I said, who’s Shinee?” I asked again.

“Are you serious? How long have you been friend with these guys?” he asked

“Yes I’m serious and a couple of weeks.” I replied.

“Don’t you know that these guys are in a k-pop band called Shinee?” he retorted. I was shocked.

“What! Wait, you guys are Shinee? The band that keeps coming on the radio?” I said. They nodded.

“We assumed you already knew.” Said Onew.

Two of the guys from EXO – M started talking in Chinese.

“Oh my gosh, she spent all that time with them and she didn’t even know that they were in a band.” Said the one you recognised as Luhan.

“Yeah, she must be stupid or something Why is she even here?” Kris said. I stormed up to them and slapped them both in the face.

“I’m not stupid; I’m much smarter than you. You didn’t even bother to check if I knew Chinese or not. That’s what’s stupid, I’m not stupid because I prefer to listen to the singer rather than stare at someone and be like a freak stalker on that band.” They all looked at me as I started to walk towards Minho who had come down stairs as I was yelling at them. “Oh, and I’m here because I have a date with Minho now bye-bye.” I grabbed Minho’s hand.

 “What!” I heard them all shout as we walked out the door. They followed us out the door. I handed Minho my guitar and asked him to put it on. We out on our helmets and got on. They stared at me as I revved the engine and kicked off the ground, leaning into the turn I raced down the street.

We arrived at the cemetery were mum and dad were buried next to each other.

“Hi mom, hi dad. I came to visit you like I promised. I brought a friend too. His name is Minho.” Minho bowed.

“Hello Meghan’s parents.” He said. I took the bag I was carrying and pulled out some food.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Minho asked.

“Having a picnic with my parents, sit down.” I said opening the food. Minho sat down and we had a sandwich each.”These were mum and dad’s favourite sweets. I said pulling out some Japanese pocky. I opened it and pulled one out. I held it in front of his face. He looked at me funny for a bit. I waved it in his face and he shrugged it off and leaned forward to take a bite. I smiled and he smiled back.

After we finished eating I put the empty containers in my bag and grabbed my guitar. I pulled it out of the case and out the strap over my head. I lay down on the ground. Minho looked at me as though I was crazy.

“I hope you don’t mind. But please bear with my bad singing, I’ll explain later.”


Minho POV

First she introduced me to her parents. Then she pulled out food and fed me her parent’s favourite sweets. Then to top it all off she pulled out her guitar and lay on the ground.

“I hope you don’t mind. But please bear with my bad singing, I’ll explain later.” She said as she started to play. I recognised the song as Kim Greem’s ‘Love Song’. When she sung I froze. Her voice was so beautiful. When she was finished she stood up. I told her she had an amazing voice and that she should audition at SM Entertainment. After a little arguing. I grabbed her by the arms brought her close to me and said.

“You can do this. I’ll organise it come on. I’ll be there the whole time.”

“Really?” she asked. I nodded. “Okay I’ll do it.”

“That’s the spirit.” I said. We packed up and head home.


Taemin POV

“What! Wait, you guys are Shinee? The band that keeps coming on the radio?” Meghan said. We all nodded in response.

“We assumed you already knew.” Onew said.

Luhan and Kris started talking in Chinese. The guys had taught us some Chinese when we went over to China in the holidays to meet their families.

“Oh my gosh, she spent all that time with them and she didn’t even know that they were in a band.” Luhan said.

“Yeah, she must be stupid or something Why is she even here?” Kris said. Meghan stormed up to them and slapped them both in the face.

“I’m not stupid; I’m much smarter than you. You didn’t even bother to check if I knew Chinese or not. That’s what’s stupid, I’m not stupid because I prefer to listen to the singer rather than stare at someone and be like a freak stalker on that band.” We all stared at her and I knew we were all thinking the same thing ‘She can speak Chinese?’ She walked towards Minho who had come down stairs as she was yelling at Luhan and Kris. “Oh, and I’m here because I have a date with Minho now bye-bye.” She grabbed Minho’s hand.

 “What!” we heard them all shout as they walked out the door. I jumped out of my seat and ran towards the door. She handed Minho a guitar and he put it on. They put on helmets and we all watched as Meghan revved the engine and kicked off the ground, leaning into the turn she raced down the street. We all stood there for a moment before heading inside.

“How the hell did she know Chinese?” Luhan asked.

“That’s a stupid question. More like she can ride a motor bike and how did she do that turn? Was her coach a former BMX rider?” Kris asked.

“I told you not to get involved with her Taemin. She’s bad news. How long have her and Minho been dating?” Kai asked. We all stared at him. Key broke the silence.


“It’s obvious isn’t it? She just said she was going on a date with him.” He replied.

“That’s impossible there’s no way they’d be dating.” Jonghyun said waving it off.

“Think about it. What have they done together so far that you know of?” Kai asked.

“Well, last week they saw a horror film together. On Wednesday Meghan took him to the local dance studio and on Thursday she went to the park with him again and taught him how to play soccer.” Onew said. “What? He told me all this yesterday when we were waiting for you guys to come home.” He shrugged.

“Now that I think about it ever since they went to the park together on the first week when we all had a day with Meghan and got to know her they seemed to go out again a lot together.” Jonghyun said. This sent us all into a flying rage and when we settled down we flipped on the TV and waited for them to come home. Jonghyun and Onew looked at the clock every half hour. EXO looked at the door every now and then. Key looked from the clock to the door then back again every 10 minutes and I just stared at the door until I snapped myself out of it. When they came home Key walked up to them, uncharacteristically calm and said.

“So how long have you two been dating? The question made my heart hurt a little, like someone shot an arrow through it.


Minho POV

When we opened the door Onew, Minho, Jonghyun, Key, EXO – M, EXO – K and a particularly mad looking Taemin were sitting in the lounge room. Key came up to us.

“So how long have you two been dating?” he said calmly, which came as a shock because usually in this situation Key would scream the house down.

“Where not dating.” I said plainly.

“Oh really, DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME YOU LIARS.” That’s the Key I know.

“We’re not lying. I don’t see Meghan like that.” I said truthfully.

“Yeah, and he’s more like my brother I never had.” Meghan said blushing.

“Awe, how CUUTTTEEE!!!!” Key said grabbing Meghan and squeezing the crap out of her. When he finally released her she asked us who the leader of Shinee was. We told her it was Onew so she turned to him.

“Do you mind if I stay tonight I haven’t stayed over in a while and it’s been a long day?” Onew looked to me for confirmation I mouthed ‘Just say yes, I’ll explain later’ and he nodded. She ran up and hugged him.

“Thank you.” She said.

“That’s ok, did you finally bring your own pyjamas?” he asked.

“Yeah, I figured since I went out with Minho today that I could give you my spare pair to leave here but I got frustrated with your other guests and left before I had the chance.” She said glaring at EXO. As she turned to go to the girls’ guest room she looked back, smiled and spoke in Chinese. “Good night Luhan and Kris. Sweet dreams.” They looked away, embarrassed that she had known exactly what they were saying before.

When Meghan was out of ear shot the others grabbed me and sat me down on the couch

“So what happened?” they asked. I sat up straight and got serious. As I opened my mouth the others leaned in.

“You’ll have to ask Meghan, it’s not my place to say.” I said as they all looked at me.

“Seriously?” Kai asked.

“Yeah, it’s her choice on whether you guys know or not.” I said as I got up. They all groaned as I went to bed. How can she make fun of Luhan and Kris after what she did today? Looking at her face she must have been really close to her family.


Flash back

“Hey! What are you doing?” I asked.

“Having a picnic with my family, sit down.” She said as she opened the food, I sat down and we ate. ”These were mum and dad’s favourite sweets. She said as she pulled out some Japanese pocky. She opened it and held one in front of his face. I made a face but she waved it in my face, so I shrugged it off and leaned forward to take a bite. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

“So, how close were you to your parents?” I asked. Her face grew sad.

“My mom was my everything and my dad as my best friend. I was their miracle. You see when mum was trying to have a baby the doctors told her that her chances of having one was one in a million because of  a few complications. So I was their one in a million. There’s not a day that passes by when I don’t think about them. I used to come here every day after the service. I even started skipping school pretending to be sick. When I went back I didn’t talk to anyone but Alex and Sarah. I used to just come here after school and cry till the keeper would come and tap me on the shoulder and walk me home. She was very nice she would just let me sit there and cry to my heart’s content. Any time someone walked by she’d explain that I just lost both my parents. Usually they’d just nod or say poor thing. Some came up to me and handed me two flowers one for mum and one for dad. I remember hearing someone ask when my parents died. She told them they died three months ago but she comes here every day after school. After a while my auntie got told about it by one of her friends who were attending a service. She told me I needed to stop going and stop crying slowly I stopped coming every day. I now only come on days like Christmas, Halloween, new years, basically all the days families are meant to spend together, mom’s birthday, dad’s birthday, mine and the anniversary of their marriage and of their death.” She explained

End of flash back

                I entered my room and eventually drifted off with the clouds.

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it