Pay attention you missed my birthday!

Dream or Reality?


Taemin POV

As we were running after Meghan we arrived at the park. We were standing under a tree looking around the park to see which way she went when all of a sudden I felt a strong force pushing me to the ground. I closed my eyes as I hit the ground. I could feel something against the corner of my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw Meghan! We quickly jumped up and tried to act as if she didn’t just kiss me on the corner of my mouth, which I regretted because as soon as she pulled away I felt a great loss pulling on my heart. I watched as Meghan took a few steps backwards and bumped into Jonghyun who grabbed her in a bear hug whilst the others were looking up at the tree. I joined them and saw that the first branch was just about an inch or two out of the reach of my fingertips if I stretched my hands above my head. We were all thinking the same thing; how the hell did she get up there?

“Okay so spill the beans. What did that boy mean when he gave you that present?” Key said snapping us all out of our daze. He was standing in front of Jonghyun who was still holding onto Meghan. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but the fall probably knocked out whatever amount of adrenaline she had running through her veins when she somehow managed to climbed the tree above us.

“What’s all about?” Luhan asked. Key quickly explained the events that led up to Meghan running out of the house and into them. We all turned back to Meghan as Key asked her again.

“What did he mean by ‘Happy Birthday’?” Meghan sighed in defeat.

“Fine I’ll tell you but only if Jonghyun lets me go first.” She tried to negotiate with Key. Yeah, that’s not going to work, Key is the last person who will negotiate something like this.

“No, you will tell us and then Jonghyun will let you go.” Key said crossing his arms.

“Fine have it your way.” She sighed. Key smirked at his victory but his smirk was replaced with a look of pure horror as Meghan stood on Jonghyun’s foot, pushed her hips backwards and threw hers arms down making Jonghyun release his grip on her and fall to the ground.  She turned around and pulled him up. “Sorry but I did tell you to let go.” She turned to Key.

“Okay, well here’s the thing. While you guys were in Japan not only did Christmas pass.” She started to explain whilst fiddling, “But my Birthday did too.” She squinted and flinched waiting for Key’s scream.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Key half yelled.

“Well the birthday of person you met this year, doesn’t really deserve to be put up for comparison for something you have been working hard for, for years.” She un-curled from her flinch, “Plus I don’t like it when people fuss over my birthday. So I didn’t want to tell you because knowing you.” She said gesturing to Key, “You would have gone overboard.”

She is right, Key would have gone overboard if he had known I thought to myself.

“Can we go home now, it’s getting cold.” Meghan said rubbing her arms.

Meghan POV

“Can we go home now, it’s getting cold.” I complained as I rubbed my arms up and down.  Why did I not wear my jacket? I mentally cursed myself.

I stiffened as Taemin instinctively wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and pulled me towards him. “T-t-thanks.” Curse my stuttering, why did have to stutter now of all times? I softened up. I really don’t want this moment to end I thought to myself. But all good things have to come to an end.


The next day I woke up early. Key kept trying to shoo me out of the house. I got the hint that no one wanted me around that morning so as I was heading out the door I called the twins.


“Hey Alex it’s me. Key’s just kicked me out of the house; I think he’s mad at me. They all came home yesterday and I ended up having to tell them my birthday had passed. So anyways, do you guy want to do something today?” I explained.

“Oh, today, sorry we can’t. We have a family thing.” Alex said sounding genuinely sorry.

“Ah, that’s ok. I have some things I need to get anyways. Have fun.” I said trying to sound happy.

“Ok, got to go. Bye.” I could literally feel her famous apologetic smile tugging at the ends of her lips as we hung up.

As I got onto my bike and pulled on my helmet, I decided to go to the shops. “I’m going to get myself a birthday present.” I said to myself as I kicked off the ground.

When I arrived at the store, I headed to the pillow section. I chose a very soft body pillow and headed to the cash register. When I reached the bike I started to tie down the body pillow. This is going to be interesting I thought to myself.

As I arrived home, jumping off my bike and taking my helmet off, I began to untie the body pillow from the back of the bike, which somehow made it here in one piece. As I finished untying the body pillow, from the corner of my eye, I saw Key; as he dashed away from the window I saw the lights flick off. Crap, they’re throwing me a surprise party I thought. Well I guess I’ll surprise them too. As I was heading towards the house I thought of a little ‘play’ that I could act out…


Dear Readers, Commenters, Subscribers,

Before you diss boday pillows you should know that they are atually really comfortable. I decided to finish the chapter as I was waiting for my pore strip to dry. It was my first time using one and now my eyes are watering and my nose is stiff, after pulling it off, I don't think it actually did anything :(

Can you gues what little trick Meghan is going to play on them. I already have and Idea and you might be a little shocked by it but please don't unsubscribe it takes away my will to write :( Hehehe guilt trip for you and Shinee :)

And just so you all know  it it 1:33......... am over here.

Comments are always:

1) Enjoyed

2) Replied to

3) Make me want to continue the story

Happy Reading

- SakuraLove :3

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it