Kidnapped for a day with Onew

Dream or Reality?


Meghan POV

I left another note as I headed for school. When I met up with Alex and Sarah I told them what happened yesterday.  They thought it was cute and went awe whilst patting my head. The bell rang.

 “Let’s head to class, shall we?” I said linking their arms in my and walking through the front gate. We split for classes and I headed off towards my first class.

Throughout the day a lot of things ran through my mind. It’s Wednesday so it’s my day off from work but I’ll go to the studio and practise my violin and maybe dancing and I’ll do some more study when I get home.

As the bell went for lunch I asked Alex and Sarah if we could go to the hill. They nodded. The hill is rings true to its name. At the top the ground is flat and has the softest grass. As we lay down and looked up at the sky we put on our headphones and listened to our iPods’ I heard the song ‘Love Song’ by Kim Greem, this was mom’s favourite song, play and closed my eyes.

The next day I auditioned for SM Entertainment. They signed me right away. I recorded a few songs and filmed a few music videos. I was at the top of every chart in Korea and around the world. They sent me off on a world tour. Performing every night, crowds cheering, fans crying for joy at meeting me, their idol, I did signings and at the end of each one my hand was sore. I did radio and TV interviews.

I felt a sharp pain in my side.

“Meghan, wake up it’s time for class.” Alex and Sarah were saying over and over again poking me. They both knew how much poking hurt me. It took me a while to get up and separate my dream from reality.

At the end of my last class I sighed, pack my bag, strapped it onto the back of my bike and headed for the studio. I went into the change room, pulled my hair back and got my violin out. I put my iPod on the docking station and put on Lindsey Sterling’s song Crystallize without her violin. So basically jus the hip hop beats and started to play. I had already memorised parts of the dance in the music video and added in a bit of my own. I heard Taemin come in as I was playing but I just kept going.

When I finished I heard Taemin clapping. I put away my violin. When I came back he followed me outside and got on the bike neither one of us said a thing as we put on our helmet’s. I revved the bike and felt Taemin grab hold of me. I felt his heart beat and it sent mine racing. I kicked off the ground and rode to his house.

Onew greeted us in the drive way and pulled me off my bike into the house and up to the salon room. He got Key to do my hair and makeup. As I finished changing, I barely had time to think as Onew grabbed me again back to my bike. He put on mum’s helmet and told we were going to KFC. He sat on the back and held onto my waist giving me a squeeze before we left. My heart skipped a bit when he hugged me.

When we arrived we took off our helmets and Onew asked if he could hold mine and I could hold mum’s I nodded as we traded. He ordered a bucket of chicken and I ordered chips and a drink. When we finish we headed out to the bike and traded helmets again so that he put on mum’s helmet.

When we got back I decided that tonight I wouldn’t sleep over and headed home as it wasn’t too dark yet. As I said goodbye to Onew he grabbed me and lifted me up. When he put me down he held my arms and pulled back. *sigh*

“Thank you for putting up with my chicken eating” he said

“No problem” I replied smiling

“SOOOO CUUUTTTEEE!!!” he squealed as he pulled me in for another hug.

“Ok maybe I should stay over I’m now officially too tired to ride.” I said panting. Onew’s face lit up and he threw me over his shoulder and carried me up stairs to the guest room. As he put me down he ran into his room and grabbed a shirt of his and brought it back and handed it to me. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead like key only softer and said goodnight. As he was walking away I stared at his back and dreamed about … WHERE THE HELL THAT BOY GETS ALL HIS ENERGY FROM, I MEAN HE’S WORSE THAN TAEMIN!!! I thought as I widened and rolled my eyes. I turned into the room and closed the door; I changed into his shirt and went straight to the clouds.


Onew POV

As I saw Meghan pull into the driveway I felt a little nervous. Would she mind going to KFC and I don’t think I’ve ever been on a motor bike, I wonder if it’s really scary. When I got down to the garage Meghan took off her helmet and I grabbed her arm pulling her to the hair and makeup, salon styled room. I had asked Key before if he would do her hair and makeup, she grabbed some clothes and went to go get changed. When she came out she pulled her shirt down over her skirt. She was wearing a monochrome short skirt and a soft pinkie-purple shirt. She pulled on her motor bike jacket which made her look really cool. My heart skipped as I grabbed her hand and dragged her back to the bike. I put on the pink helmet with hand painted flowers on and told her I wanted to go to KFC. She smiled as she hopped on the front. I held onto her waist making my heart race as I gave her a squeeze. She kicked off the ground and leaned to the inside of the turn and drove down the street.

 When we arrived we took off our helmets I asked her if we could switch. I knew people here and they would make fun of me if they saw me with a pink helmet. She nodded as she handed hers to me. I went up to the counter and ordered a bucket of chicken. Meghan just ordered Chips and a drink. Once finished we went out to her bike and switched the helmets again.

When we got back Meghan told me she wasn’t going to stay tonight. I pouted. As she said goodbye to me I grabbed her and lifted her up. When I finally put her down I held her upper arms and leaned back *sigh*

 “Thank you for putting up with my chicken eating” I said

“No problem,” She replied smiling

“SOOOO CUUUTTTEEE!!!” I squealed as I pulled her in for another hug.

“Ok maybe I should stay over I’m now officially too tired to ride.” She said panting. I grinned and threw her over my shoulder and carried her up stairs to the girls’ guest room. As I put her down I ran towards my room grabbed a t-shirt out of my closet and brought it back and handed it to Meghan. I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight. As I walked to bed I saw the others standing before me. *Sigh* I told them what we did and headed straight to bed after being yelled at by Key saying I shouldn’t be eating meat in front of a vegetarian.

I headed to my room, jumped on my bed and joined the rest of the world that was covered in darkness amongst the clouds.

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it