Darling, You Are The Only Exception~~

Dream or Reality?


As I walked up to the door I was clutching the body pillow. Time to put my non-existing acting skills to work I thought, my heart pounding in my head as I walked towards the door.

“No! I told you, I can’t do this anymore. Leave me alone.” I started screaming my back facing the door hoping Key wouldn’t look out the window to see why I was yelling, to find me yelling at the air. Thank Gosh no one is around to hear this but them.

“No you told me you wouldn’t. I hate you so much! I never want to see you again. WE ARE OVER!” I began to fake cry. “No don’t say anything I don’t want to hear your voice. You know perfectly well that I am petrified of surprises.” I screamed stressing the word ‘petrified’ “I never want to see your face again. Walk home for all I care, I hate you!” I ran towards the door, and opened it slamming it shut behind me; I slammed my back on the door and slid down, bringing my knees to my face. I began to fake cry in the darkness. After a few minutes I stifled my fake tears.

“At least the guys would never do anything like that to me. I can always count on them to be sensitive to my fears.” I mumbled to myself but loud enough for them to hear. I knew they were listening in because from the corner of my eye I could see them watching me with worried eyes contemplating whether they should go up to me or not. “I hate surprises!” I said out loud through sobs. I got up and ran towards the stairs. As I was fake crying uncontrollably I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. I jumped on my bed grabbing the body pillow I bought and continued fake crying.

After a while I decided to put my ‘surprise’ into further action. I my desk light and drew the curtains closed. After I placed my desk chair in the centre I turned off my light so that the desk lamp was the major source of light. I turned off the lamp light and sat on my desk chair in the centre of the room and I crossed my legs and waited.

I wasn’t long after I had settled into position that I saw the lights from the lounge room turning on, emitting a soft glow to spill threw the crack under my door. I heard the shuffling of multiple feet coming upstairs. As they opened my door and walked they said a few mumbled words and all I could make out was the word ‘Lights’. Someone flipped on the light switch. They all screamed as they saw me staring at them in the centre of the room; staring back at them.


Taemin POV

When I heard Meghan screaming out someone outside I felt so many mixed emotions that I thought my heart was going to explode. I was angry at who ever had made her sad, confused when she mentioned their relationship, jealous of who ever this person was, mad that she didn’t tell me, upset when I saw her crying and finally heartbroken that she had chosen someone else, even though she had just broken up with them.

No one dared to move as she ran upstairs crying. I felt like running after her. But my body refused to move, ignoring the commands from my brain. Key was the first to move; turning on the lights. As he did we all started to get up. Eyes were darting around the room as everyone was exchanging the same questions without asking.





Who was Meghan yelling at?






She hates surprises and we were about to throw her a surprise party!






Would she have hated us like whoever she was yelling at if we had gone through with it?






What should we do?






Do we go and check on her?






Is she still crying?






Did she know we were there watching her cry?






Did she know we were there listening to her yelling at the other person?






We all stayed quiet until Key suggested we should go and check on her. We were whispering who should go up to her and in the end we all did. As we entered her room we saw that the lights were off. As everyone tried to peer in and see if she was ok someone the lights revealing a Meghan sitting in a chair with their legs crossed and death starring us.

“Yah!” Key screamed besides me, life flickered in Meghan’s eyes as she looked at him. “What the heck you scared us half to death!” she didn’t answer.

I couldn’t stop myself before I blabbed out, “You had a boyfriend?” everyone looked at me, Key smirked despite the rage he was in from Meghan scaring us.

“No.” was all she said.

“But we heard you yelling, saying that you broke up with him just now outside of the front of the house.” We all turned to Sehun who obviously didn’t realise what he just said because he didn’t look fazed by our stares.

“How about we go to the lounge room where my surprise party is and then I’ll tell you.” She smirked as she got up from the chair and pushed past us all own the stairs and to the lounge. We followed her down with confused expressions plastering our faces.

“How did you know about the surprise party?” Jonghyun asked. Meghan looked around at the lounge, eyeing the decorations and sat down on the lounge.

“I saw Key looking through the window to see when I was coming. The lights turned off and I heard whispering. Then I remembered how Key pushed me out the door, very eagerly in fact, this morning. Alex and Sarah didn’t want to hang out with me. So I pieced it together and came up with a surprise party.” She explained.

I hit Key over the back of the head. He glared at me for a moment but then realised that it was sort of his fault Meghan found out. We all sat down on the couches.

“So what about your boyfriend, the one that you were yelling at outside?” Kris asked.

“Doesn’t exist, I pretended that I was yelling at someone who I pretended was my boyfriend. In order to get back at you for the surprise party when I told you I don’t like people to fuss over my birthday. But you didn’t listen and did all this.” She said gesturing to the Birthday banner, balloons and presents stacked and wrapped in the corner.

“So you don’t have a boyfriend?” Key asked, “And no one hurt you?” he added in his ‘Over-protective Umma’ voice.

“No, I do not have a boyfriend, and as proof I can tell you I have never had one, and no one hurt me Umma.” She smiled.

“Wait you’ve never had a boyfriend!” Luhan said disbelievingly.

“Nope, when I was 15 I was still living in Australia I met this girl who had graduated the year before. She told me that I shouldn’t have a boyfriend whilst I’m in school. I have stuck to her advice to this day. Because when you think about it, boyfriends are a distraction, and I need to focus on my studies.” When I heard her say that my heart was happy because Meghan didn’t have a boyfriend. But my heart also sank when she said that she doesn’t want one till she gets out of high school.

“Anyways, enough about that, the real question is; what kind of cake did you get me?” she asked bounding in her seat like a five year old on Christmas day. Her big smile made my heart melt. One more year of school and then I’ll confess. If I confess now she’ll say that she doesn’t want a boyfriend until she finishes high school. I think I can wait a year I thought as I smiled back at her.

“It’s your favourite.” Alex said.

“Cheese cake!” Onew said smiling.


Meghan POV

As we were eating the cake I remembered how I said I don’t want a boyfriend until I get out of high school. Well there is one person who is an exception to that I thought. I smiled to myself and looked over to Taemin who was eating his piece of cake. He looked up and smiled back at me.

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it